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The study of human movement
The physics (mechanics) of motion exhibited or produced by biological systems
Structural kinesiology:
The study of muscle, bones & joints involved in the science of movement
Made of 2 components:
Made of 2 components:
Bones & muscles
Bones/ Skeleton:
206 bones in body serve as a system of levers & make up the human skeleton
Hugely important structure
5 major functions
5 major functions of skeletal system:
Protection for vital soft tissue
*Including heart, lungs, & brain
Support to maintain posture
Site of mineral storage
*Specifically calcium & phosphorus
Site of hemopoiesis
*Involving blood cell formation in red bone marrow
*Serve as points of attachment (or…
Can divide skeletal system into 2 planes:
Axial and Appendicular
*80 bones inc: skull, sternum, ribs, spinal column, & coccyx
*Divide right down the middle
*Gives body front & back
*126 bones inc: all bones of upper & lower extremities, including clavicle & pelvis
*Divides right across midline
*Gives body upper/ lower extremities
Serve as leavers
Ex. Fibia, fibula, femur, radius, ulna, humerus
Short Bones
Provide shock absorption
Ex. Carpals & tarsals
Flat bone
Provide protection
Ex. Ribs, sternum, clavicle, scapula
Irregular bones
Variety of purposes
Ex. Bones throughout spine
Sesamoid bones
Provide protection & improve the mechanical advantage of musculotendinous units
Ex. Patella
Location at which two or more bones connect
Articulation of two or more bones allowing various types of movement
Extent & type of movement determine the name applied to the joint including:
Immobile joints/ minimal movement
Ex. Cranial bones & socket of teeth
Slightly moveable
Ex. Pubis symphysis, intervertebral disks, & ribs @ sternum
Diarthrodial (aka. Synovial, remember it is a fluid)
Freely moveable
Ex. knees, shoulder, elbows, wrist, ankle
Joint capsule:
Surrounds the bony ends forming the joints
Lined w/ synovial capsule
Joint cavity:
Area inside the joint capsule
Lubricated w/ synovial fluid
Connect bone to bone
Provides additional support to joint
Hyaline cartilage:
Covers articular surfaces on ends of bones inside joint cavity
Aids in protection from wear
Can identify muscles by many different methods:
Direction of fibers
Position w/ each other
Position w/ in body
Site of origin
# of muscles in group
Where attach
Skeletal muscles may play many roles in contraction process:
Agonist muscles
Primary movers or muscles most involved
Cause joint motion through a specified plane of motion when contracting concentrically
Some agonist muscles, because of their relative location, size, length, or force generation capacity, are able to contribute significantly more to the joint…
Antagonist muscles
Located on opposite site of joint from agonist
Have the opposite concentric action as the agonist
Work in cooperation with agonist muscles by relaxing & allowing movement
When contracting concentrically perform the opposite joint motion of agonist
Ex. Quadriceps muscles are an…
Synergist (assister) muscles
Assist in action of agonists
Not necessarily prime movers for the action
Known as guiding muscles
Assist in refined movement & rule out undesired movement
Surround joint or body part
Contract to fixate or stabilize the area to enable another limb or body segment to exert force & mover
Essential in establishing a relatively firm base for the more distal joints to work from when carrying out
Main stabilizer is our core
Ex. Biceps …
Muscle contraction produces force that causes joint movement,
call these joint or muscle actions
Actions responsible for movement of body and all of its joints
Lateral movement away from the middle in frontal pane
Ex: at shoulder, raise arm away from hip
Lateral movement towards midline in frontal plane
Ex: at shoulder, lower arm back to hip
Decreasing angel of joint by bringing bones together
Ex: w/ arm straight, bend at elbow
Usually in sagittal plane
Inversion & Supination:
Inviting ppl into your arch
Turning sole of foot inward in frontal plane
Standing with weight on outer edge of foot
AKA: adduction
Eversion & Pronation:
Ppl existing your arch
Turing sole of foot outward in frontal plane
Standing with weight on inner edge of foot
AKA: abduction
Dorsi flexion:
Foot movement in which toe moves towards body in sagittal plane
Ex: bringing toes up
Plantar flexion:
Foot movement in which toe moves away from body sagittal plane
Ex: pointing toes
Internally rotating around the radius
Ex: start palm up and twist at wrist ending w/ palm down
Occurs in transverse plane
Externally rotating around the radius
Ex: start palm down & twist at wrist ending
Horizontal flexion/ adduction
Movement of humerus/ femur *in the horizontal plane* towards midline of body
Horizontal extension/ abduction
Movement of the humerus/ femur *in horizontal plane* away from midline of body
Internal rotation
Rotary movement around axis of bone towards midline
Occurs in transverse plane
External rotation
Rotary movement around axis of bone away from midline
Occurs in transverse plane
Rotation upward
Movement of scapula in frontal plane in which movement is lateral & upward
Rotation downward
Movement of scapula in frontal plane in which movement is medial & downward
Superior movement of shoulder girdle in frontal plane
Inferior movement of shoulder girdle in frontal plane
Backward movement of the shoulder girdle in horizontal plane towards the spine
AKA: Adduction
Forward movement of the shoulder girdle in horizontal plane away from the spine
AKA: Abduction
Muscle or joint actions:
Used to cause, control, or prevent (isometric) joint movement
All muscle/ joint actions are
either isotonic or isometric
muscle actions can:
Initiate or accelerate movement of a body segment
Slow down or decelerate movement of a body segment
Prevent movement of a body segment by external forces
Isometric contraction (muscle action)
Active tension is developed within muscle but joint angles remain constant
Static contractions that prevent motion
Significant amount of tension may be developed in muscle to maintain joint angle in relatively static or stable position
May be used to prevent a body segment from b…
Isotonic contractions (muscle action)
Involve muscle developing active tension to either cause or control joint movement
Dynamic contractions
The varying degrees of tension in muscles result in joint angles changing
Isotonic contractions are either concentric or eccentric on basis of whether shortening or lengthening…
a type of dynamic exercise using concentric or eccentric muscle contractions
Speed (or velocity) of movement is constant
Muscular contraction (ideally maximum contraction) occurs throughout movement
Not another type of contraction, as some have described
Ex. Biodex, cybx, lido
Trapezius: Origin:
Upper fibers: base of skull, occipital protuberance, and posterior ligaments of neckMiddle fibers: spinous process of seventh cervical and upper 3 thoracic vertebrae Lower fibers: spinous process of fourth through 12 thoracic vertebrae
Trapezius: insertion:
Upper fibers: posterior aspect of the lateral third of the clavicleMiddle fibers: medial border of the acromion process and upper border of the scapular spineLower fibers: triangular space at the base of the scapular spine
Trapezius: action:
Upper fibers: elevation of the scapula, upward rotation, and extension and rotation of the head and neck Middle fibers: elevation, upward rotation, and adduction (retraction) of the scapulaLower fibers: depression, adduction (retraction), and upward rotation of the scapula
Levator scapulae: origin
transverse process of the upper four cervical vertebrae
Levator scapulae: insertion:
medial border of the scapula from the superior angle to the scapular spine
Levator scapulae: action:
elevates the medial margin of the scapula
Major and Minor rhomboid: origin:
spinous process of the 7th cervical and first 5 thoracic vertebrae
Major and Minor rhomboid: insertion:
medial border of the scapula, below the spine of the scapula
Major and Minor rhomboid: action:
The rhomboid major and minor muscles work together adduction (retraction): draw the scapula toward the spinal column downward rotation: from the upward rotated position; draw the scapula into downward rotation Elevation: slight upward movement accompanying adduction
Serratus anterior: origin:
surface of the upper nine ribs at the side of the chest
Serratus anterior: insertion:
anterior aspect of the whole length of the medial border of the scapula
Serratus anterior: action:
abduction (protraction): draws the medial border of the scapula away from the vertebrae
Pectoralis minor: origin:
anterior surfaces of the third to the fifth ribs
Pectoralis minor: insertion:
coracoid process of the scapula
Pectoralis minor: action:
abduction (protraction): draws the scapula forward and tends to tilt the lower border away from the ribs downward rotation: as it is abducts, it draws the scapula downwarddepression: when the scapula is rotated upward, it assists in depression
Deltoid: origin:
anterior fibers: anterior lateral third of the clavicle middle fibers: lateral aspect of the acromion posterior fibers: inferior edge of the spine of the scapula
Deltoid: Insertion:
deltoid tuberosity on the lateral humerus
Deltoid: action:
anterior fibers: abduction, flexion, horizontal adduction, and internal rotation of the glenohumeral jointmiddle fibers: abduction of the glenohumeral joint posterior fibers: abduction, extension, horizontal abduction, and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint
Pectoralis major: origin:
upper fibers (clavicular head): medial half of the anterior surface of the clavicle lower fibers (sternal head): anterior surface of the costal cartilages of the first six ribs, and adjacent portion of the sternum
pectoralis major: insertion:
flat tendon 2 or 3 inches wide to the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
pectoralis major: action:
upper fibers (clavicular head): internal rotation, horizontal adduction, flexion up to about 60 degrees, abduction (once the arm is abducted 90 degrees, the upper fibers assist in further abduction), and adduction (with the arm below 90 degrees of abduction) of the glenohumeral jointlower…
latissimus dorsi: origin:
posterior crest of the ilium, back if the sacrum and spinous processes of the lumbar and lower six thoracic vertebrae; slips from the lower 3 ribs
latissimus dorsi: insertion:
medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus, just anterior to the insertion of the teres major
latissimus dorsi: action:
adduction of the glenohumeral joint extension of the glenohumeral joint internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint
During lat pull down the scapula stabilizers are:
levator scapulae & traps
Because the shoulder joint has such a wide range of motion in so many different planes, it also has a significant amount of laxity, which often results in instability problems such as rotator
cuff impingement, subluxations, and dislocations. The price of mobility is reduced stability. The concept that the more mobile a joint is , the less stable it is and that the more stable it is, the less mobile it applies generally throughout the body, but particularly in the shoulder join…
Teres major: origin:
posteriorly on the inferior third of the lateral border of the scapula and just superior to the inferior angle
Teres major: insertion:
medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus just posterior to the insertion of the latissimus dorsi
Teres major: action:
extension of the glenohumeral joint, particularly from the flexed position to the posteriorly extended position internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint adduction of the glenohumeral joint, particularly from the abducted position down to the side and toward the midline of the body
Teres major is "lats
little helper"
Teres major does not help w/
rotator cuff muscles, teres minor does
Rotator cuffs must posses not only adequate strength but also a significant amount of muscular endurance
to ensure their proper functioning, particularly in repetitious overhead activities such as throwing, swimming, and pitching.
Subscapularis: origin:
entire anterior surface of the subscapular fossa
Subscapularis: insertion:
lesser tubercle of the humerus
Subscapularis: action:
internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint adduction of the glenohumeral joint extension of the glenohumeral joint stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
The subscapularis is relatively hidden behind the rib cage in its location
on the anterior aspect of the scapula in the subscapular fossa.
Suprasinatus: Origin:
medial two-thirds of the supraspious fossa
Supraspinatus: insertion:
superiorly on the greater tubercle of the humerus
Supraspinatus: action:
abduction of the glenohumeral jointstabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Teres minor: origin:
Posteriorly on the upper and middle aspect of the lateral border of the scapula
Teres minor: insertion:
Posteriorly on the greater tubercle of the humerus
Teres minor: action:
External rotation of the glenohumeral joint
Horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint
Extension of the glenohumeral joint
Stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
The elbow joint is intimately associated with the radioulnar joint in that both bones
of the radioulnar joint, the radius and ulna, share an articulation with the humerus to form the elbow joint
Biceps brachii: origin:
Long head: supraglenoid tubercle above the superior lip of the glenoid fossa
Short head: coracoid process of the scapula and upper lip of the glenoid fossa in conjunction with the proximal attachment of the coracobrachialis
Biceps brachii: insertion:
Tuberosity of the radius and bicipital aponeurosis (lacertus fibrosis)
Biceps brachii: action:
Flexion of the elbow
Supination of the forearm
Weak flexion of the shoulder joint
Weak abduction of the shoulder joint when the shoulder joint is in external rotation
The biceps tendon is palpated just anteromedial to
the elbow joint during supination and flexion
Brachialis: origin:
distal half of the anterior shat of the humerus
Brachialis: insertion:
Coronoid process of the ulna
Brachialis: insertion:
Lateral surface of the distal end of the radius at the styloid process
Brachialis: action:
True flexion of the elbow
Brachialis: action:
Flexion of the elbow
Pronation o the forearm from supinated position to neutral
Supination of the forearm from pronated position to neutral
Brachioradialis: origin:
Distal two-thirds of the lateral condyloid (supracondylar) ridge of the humerus
Triceps brachii: origin:
Distal two-thirds of the lateral condyloid (supracondylar) ridge of the humerus
Triceps brachii: origin:
Long head: infraglenoid tubercle below inferior lip of glenoid fossa of the scapula
Lateral head: upper half of the posterior surface of the humerus
Medial head: distal two-thirds of the posterior surface of the humerus
Triceps brachii: insertion:
Olecranon process of the ulna
Triceps brachii: action:
All heads: extension of the elbow
Long head: extension, adduction, and horizontal abduction of the shoulder joint
Open kinetic chain- the distal end of the extremity
is not fixed to a relatively stable surface
The distal end of the extremity is fixed the extremity represents
a closed kinetic chain
Intentional variance in a training program
at regular intervals is known as periodization
SAID (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demand) states that the body will gradually, over time, adapt very specifically to the various stresses and overloads
which it is subjected, is applicable in every form of muscle training, as well as to the other systems of the body
Valsalva maneuver-
can cause strokes
The hip, or acetabular femoral joint, is a relatively stable joint due to its boy architecture, string ligaments, and large, supportive muscles. It functions in
weight bearing and locomotion, which is enhanced significantly by the hip’s wide range of motion, which provides the ability to run, cross-over cut, side-step cut, jump, and make many other directional changes.
Expect for the glenohumeral joint, the hip is one of the most mobile joints of the body, largely because of its multiaxial arrangement. Unlike the
glenohumeral, the hip joints bony architecture provides a great deal of stability, resulting in relatively few hip joint subluxations and dislocations.
The sciatic nerve supplies sensation to the anterolateral and
posterolateral lower leg as well as to most of the dorsal and plantar aspects of the foot
Iliopsoas: origin:
Iliacus: inner surface of the ilium
Psoas major and minor: lower borders of the transverse processes, sides of the bodies of the last thoracic vertebra, lumbar vertebrae, intervertebral fibrocartilages, and base of the sacrum
Iliopsoas: insertion:
Iliacus and psoas major: lesser trochanter of the femur and the shaft just below
Psoas minor:
Pectineal line (of pubis) and iliopectineal eminence
Iliopsoas: action:
Flexion of the hip
Anterior pelvic rotation
External rotation of the hip
Transverse pelvis rotation contralaterally when ipsilateral femur is stabilized
Flexion of lumbar spine (psoas major and minor)
Lateral flexion of lumbar spine (psoas major and minor)
Lateral pelvic…
Rectus femoris: origin:
Anterior inferior iliac spine of the ilium and groove (posterior) above the acetabulum
Rectus femoris: origin:
Anterior inferior iliac spine of the ilium and superior margin of the acetabulum
Rectus femoris: insertion:
Superior aspect of the patella and patellar tendon to the tibial tuberosity
Rectus femoris: action:
Flexion of the hip
Extension of the knee
Anterior pelvic rotation
Sartorius: origin:
Anterior superior iliac spine and notch just below the spine
Sartorius: insertion:
Anterior medial surface of the tibia just below the condyle
Sartorius: action:
Flexion of the hip
Flexion of the knee
External rotation of the thigh as it flexes the hip and knee
Abduction pf the hip
Anterior pelvic rotation
Sartorius is the longest
muscle in the body
Pectineus: origin:
Space 1–inch wide on the front of the pubis just above the crest (pectineal line)
Pectineus: insertion:
Rough line leading from the lesser trochanter down to the linea aspera (pectineal line of femur)
Pectineus: action:
Flexion of the hip
Adduction of the hip
External rotation of the hip
Anterior pelvic rotation
Semitendinosus: origin:
Ischial tuberosity
Semitendinosus: insertion:
Anterior medial surface of the tibia just below the condyle
Semitendinosus: action:
Flexion of the knee
Extension of the hip
Internal rotation of the hip
Internal rotation of the flexed knee
Posterior pelvic rotation
When there is extension of the hip and flexion of the knee at the same time, both
movements are weak; because of biarticulate insuffiencies
Semitendinosus: By full extension of the hips in this
movement, the knee flexion movement is weakened.
Semimembranosus: origin:
Ischial tuberosity
Semimembranosus: insertion:
Posteromedial surface of the medial tibial condyle
Semimembranosus: action:
Flexion of the knee
Extension of the hip
Internal rotation of the hip
Internal rotation of the flexed knee
Posterior pelvic rotation
Semimembranosus: the muscles are very important in
providing dynamic medial stability to the knee joint