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3 types of muscle:
Smooth muscle *involuntary control Cardiac muscle *involuntary control Skeletal muscle *voluntary control
Skeletal Muscle:
Over 600 responsible for movement of body & all joints
Role of skeletal muscle:
Movement *215 pairs work in cooperation w/ each other to perform opposite joint actions @ joints they cross Provide protection Contribute to posture & support Produce major portion of total body heat Striated muscle tissue Under voluntary control (controlled by the somat…
Skeletal Muscle: structure & function:
In order for a muscle to attach to a bone (at origination & insertion points), must have tendons Tendons don’t have a lot of blood; muscles & bones have a rich amount of blood
Flexible but inelastic cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue; they will tear Attaches muscle to bone Come from all 3 mysium which from skeletal muscle fusing together
Skeletal muscle composed of 3 types of mysium:
Epimysium *outside Perimysium *middle Endomysium *inside
Surrounds entire muscle & holds it together Outermost layer
Surrounds group of muscle fibers (aka: fasciculi) “Middle layer”
Surrounds individual muscle fibers Inner most layer
Endomysium surrounds:
Sarcolemma *Cell or plasma membrane Sarcoplasm *Fluid inside cell or cytoplasm Muscle cell *In scarcoplasm are muscle fibers, called myofibers
Myofibers made up
of myofibrils; Myofibrils composed of chain of scaromeres
The smallest functional unit of a muscle The basic functional unit of a myofibril
Within each myofibril there are 2 types of small protein filaments that are responsible for muscle action:
Myosin filament and actin filament
Myosin and actin are the two proteins,
within the sarcomere, that actually cause the muscle action
One of the proteins that forms filaments that produce muscle action
A thin protein filament that acts w/ myosin filaments to produce muscle action
Myosin & Actin are:
Contractile proteins that make up muscle fiber, called myofibril
The contractile element of skeletal muscle Cause muscle contraction
Within myofibril, muscle contraction happens btwn: Two muscle fibers:
actin & myosin
Myosin filament:
Thick filament Contains myosin heads which protrude from the myosin filament Myosin heads form cross-bridges *cross-bridges: interact during muscle actin w/ specialized active sites on actin filaments
Actin filament is
a thin filament
Actin filament Made up of the following:
Actin mol. Troponin Tropomysin
together, troponin and tropomysin prevent binding of actin
with myosin during resting stage of sliding filament theory
Muscle contraction:
The use of actin and myosin during muscle contractions is best described by the sliding filament theory
Sliding filament theory:
Cycle of repetitive events that cause the thin, actin filament to slide over the thick, myosin filament to generate tension in the muscle Initiated by an action potential 5 distinct stages The complex series of events in muscle contraction are set in motion by an electrical motor-nerve…
5 stages of sliding filament theory:
Rest Excitation-coupling Contraction Recharging Relaxation
Sliding filament theory: Rest:
Myosin cross bridge has ATP @ tip *ATP bids to myosin & is hydrolyzed by ATPase into ADP & phosphate *Energy released by this process activates myosin head & cocks it into high-energy, extended position Myosin cross bridge is not attached *Tropomyosin & troponin are blocking a…
Sliding filament theory: Excitation-coupling:
Action potential Calcium ions flood in & attaches to troponin actin mol. *Unlocks binding site on actin *Results in excitation -The thin actin filament shifts & changes shape in anticipation of myosin attachment Myosin heads bind to newly exposed active site on thin, …
Sliding filament theory: Contraction:
Myosin releases the ADP & phosphate & returns to low energy position As release ATP, myosin pulls thin, actin filament dragged to new location = results in Power Stroke *Myosin cross-bridge changes shape
Sliding filament theory: Recharging:
A new ATP mol. Is put back on the tip of the myosin cross-bridge *If this does not happen, the myosin will not let go of the actin (possible cause of muscle cramping) Myosin detaches from actin *If actin binding sites are still available, myosin can bind again with actin
Sliding filament theory: Relaxation:
When action potentials stop arriving Calcium release stops & calcium floods away *Due to motor nerve impulse Binding sites on actin closed; myosin can no longer achieve strong binding state with actin Crossbridge is prevented Relaxation of muscle is achieved passively
Action potential:
Stimulates the opening of calcium channels This opening allows for inflow/ outflow of calcium which play a hugely important role in muscle contraction
Factors affecting muscle tension development: Action potential:
An electrical signal from brain & spinal cord which travels to muscle by way of efferent (motor) nerves signaling the particular motor unit(s) to contract Initiates the excitation-coupling of myosin & actin during sliding filament theory *Stimulating the voltage-gated calcium channe…
Varying levels of strength of action potential:
Subthreshold Stimulus: not strong enough to produce action potential in one motor unit Threshold stimulus: strong enough to produce action potential in one motor unit Submaximal stimulus: strong enough to produce action potentials in additional motor units Maximal stimulus: stron…
Factors affecting muscle tension development:
Arrival of single action potential produces a weak, very brief action of fiber, called a twitch One twitch is not very useful for most activities, because contraction is weak
Producing strong contraction can be accomplished two ways:
Increase the number of fibers contracting Increasing frequency of motor unit activation within a single fiber Sending multiple action potentials to muscle fiber Greater contraction forces can be generated by increasing frequency of motor unit activation
Frequency of motor unit activation of single fiber follows these steps:
Latent period No change in muscle fiber length Contraction phase Muscle fiber begins to shorten Relaxation phase Muscle fiber begins to lengthen back Summation Occurs when successive stimuli are provided before the relaxation phase of the first twitch is complete S…
Occurs if the stimuli are provided at a frequency high enough that no relaxation of the muscle fiber can occur between contractions
Occurs when multiple maximal stimuli are provided at a low enough frequency to allow complete relaxation between contractions to rested muscle *Slightly greater tension is produced by the 2nd stimulus than with the 1st *3rd stimulus produces even greater tension than the 2nd
Nervous signals 2 Types:
Afferent (away from the muscle to the brain) Efferent (away from the brain to the muscle)
Afferent (sensory) nerves:
From muscle to brain Sends information from muscles to CNS
Efferent (motor) nerves:
From brain/ spinal cord to muscle Tell muscles to contract 8
Somatic Motor Neuron:
Nerve cell that processes and transmits information from CNS to muscle Composed of: Dendrite Cell body Axon – w/ myelin sheath
Fatty substance wrapped around axon Speeds up rate of conduction of neurons Prevents signal decay
Motor Neuron:
Nerve cells that processes and transmits information to directly or indirectly control muscle, including skeletal muscle Signaled motor neuron may innervate (communicate with) one or many muscle fibers The motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers which it innervates are collectivel…
Neuromuscular Synapse/ Junction:
Connects the nervous system to the muscular system Located at the end of the motor neuron Allows for the motor nerves to communicate with or innervate muscle fibers
Action Potential/ Efferent Nervous Signal:
The signal that travels down the motor nerve fiber, reaching the terminal button (the end of the motor neuron) at the neuromuscular junction Signals the voltage gated calcium channels to open Calcium is allowed to move from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (where the calcium is stored) in…
Motor unit:
A motor nerve & all that it innervates or communicates with Signals the contraction of muscle fibers if stimulus is adequate for each of the fibers *Action potential To produce more force, the main method I to recruit more fibers to contract; ie recruitment
Motor unit: Recruitment:
increase the number of fibers innervated The main muscular response used to produce greater muscle tension
Recruitment Depends on:
The number of muscle fibers within each activated motor unit The number of motor units activated
All or none principle:
Regardless of number, individual muscle fibers within a given motor unit will either fire and contract maximally or not at all
All muscle fibers w/ in one
motor unit are the same type of muscle fiber
The motor nerve dictates what type of
fiber (SO, FG, FOG) the particular motor unit is
The recruitment of fiber toes usually occurs in a preferential manner according to the size of the motor nerve supplying the fibers:
The smallest fibers are recruited first; have more endurance; slow twitch The largest fibers are recruited last; have less endurance; fast twitch
Fiber composition of motor units:
Can have motor units w/ a lot or a few fibers
Fiber composition of motor units: Very precise:
small motor unit a small # of fibers controlled by one motor unit ex. Motor units that control eye movement
Fiber composition of motor units: Less precise:
Large motor unit A large # of fibers controlled by one motor unit
All muscle contractions/ actions are
caused by muscle fibers
Two types of muscle fibers have been identified:
Slow twitch Fast twitch
Slow twitch:
Build & decrease tension slowly
Only one type of slow twitch:
Slow oxidative (SO)
Fast twitch:
Build & decrease tension quickly
Two types of fast twitch:
Fast glycolytic (FG) Fast oxidative & glycolytic (FOG)
Slow oxidative (SO): Fuel source:
oxidative phosphorylation *Oxidative phosphorylation creates ATP through the electron transport chain; Requires oxygen to create energy
Slow oxidative (SO): Characteristics:
Low strength of contraction Low anaerobic capacity Small in size High capillary density Highly resistant to fatigue Their red because of the capillaries
Slow oxidative (SO): When Used:
Activities that are done over a longer period of time but that don’t require a great deal strength Exs: running a marathon, hiking, walking, swimming long distances
Fast Oxidative & Glycolytic (FOG): Energy source:
Hybrid C/ use energy made fast w/o oxygen (anaerobic pathway) C/ use energy made slowly w/ oxygen (aerobic pathway)
Fast Oxidative & Glycolytic (FOG): Characteristics:
High speed & strength of contraction C/ use energy made aerobically & anaerobically Intermediate sized fibers High capillary fibers Fatigability varies *More fatigable than SO *Not as fatigable as FG
Fast Oxidative & Glycolytic (FOG): When Used:
Depends on energy source
Fast Glycolytic (FG): Fuel source:
Glycolysis *Glycolysis energy pathway w/ 12 steps that gives off a lot of ATP quickly but also runs out quickly; No oxygen required to create energy
Fast Glycolytic (FG): Characteristics:
High speed & strength of contraction High anaerobic capacity Largest of the three types of muscle fibers Low capillary density Low aerobic capacity Most easily fatigable
Fast Glycolytic (FG): when used:
Activities that are forceful & quick Exs: sprints, grabbing kid from in front of bus
Cannot change fiber composition of:
Fast twitch fibers to slow twitch fibers Slow twitch fibers to fast twitch fibers
Can change fiber composition of:
Fast glycolytic fibers into fast oxidative & glycolytic fibers Fast oxidative fibers & glycolytic fibers into glycolytic fibers *Possible b/c all w/ in the fast twitch category *The aerobic capacity & glycogen content of the muscle c/ b improved w/ training *Done through speci…
Neurons tend to recruit smaller fiber
types then larger fiber types *smallest to largest, because they can with stand the duration of the activity a lot better than the fast ones
Producing strong contraction can be accomplished two ways:
Increase the number of fibers contracting Increasing frequency of motor unit activation within single fiber
If summation/ tetanus is reached, the force of muscle contraction of fiber will increase accordingly, because
of increased calcium available and a muscle contraction will occur
when tension is developed in a muscle as a result of a stimulus
Two types of muscle contractions:
Isometric- still contraction Isotonic- moving contraction
Isometric contraction/ action:
Active tension is developed within muscle but joint angles remain constant Static contractions that prevent motion Significant amount of tension may be developed in muscle to maintain joint angle in relatively static or stable position May be used to prevent a body segment from b…
Isotonic contraction/ action:
Involve muscle developing active tension to either cause or control joint movement Dynamic contractions The varying degrees of tension in muscles results in joint angles changing Isotonic contractions are either concentric or eccentric on basis of whether shortening or lengthenin…
Concentric contractions involve muscle developing active tension
as it shortens; Causing motion; when you stretch your arm out
Eccentric contractions involve the muscle
lengthening under active tension; Controlling motion; when you bend your arm
Concentric contraction (muscle action):
Muscle develops active tension as it shortens Occurs when muscle develops enough force to overcome applied resistance Causes movement against gravity or resistance Described as being a positive contraction Accelerates movement
Eccentric contraction (muscle action):
Muscle lengthens under active tension Force developed by the muscle is less than that of the resistance Occurs when muscle gradually lessens in tension to control the descent of resistance with gravity or resistance Described as a negative contraction Decelerates movement
Players during muscle action/ contraction:
Musculotendinous proprioceptors Fiber length Length-tension relationship Elastic components Insufficiencies Force-velocity relationship
Are mechanism by which the body is able to regulate body position & movement by responding to stimuli subconsciously & sending that information back to brain Respond to changes in position & acceleration of body segments
These internal receptors are located:
In the skin In the inner ear In & around the joint, muscles, & tendons
Proprioceptors: Provide feedback relative to the:
The position of the body & limb Movements of the joint
Multiple types of proprioceptors: Two stimulated during muscle actions/ contraction called:
Musculotendinous receptors
Two types of Musculotendinous receptors:
Golgi tendon organs Muscle spindal
Musculotendinous receptors-
Used in muscular control & coordination
Provide feedback relative to the movements of the joint, specifically:
Tension within muscles Length of muscles Rate-of-change in length of muscles Contraction state of muscles
Golgi tendon organs:
Located in the tendons Sensitive to tension development in tendons
Golgi tendon organs: Due primarily to:
Muscle contraction Passive stretch of tendon
Golgi tendon keeps muscle
from excessively contracting by inhibiting the motor nerve (protective effect)
Tension in tendons & GTO increases as muscle contracts, activating GTO:
GTO stretch threshold is reached Impulse sent to CNS CNS sends signal to muscle to relax Facilitates activation of antagonist as a protective mechanism
Golgi tendon organs: Signals:
Afferent signal sent up spinal cord in response to excessive contraction or passive stretch of tendons
Responding efferent signal has two proposes:
Inhibition (relaxation) of the contraction of the associate muscle (agonist) Excitation (contraction) of the opposing muscle, the associated muscles’ antagonist
When Golgi tendon signals fire, the result is
Inhibition/ relation of the agonist (working muscle) Excitation/ contraction of the antagonist (associated muscle)
Musculotendinous receptors: Muscle Spindal:
Located in muscles between the fibers
Musculotendinous receptors: Muscle Spindal: Sensitive to:
Degree of muscle stretch Rate of muscle tension
Musculotendinous receptors: Muscle Spindal: As you stretch a muscle:
Stretch of muscle spindals Causes excites sensory nerves to sends signal up spinal cord CNS sends motor signal to cause a reflexive contraction of the associated muscle (agonist contracts) occurs *Called: Myotatic or stretch reflex
Musculotendinous receptors: Muscle Spindal: Signals:
Afferent signal sent up spinal cord in response to excessive stretch or rapid stretch Efferent sent in response to “stretch” has two purposes *Excitation & contraction of the associated muscle (agonist) *Inhibition & relaxation of the associated muscles’ antagonist; Antagonist pr…
When muscle spindal signals fire, the result is
Contraction of the agonist (working muscle) Inhibition/ relaxation of the antagonist (opposing muscle)
Musculotendinous receptors: Reciprocal Inhibition: Two things can happen when muscle contracts:
Sensory nerve excites agonist & inhibits antagonist Caused by: muscle spindal Sensory nerve excite antagonist & inhibit agonist Caused by: Golgi tendon organs Either one occurring is called: Reciprocal Inhibition
Another factors that affects the contraction of the muscle is the
length of the muscle fiber before it is stimulated
This length before stimulation & subsequent tetanic tension development is called
the length-tension relationship
For each muscle, an optimal length exists for
developing tetanic tension (maximal tension development during the contraction) This optimal length corresponds with maximum overlap of thick myosin filament & thin actin filament
Development of tension optimized when maximal
number of active actin sites are available for attachment of myosin crossbridges
If a sarcomere is stretched beyond its optimal length, force
output steadily declines Decline occurs because thin filaments pulled away from thick filaments, preventing myosin heads from binding to active actin sites
If a sarcomere is not stretched to its optimal length,
force output is virtually zero Lack of force production is due to actin sites being blocked by previously attached myosin heads physically preventing new myosin cross-bridges from binding
the theoretical optimal length of an
intact muscle corresponds to muscles resting length
The elastic force contributed by elastic components
changes this optimal length for optimal force production
The relationship between muscle length & muscle tension, at time muscle is stimulated to contract is as follows:
Shorter muscle= less tension Longer muscle= more tension But if muscle is too long= less tension
If don’t stretch beyond 70-80% of resting length =
ability to develop contractile tension and exert force is essentially reduced to zero
If stretched beyond 120-130% of resting length =
significant decrease in the amount of tension a muscle can develop & amount of force a muscle can exert
Generate greatest amount of tension can be developed
when a muscle is stretched between 120-130% of its resting level
Muscle articulation-biarticulate disadvantage: Active & passive insufficiencies:
Cannot contract (active) the same amount of muscle tension or stretch (passive) with the same amount of flexibility across two joints at the same time No insufficiencies w/ one joint muscle
Muscle articulation-biarticulate disadvantage: Two types:
Active insufficiency Passive insufficiency
Active insufficiency:
Point reached when muscle becomes shortened to point it can no longer generate/ maintain active tension Ex: Hamstring Muscle If shorten/ contract across on joint, ex: Hip Cannot keep shortening (contracting) across other joint: Knee Ie. Muscle can only shorten/ contract so much …
Passive insufficiency
State reached with a muscle becomes stretched to point where it can no longer lengthen & allow movement Ex: Hamstring muscle If lengthen across on joint, ex: Hip Cannot keep lengthening (stretching) across other joint: Knee Ie. Muscle can only lengthen/ stretch so far
Final Player affecting force production during muscle action is: velocity of the contraction Called the Force-Velocity Relationship:
the greater the load against which a muscle must contract, the lower the velocity of that contraction will be
Force-Velocity Relationship: Angle of Pull:
@ 90 degress = 100% of muscle force contributes to movement of the bones Muscle is strongest at 90 degrees Muscle is weaker @ either end of 90 degrees
One of two situations occurs when tension is produced in a muscle:
A segment moves A segment does not move
Two types of tension:
Dynamic tension (isotonic contraction) Static tension (isometric contraction)
Dynamic tension (isotonic contraction)
When the segment moves in the direction or opposite to the direction of applied muscular tension
Dynamic tension (isotonic contraction) Two types:
Concentric tension: Contraction of a muscle during which the muscle shortens & causes movement towards the midline of the body Ex: up movement of push-up for triceps & down movement of push-up for biceps Eccentric tension: Contraction of a muscle during which the muscle length…
Static tension (isometric contraction)
When a muscle produces tension or force against an opposing force or resistance & the segment of muscle does not move
Only one type of static tension: Isometric tension:
Muscular contraction during which no discernible segmental movement is taking place Ie. Muscles develop tension with no visible change in muscle length Ex: plank; wall squats Ex: arm wrestling someone with exactly equal strength
Force-Velocity Relationship:
A muscle c/ adjust the force of its contraction to match the resistance that it experiences during a contraction, at the cost of the speed of the contraction The greater the load against which a muscle must contract, the lower the velocity of that contraction (fig. 11.20 p. 323 in hard…
Concentric (isotonic) contractions:
Slower speed (velocity) of concentric contraction – more force Faster speed (velocity) of concentric contraction – least force Probably due to: High metabolic cost Faster the contraction …
Static (isometric) contraction:
B/c static contraction occurs w/ out muscle movement- velocity is not an issue Static contraction = more force than ANY concentric contraction Ie. Static contraction c/ develop more force than even the slowest concentric contraction Probably due to: Maximal cross bridge intera…
Eccentric (isotonic) contraction:
Slower eccentric contraction- not as much force… Faster eccentric contraction- more force (*up to a certain point where maximal force production reached) Eccentric contractions, no matter the velocity, c/ develop more force than ANY velocity concentric contractions & even more than …
Amount of force generated listed from least to greatest:
Faster concentric contraction Slower concentric contraction Static/ isometric contraction Slower eccentric contraction Faster eccentric contraction
Force-Velocity Relationship: Muscle Power:
Due to force-velocity relationship, get maximum amount of force generation @ 30% of maximal contraction velocity Beyond = 30% of maximal velocity, force production decrease with increasing velocity = slow down amount of the time spent on contraction (velocity of shortening…
Skeletal muscle tissue has four main neuromuscular properties related to its ability to produce force & movement about joints:
Irritability/ excitably Contractility Extensibility Elasticity
Irritability/ excitably:
The sensitivity or responsiveness of a muscle to a stimulus-either chemical, electrical or mechanical Ie. Muscles are considered irritable b/c can receive and respond to a signal Without irritability/ excitability, muscles wouldn’t fire = no movement This function allows for ALL …
The ability of muscle to change shape, contract (become shorter & thicker), and develop tension or internal force against resistance, if & only if, appropriate stimulus (action potential) is provided Ie. Muscles can develop tension Ex: some people can lift enormous amount of weight …
Ability of a muscle to be passively stretched & extended beyond its normal resting length Ie. Can stretch a muscle & all that runs through it Allows for contractility & flexibility
Ability of muscle to return to its original or normal resting length following a stretch Given the chance, once stretched, a muscle will spring back into original position Ex: bubble gum vs. rubber band Allows for flexibility
With these properties, skeletal muscles can exhibit:
Flexibility Strength Endurance Power
Muscle can stretch through a small or large range of motion Dependent on the joint: Ie. Just b/c flexible are hip does not mean flexible at hamstring
The component of muscle force that produces torque at the joint Measured as a function of the collective force-generating capability of a given functional muscle group Ie. Maximal force can produce at one period of time with one muscle or muscle group Measured w/ 1 rep max = one …
Factors that affect strength (4):
Training state of muscle With both concentric & eccentric strength gain in strength over first 12 weeks appears to be related to neuromuscular adaptation, and not increase in cross-sectional area Muscle cross-sectional Relates to tension-generating…
Neuromuscular adaptation: the improved innervation of the trained muscle; includes:
Increased neuronal firing rates Increased excitability Increased levels of motor output from the CNS
The ability of the muscle to exert tension over time The longer the tension is exerted, the greater the endurance Ie. Repeated submaximal force development Measured over time or by the number of reps can do at certain submaximal amount of force Importan…
Factors that affected power:
Muscular strength (force production at muscle) Movement speed (velocity) *Important for anaerobic activities that require explosive movements, such as Olympic weight lifting, throwing, jumping, sprinting Therefore, FT muscle fibers are an asset for individuals trainin…
The rate at which work is performed The product of muscular FORCE & the VELOCITY of muscle shortening
The rate of force or torque production at a joint:
Muscle Power = work or force * velocity = work * velocity
Muscle Power:
force production per unit time How quickly c/ you generate a lot of time Two important factors: Force of contraction Velocity of movement (time)
Peak powers occur at:
Intermediate level of velocity Beyond 30% of maximal velocity, power production decreases & Intermediate level of muscle shortening & tension generation If not stretched beyond 70-80% of resting length, ability to develop contractile tension and exert f…
When training for flexibility, strength, endurance, & power, skeletal muscles can exhibit:
Fatigue Strains Contusions Cramps DOMS *delayed Compartment Syndrome *very uncommon
An exercise-induced reduction in the maximal force capacity over time of muscle The opposite of endurance The more rapidly a muscle fatigues, the less endurance it has
Fatigue may occur in:
The muscle fiber The motor unit itself (inhibiting ability to generate an action potential = no muscle twitch or contraction)
Variety of factors affect rate of fatigue of muscle:
Type & intensity of exercise Specific muscle groups involved in exercise Physical environment in which the activity occurs Muscle fiber type & pattern of motor unit activation
Cause of fatigue:
Inconclusive, but postulations include: Reduction in rate of intracellular calcium release & uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum This is major theory thought to be best explanation Increases in muscle acidity & intracellular potassium levels
Characteristics of fatigue:
Reduction of muscle force production capabilities Reduction of shortening velocity Prolonged relaxation of motor units between recruitment Prolonged twitch duration Prolonged sarcolemma action potential of reduced amplitude
Overstretching of muscle tissue Magnitude of injury related to size of overload & rate of overloading
Severity & symptoms of strain can be:
Mild Minimal structural damage Feelings of tightness or tension in muscle Moderate Partial tear in muscle tissue Symptoms include pain, weakness, loss of function Severe Severe tearing of muscle …
Most frequently strained muscle in human body:
hamstrings cause their not flexible because they are 2 joint
Muscle bruises Caused by: compression forces sustained during impacts Symptoms; hematomas within muscle tissue If it is severe enough it can lead to development of much more serious condition called myositis ossificans, or calcification within the muscle
Include moderate to severe muscle spasms with proportional levels of accompanying pain Causes: Etiology is not well understood Possibly factors include: Electrolyte imbalances Deficiencies in calcium & magnesium Dehydration
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
Occurs after some period of time following unaccustomed exercise Arises 24-72 hours after participating in long or strenuous bout of exercise (hints name Delayed, as it is not immediate) Caused by: Microtearing of muscle tissue Symptoms include: Same kind of histological chang…
Compartment Syndrome:
Hemorrhage or edema within a muscle compartment
Compartment Syndrome: Caused by:
injury or excessive muscular exertion Pressures increase within the compartment causing sever damage to neural & vascular structures within compartments following the absence of pressure release
Compartment Syndrome: Characterized by progressive:
Swelling Discoloration Diminished distal pulse Loss of sensation Loss of motor function

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