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system with ___ gain is more capable of maintaining homeostasis
pulmonary and cardiovascular
systems that have large gains
negative feedback
changes back to original state
postive feedback
output enhances original stimulus
oxytocin during labor blood clotting
examples of positive feedback
coupled reactions
energy given off by the exergonic reaction powers the endergonic reaction
endergonic reaction
standard charge in free energy is positive and energy is absorbed
exergonic reaction
the change in the free energy is negative (there is a net release of free energy),[1] indicating a spontaneous reaction
catalyze lower
enzymes ____ and ____ chemical reactions
enzyme that adds a phosphate group
enzymes that remove hydrogen atoms
enzymes that catalyze oxidation-reductions reactions involving oxygen
rearrangment of the structure of molecules
fat not used as an energy source
ADP + Pi = ATP
synthesis of ATP
ATP = ADP + Pi + Energy
breakdown of ATP
energy investment phase energy generation phase
two phases of glycolysis
2 pyruvate or 2 lactate 2 ATP 2 NADH
Name output of these during glycolysis: 1 glucose 2 ADP 2 NAD
energy investment phase
ATP breaks down, releases phosphate and combines with enzyme which is inactive so now it is activated 2 moles ATP required for each glucose molecule ATP --> ADP + Pi
energy generation phase
steps 6-11, forms four ATP from two ATP, with a net of two ATP. This process is done twice, for each glucose molecule. for one molecule of glucose, you get 4 ATP, 2 NADH, and water. net 2 ATP, NADH
coenzymes that play important roles as H carriers
pyruvate to lactate
pyruvate is reduced to lactate during anaerobic metabolism and NADH is oxidized to NAD+ that can be used in glycolysis
i. generation of acetyl-CoA ii. oxidation of acetyl-CoA in Krebs iii. oxidative phosphorylation → ATP formation in electron transport
stages of krebs cycle
1.Molecules in ETC pump H+ from matrix → intermembrane space ● 2.↑ [H+] in intermembrane space, so large gradient b/t intermembrane space and matrix ● 3.H+ move through ATP synthase to form ATP
three phases of electron transport chain
A coenzyme that cycles easily between oxidized NAD+ and reduced (NADH) states, thus acting as an electron carrier.
hormone released from the pancreas that allows cells to take up glucose
what allows the metabolism do be turned on or off?
Rate limiting enzymes
An enzyme that regulates the rate of a metabolic pathway or the slowest enzyme in the pathway
oxygen consumption, resting = 250mL/min
oxygen deficit
lag in oxygen uptake at the beginning of an exercise
increases rapidly and plateaus
what happens to VO2 during exercise
increases the most following high intensity exercises -aids in post-exercise recovery -may last up to a few hours after exercise has been completed -DOES NOT decrease resting metabolic rate
get body's oxygen levels back to normal
why does EPOC occur?
Lactate threshold
Point during exercise of increasing intensity at which the rate of lactate production exceeds the rate of lactate clearance
low intensity exercise (<30% VO2 max)
when fats are primary fuel
high intensity exercise (>70% max)
carbohydrates are primary fuel
glycogen breakdown during exercise is dependent on _____
blood glucose
Primary source of carbohydrate during low-intensity exercise
Can be used as a fuel source by skeletal muscle and the heart Can be converted to glucose in the liver
Sum of all chemical reactions that occur in the body
Converting foodstuffs (fats, proteins, carbohydrates) into energy
oxidation reduction
_____ and _____ are always coupled reactions
changes in pH ____ enzymes used
2.5 1.5
NADH produces __ ATP FADH produces __ ATP
electron transport chain
results in pumping of H+ ions across inner mitochondrial membrane
beta oxidation
Process of Converting Fatty Acids to Acetyl-CoA
– Receptors that provide CNS with information about body position – Located in joints and muscles
2.25 um
maximal tension
The maximum velocity of shortening is greatest at the ____ force
At any absolute force the speed of movement is greater in muscle with ____ percent of fast-twitch fibers
At any given velocity of movement, the power generated is greater in a muscle with a ____ percent of fast-twitch fibers
The peak power increases with velocity up to movement speed of ___-___degrees•second–1
at this point, muscle fiber reaches peak tension development
– Pressure in ventricles is low – Filling with blood from atria
– Pressure in ventricles rises – Blood ejected in pulmonary and systemic circulation
Q x total peripheral resistance
blood pressure equation
cardiac output equation Total v of blood pumped every min.
MAP = cardiac output x total vascular resistance
formula for mean arterial pressure
cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute
heart rate and stroke volume
what influences cardiac output?
via vagus nerve
sympathetic activity
via cardiac nerves
0.3; 0.5 seconds 0.2; 0.13 seconds
cardiac at rest and during exercise; systole and diastole
(1) end-diastolic volume, (2) aortic blood pressure, and (3) the strength of ventricular contraction.
Stroke volume is regulated by:
(1)venoconstriction, (2) the muscle pump, and (3) the respiratory pump.
Venous return increases during exercise due to:
Greater EDV results in a more forceful contraction
Frank-Starling mechanism
respiratory pump
Changes in thoracic pressure pull blood toward heart
skeletal muscle pump
Rhythmic skeletal muscle contractions force blood in the extremities toward the heart
average aortic blood pressure
Pressure the heart must pump against to eject blood (“afterload”)
blood flow=
length × viscosity radius4
resistance =
Q x (a-v)O2
VO2 =
ubiquitous vasoconstriction
vasoconstriction everywhere
heart rate blood pressure
At the same oxygen uptake, arm work results in higher ___ ___ and ____ ____ than leg work
Central Command Theory
Initial signal to drive cv system adjustment during exercise comes from higher brain centers

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