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6 Maps Essentials
scale, title, direction, location, date, legend
4 Types of Scale
ratio, fractional, graphic, verbal
gives a particular elevation
Topographic Maps
third dimension is shown by the use of contour lines
Planimetric maps
two dimensional
Contour Lines
Isolines that connect points on a map that are at equal elevation above mean sea level
connect places of equal value
Points of equal precipitation
points of equal barometric pressure
points of equal temperature
Discrete Data
a phenomenon located at a particular place (for example: hot springs, tropical rainforests, rivers, tornado paths, or earthquake faults) They are represented on maps by point, area, or line symbols to show their locations and distributions. Regions are discrete areas
Continuous Data
a measurable numerical value for a certain characteristic exists everywhere on earth (for example: everywhere on earth has a measurable elevation)
Thematic Maps
designed to focus attention on the spatial extent and distribution of one feature (examples: climate, vegetation, soils, earthquake epicenters, tornados)
Carrying Contour
where contour lines intersect or merge at a cliff or bridge, points overlap
Congressional Survey System (Township and Range or Public Land Survey System) description
based on lat/long, 3/4 US uses this, based on 6x6mi townships w/ principle meridian and base line, each of which are further subdivided into 36 sections of 1 square mile (640 acres), which may further subdivided by quartering
Metes and Bounds description
uses terrain features, rocks, trees, etc. (often used to designate property lines)
Long Lot (French Long Lot) description
land divided into long narrow lots connected to river
Civil Town description
5x5 mile squares
First Seven Ranges (aka Old Seven Ranges)
the area first used to develop the Township and Range or Congressional Survey System
Connecticut Western Reserve settled by...
people from New England (mainly Connecticut)
Virginia Military District settled by...
people from VA
French Grant
settled by French settlers along the Ohio River East of Portsmouth
Map Projection
transferring a spherical grid onto a flat surface, for convenience
Planar Projection
projecting grid lines onto a plane or flat surface (most often used to show the polar regions, with the pole centrally located on the circular map, which displays one hemisphere)
Conic Projection
cone fitted over globe with its pointed top centered over a pole (middle-latitude regions, minimal distortion)
Cylindrical Projection
"Mercator Projection" mathematically adjusted (meridians appear as unequal parallel lines)
Conformal Maps
maps that maintain the correct shapes of areas
Equal Area Maps
maps that maintain true area/proportional size
Azimuthal Maps
produce maps that show true directions with straight lines
Aerial Photos xxxxxx
are made by using cameras to record a picture on film
light reflects energy/dark absorbs it (greater the reflectivity of an object the brighter it will appear on image)
roughness/smoothness of an area on an air photo
constructed feature
in aerial photos refers to the arrangement of objects on the landscape
Film Types:
black and white, black and white infrared, color, color infrared
Color Infrared
aka "false color," does not depict a scene in true colors
2 types of Size
on aerial photos is of two kinds, absolute and relative.
relation of map to mapped area
Congressional Survey System uses..
principle meridians and base lines to form the survey framework
Absolute size can be determined by..
measuring using the scale of the photo
Relative size can be determined by..
visual comparison
vertical air photos have...
5 interpretive qualities of air photos
pattern, texture, tone, size, shape
Connecticut Western Reserve map location
NE Ohio, Cleveland
Firelands map location
West of CWR/NE Ohio
Virginia Military District map location
SW Ohio, wide bottom narrow top, tall
First Seven Ranges map location
Central Eastern Ohio
French Grant location
small section on Southern tip
Virginia Military District survey type
metes and bounds
French Grant survey type
long lot
Firelands survey type
New England Civil Town
Connecticut Western Reserve survey type
New England Civil Town
3 Types of North
Grid, Magnetic, True
Lines of Longitude run ___ and measure ___ and are called ___
N/S, E/W, Meridians
Lines of Latitude run ___ and measure ___ and are called ___
E/W, N/S, Parallels
North Pole ___ degrees
90 N
Equator ___ degrees
Common Scale Ratio
GIS stands for
Geographic Information System
Planimetric Map examples
roadmaps, marketing maps
Tropic of Cancer location
23.5 N
Tropic of Capricorn location
23.5 S
Arctic Circle location
66.5 N
Antarctic Circle location
66.5 S
Tropics mark...
furthest point sun moves overhead (summer/winter)
Isochronic Lines
points marking time
Index Contour Lines
thicker/darker contour lines
Contour Interval
distance in elevation between contour lines
Large Scale Map
blown up image
Small Scale map
smaller image, shows more land
Bench Mark (BM)
usually marked on map with an 'X' and in real life with copper/concrete plaque, elevation marked
Spot Mark
usually where roads intersect, elevation point
Color Infrared, healthy veg. appears...
1 mile = ___ inches
Use ___ when shrinking/raising map size
graphic scale
Landmark Survey System disadvantage
used trees, which weren't permanant
Map Legend
holds symbols
3 Geometric Forms
cones, planes, cylinders
Developable Surface
unfolded projection (cone, cylinder, plane)
No one map/projection can show...
true shape, direction, and area
Robinson Projection
aesthetically pleasing compromise, approx. accurate, disjointed points
3 "Unstructured" survey systems
metes/bounds, civil town, long lot, means they are not based off of specific lines of long/lat
2 other names for Congressional Land Survey
township and range, public land survey system
2 major types of spatial data
discrete and continuous
Isolines are a type of ___ data
Township & Range survey system is divided into...
Contours bend ___ when crossing a valley
Contour lines that show decreased elevation
depression contours
color of low-sediment water
dark blue-black
color of high-sediment water
milky blue
Aerial photo advantage
provides real image of terrain
International Date Line
line roughly along the 180 degree meridian, where each day begins and ends.
Prime Meridian
half of a great circle that connects the North and South Poles and mark zero degrees Longitude

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