53 Cards in this Set
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Divergent Plate
two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
Convergent Plate
is an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide. (compresion)
Transform Plate
faults neither create nor destroy lithosphere, is a type of fault whose relative motion is predominantly horizontal in either sinistral or dextral direction. (shear)
rock capable of fluid flow
ocean and ocean which will be sub-ducted
the older one
continental and continental which will be sub-ducted
neither they are compressed and push upwards to form mountains
strips of alternating magnetic polarity at spreading regions
Paleomagnetism is the study of the record of the Earth's magnetic field in rocks, sediment, or archeological materials.
Which feature was discovered the coast of Monterey, California?
a canyon
Animals in the deep ocean have developed what trait?
Hydrothermal vents
are teaming with life, hot springs on an active oceanic ridge, dissolve minerals and gasses escape through fissures and vents
organisms living associated with hydrothermal vents get their energy from a process called...
Bathymetry is the study of underwater depth of lake or ocean floors. In other words, bathymetry is the underwater equivalent to hypsometry or topography.
Satellite Altimetry
An altimeter or an altitude meter is an instrument used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level.
Ocean basins
not shaped like a bath tub
Passive continental margins
little EQ or volcanic activity
Active Continental Margins
high EQ and volcanic activity
Continental margin
continental shelf, shelf beak, continental slope and contiental rise
Continental Shelf
Submerged extensions of continents, gently sloping seaward, shaped by tectonics
Submarine Canyons
a feature of some continental margins, they cut into continental shelf and slope often terminating on the deep sea floor in a fan shape wedge of sediment
Turbidity Current
a fast dense current of water that carries sediment off shore. EQ can trigger TC
Oceanic Ridge
a mountainous chain of young basaltic rock at an active spreading ridge of an ocean.
Abyssal Plain
flat, cold sediment covered ocean floor between continental rise and the oceanic ridge
Abyssal Hill
Small sediment covered extinct volcanos or rock intrusions, associated with seafloor spreading
flat topped seamount eroded by wave actions
volcanic mountains that rise from the ocean floor and never grow tall enough to reach the surface, inactive volcanos
spreading centers or hot spots
Hydrological cycle
powered by solar radiation
2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom
a polar molecule
has a positive and negative side
Hydrogen Bonds
form when the positive ends of one water molecule bonds to the negative end of another water molecule, gives surface tension
Thermal inertia
tendency of a substance to resist change in temperature with the gain or loss of heat energy
the total quality of dissolved inorganic solids in water
Principle of Constant Proportion
the ratio of dissolved solids is constant even if the relative amount are changing, oceans are in chemical equilibrium.
As the ocean absorbs more carbon dioxide is it more or less acidic?
more acidic
What are the two most abundant elements dissolved in sea water?
sodium and clhorine
What happens to pH when more carbon dioxide is present?
pH level decreases in the region
When the temperature of the ocean increases what happens to the density?
The density decreases
the state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place
the long-term statistical sum of weather in an area
Humid air
is less dense than dry air at the same temperature because the molecules of water vapor weigh less than the nitrogen and oxygen molecules that water vapor displaces
circuit if mid latitude currents around the periphery of an ocean basin
Coriolis Effect
shifts currents to the right of the wind direction in the northern hempishere
In physics, the Coriolis effect is the apparent deflection of moving objects when the motion is described relative to a rotating reference frame.
Ekman Spiral
theoretical model of the effect on water of wind blowing over the ocean, explains net movement of water in surface currents
Ocean circulation
is driven by winds and by differences in water density. Along with the winds, ocean currents distributes tropical heat worldwide
hadley Cells
tradewinds easteriles centers around 15N and 15S
Ferrel Cells
mid-lat circulation cell, westerlies
Polar Cells
denser air and does not mix well with the winds in ferrel cells
the surface winds of th Hadley cells converge
Horse latitudes
between the Hadley and ferrel cells, sinking air
moves farther away from the equator during the northern summer than the southern one due to the North-heavy arrangement of the continents
are variations in large-scale atmospheric circulation. Form between two air masses or within one air mass
Hurricanes in the northern hemisphere rotate which direction?
we drive no the right side of the road so look at right hand, curl fingers around palm= CCW
Hurricanes in the Southern Hemisphere rotate what direction?
What wind is associated with the Hadley cells?
Trade winds
What wind is associated with the Ferrel Cells?