ANSC 318: EXAM 3
48 Cards in this Set
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True or False: During phase II of lactation (mid lactation), maintenance of body weight receives the LOWEST priority
How does adding fat to the diet of a performance horse improve its endurance?
-Horses that have been adapted to a fat-supplemented diet will be able to exercise for a longer period of time before they shift into anaerobic metabolism. The use of muscle glycogen will be spared for use later during the period of exercise compared to the horse that is not adapted toa f…
During which month of the year will adding fat to the diet of a pig fed in Texas MOST likely IMPROVE feed efficiency (i.e., reduce amount of feed required to produce a pound of gain)?
From the end of phase II until calving, when is the best time to put body condition back on the cow?
-Phase III of lactation
List TWO amino acids that are available commercially in synthetic form for use in pig diets
-Lysine and Methionine
During which production phase(s) is it recommended that urea not be included in the ration for dairy cows?
-Phase I
-Phase II
In dairy cows, peak mild production occurs during phase ______ of lactation and peak dry matter intake occurs during phase ______ of lactation
-Phase I
-Phase II
Which of the following is an advantage to having mares at the recommended body condition score at foaling compared to having them too thin at foaling?
-Fewer cycles per conception
Which item on a feed tag is the "BEST" indicator of the digestible energy content for a horse?
-Crude fiber
True or False: Compared to corn, wheat is MORE likely to cause milk fat depression in dairy cows
Which of the following feeding scenarios would a sudden change in the diet of lactating dairy cow would cause a depression in the percentage of fat produced in the milk?
-Reduction in the proportion of the diet
For which feed will bioavailability of phosphorus be the LOWEST?
For which of the following feeds will the heat increment be the LOWEST?
-Animal rendered fat
Which physiological function receives LOWEST priority during phase I of lactation?
Which group of pigs has a lower dietary requirement for essential amino acids?
-non pST treated pigs
True or False: The protein quality of cereal grain by-product feedstuffs is SIMILAR to the protein quality of the original cereal grain
Adding fat to a commercial horse feed containing 14% crude protein will _____________ the protein:calorie ratio
The LOWER CRITICAL TEMPERATURE of a growing pig will be ______________ than the LOWER CRITICAL TEMPERATURE of a sow
Which of the following is NOT a factor that determine the EFFECTIVE FIBER of a feedstuff
-Amount of total fiber
Which of the following protein feedstuffs would be "best" to feed growing horses to ensure that amino acid requirements are met?
-Soybean meal
An increase in the effective fiber level of a lactating dairy cow ration will cause:
-Milk fat levels to increase
Dairy cows fed a high-concentrate diet will have a HIGHER rumen concentration of _____________ than dairy cows fed a high-roughage diet.
-Propionic acid
In pigs, the calcium to phosphorus ratio [Ca:P] should be formulated to be in which of the following ranges?
-1:1 to 1.5:1
It is recommended that a 1200 lb horse consume at least ____ lbs of forage per day
Which of the following grains will LEAST likely cause milk fat depression in lactating dairy cows?
-Whole corn
The metabolic precursor of milk fat synthesis is?
-Acetic acid
The rumen pH of a dairy cow will likely fluctuate more [go up and down throughout the day] for which of the following cows?
-Cows fed forages and grain supplements seperately
Digestible energy requirements are increased _______% above maintenance in horses that are exercised at an intense level.
Which of the following is an ADVANTAGE to using a traditional feeding system, where forages and concentrates are fed separately, compared to using the total mixed ration feeding system for dairy cows.
-Cost of grazing forages is less than cost of harvesting forages
True or False: The optimal body condition score (1 to 9) for a mare prior to foaling is 4.
True or False: The bioavailability of phosphorus from corn is HIGHER for pigs than cows?
Which physiological function receives HIGHEST priority during phase III of lactation?
Which of the following protein supplements has the HIGHEST relative lysine value [concentration of lysine relative to amount of protein]?
-Blood meal
Breifly describe one strategy that can be used to reduce the amount of phosphorus excreted in pig manure.
-Phase feeding
What is the optimal range in body condition score for the PERFORMANCE HORSE
-5 to 6
What is the net energy value that is most likely the net energy for growth [NEg] value of alfalfa hay
Buffers can be added to lactating dairy cow rations to help prevent which of the following?
-Milk fat depression
Which are TWO factors that will impact the NET ENERGY value of a feed for cattle?
-Nutrient content of the feed, and the physiological function of the animal
Of the total feed required to produce hogs (conception to slaughter), what proportion is used by market hogs (weaning to slaughter)?
Which of the following MICROMINERALS will MOST likely be deficient in growing pigs fed a corn:soybean ration?
Which of the following minerals are cations or alkalogenic minerals that are used to determine the cation-anion balance in dairy cow rations?
True or False: The proportion of fiber-loving microbes will DECREASE as rumen pH DECREASES.
True or False: When fat is added to horse rations, feed intake will DECREASE
The protein:calorie ratio requirement [g CP per Mcal of DE] is LOWEST for:
-Mature mares at maintenance
Which minerals are causing the most concern regarding the impact of animal waste on the quality of water?
Which grain can be fed to horses without first being processed (cracked or rolled)?
Roughage value index is a measure of what?
-The time a cow chews per kg of feed
True or False: Feeding a calcium deficient diet to dairy cows during the dry period can help to prevent milk fever.