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mode of subsistence
way by which a culture obtains its food( industry, agriculture, foraging)
Use rights
persons right of a piece of land an the things it offers; system of property relations where group recognizes priority access to a piece of land
Agrarian State
society based on producing and maintain crops
Industrial State
society driven by the use of technology to enable mass production, supporting a large population with high capacity for division of labor
form of exchange in which accumulated wealth is collected from members of the group and reallocated in a different pattern
exchange of resources, goods and services among people relatively equal status; meant to create social ties
Segmentary societies
composed of independent+ local groups; little specialization among groups or of individuals
Organic societies
such as our own composed of interdependent local groups; extensive role + occupational specialization, both group and individual
subgroup of Oceania; papa new guinea known for its big men societies
subgroup of Oceania; Hawaii known for chiefdoms
Theocratic authority
chiefs authority has a divine or scared basis
act of giving the tooth of a sperm whale as a gift when given in a ceremony it shows high respect
ceremony of gift giving allowing two societies to bond; reciprocity practiced by papa new guinea
Polygyny/ polyandry
marriage between one man and two or more women/ one woman and two men
Elaborate redistribution ceremony practiced among the kwakital of the Pacific Northwest; purpose was to validate the new rank publically; guests were witnesses
your position or rank within in society
specialized tasks asigned to your status level
worldwide intensification of interactions and increased movement of money, people, goods and ideas within and across national borders
tributes are gifts typically given to chiefs
citizens pay taxes to an impersonal government
raising live stock/ strategy for food production using domestication of animals
children learn their culture from those around them in a process called socialization
uneven distribution of resources+ privileges among participants in a group or culture
Cultural constructionism
the ways humans learn to behave as a man or woman and recognize behaviors as masculine or feminine within their cultural context
observable physical differences between male or female especially biological expressions related to human reproduction
the expectations of thought and behavior that each culture assigns to people of different of different sexes
sense of historical, cultural and sometimes ancestral connection to a group of people who are imagined to be distinct from those outside the group
flawed system of classification w/ no biological pasts that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the human population into supposedly discrete groups.
closed system of stratification in a society
Palace temple market complex
center of leadership and trade
Monopoly of force
standing force full time military
cultivation of plants for substience through non-intensive use of land+ labor
mass production of crops
practice of maintain active participation in social, economic, religious and political spheres across national borders
desire of an ethnic community to create and/ or maintain a nation-state
Initiation rites
different tests you must pass until you are let into a group
obtaining factual knowledge by magical means which have no apparent empirical connection to the information sought
ideas about the universe as an ordered system and the place of humans in the universe
set of beliefs based on a unique vision of how the world ought to be often revealed through insights into supernatural power and lived out in community
act or senses of acts repealed over years of generations that embody the beliefs of a group of people+ create community
sub genera of Christianity; involves a spiritual connection to the holy spirit connection to the holy spirit encourages you to speak to lord in different tongues
part-time religious practioner with special abilities to connect individuals with super natural powers or beings

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