23 Cards in this Set
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Usefulness of Income Statement
Evaluate past performances
Assess risks and uncertainty of achieving future cash flows
Predicting future performance
Income Statement Limitations
Companies omit items that cannot be measured reliably (unrealized gains/losses. EX. PPE market price)
Income is affected by the accounting methods employed (EX. LIFO/FIFO affects COGS)
Income measurement involves judgment
quality of earnings
is reduced if earnings management results in information that is less useful for predicting future earnings and cash flows
elements of the income statement
Single-Step format
=net income
no distinction between operating and non-operating categories
Multiple-step format income statement
separates operating transactions from non-operating transactions
matches costs and expenses with related revenues
highlights certain intermediate components of income that analysts use
Multiple-step income format
-operating expenses
-non-operating expenses
-income tax
=net income
-discontinued operations
-extraordinary items
-earnings per share
Irregular Items
Discontinued operations
Extraordinary items
Unusual gain/losses
Changes in Acct Principles
Changes in Estimates
Corrections of Errors
Reporting - Discontinued Operations
2 Parts:
1. Income/loss from operations of the discontinued component (net of tax)
2. Gain/loss on disposal of component (net of tax)
Financial Reporting Basics - Revenue - Extraordinary Items
Unusual and infrequent
Reported->Net of Tax after Discontinued Operations
Unusual gains/losses
1. Unusual OR infrequent. (NOT both)
- reported in separate section just above "income from continuing operations before income tax"
- FASB prohibits net of tax treatment
Changes in Accounting Principles
-Retrospective Adjustment
-Cumulative effect adjustment to beginning retained earnings
-Preserves comparability
-Ex: change form FIFO to average cost
:change from the percentage-of-completion to the completed-contract method
changes in estimate
-accounted for in the period of change and future periods
-not handled retrospectively
-not considered errors or extraordinary items
1.) Useful lives and salvage values of depreciation
2.) Allowance for uncollectible receivables
3.) Inventory Obsolescence
correction of errors
Result from:
-mathematical mistakes
-mistakes in application of accounting principles
-oversight or misuse of facts;
-Correct prior years' income statements to correct for the error
-adjustment to the beginning balance of retained earnings
Intraperiod Tax Allocation
Relates the income tax expense to the specific items that give rise to the amount of the tax expense
Income tax is allocated to the following items:
(1) Incomefrom continuing operations before tax
(2) Discontinued operations
(3) Extraordinary items
Earnings per share
Net income - Preferred dividends/Weighted-average common shares outstanding
Retained Earnings Statement
-Net income
-Changes in accounting principle
-Error corrections
-Net loss
-Change in accounting principle
-Error corrections
What to do with restricted Retained Earnings?
Disclose in notes to the financial statements under Appropriated Retained Earnings.
comprehensive income
all changes in equity during a period except those resulting from investments by owners and distributions to owners.
-all revenues and gains, expenses and losses reported in net income
-all gains and losses that bypass net income but affect stockholders equity
Other comprehensiveincome
Unrealized G/L in AFSS
G/L from foreign currency translation adjustments
Comprehensive income equation
C.I= N.I.+ O.C.I.
Stockholders Equity
S.E.=R.E.+C.S.+Acc O.C.I.
3 approaches of reporting comprehensive income
Second separate Income Statement, combines/comprehensive income statement, claim it as part of equity.