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area btw epiphyses and diaphysis
Articular Cartilage
Coating on outside of epiphyses
Epiphyseal Plate
-Where bones grow -In adults, its just a line vs a plate
Coating of the bone -Fibrous outer layer
Medullary or Marrow Cavity
-Contains bone marrow, may be yellow or red.
Inner boney surfaces are lined with this.
Nutrient Artery/Vein
Usually only one entering the diaphysis through a nutrient foramen, some bones have 2 or more.
Nutrient Foramen/Canal
arties and veins go in and out through this.
Periosteal Vessels
Blood vessels from the peiosteum are incorporated into the devoping bone surface. Provide blood to the superficial osteons of the shaft.
Metaphysis Vessels
Supply blood to the inner surface of each epiphyseal cartilage, where bone is replacing cartilage
Epiphyseal Vessels
Vessels that use foramina supply the osseous tissue and medullary cavities of the epiphyses.
Innervation of Bone
-Vasomotor-Constrict and dialate vessels -Sensory
Mature Bone cells
Small chambers that osteocytes occupy
Channels that radiate through the matrix from lacuna to lacuna and toward free surfaces and adjacent blood vessels.
Cells that are cuboidal in shape and found on the inner or outer surfacese of a bone. Secrete the organic components of the bone matrix.
What the osteoblasts secrete, later becomes mineralized.
Osteoprogenerator Cells
Can divide to produce daughter cells that differentiate into osteoblasts. The ability to produce additional osteoblasts becomes extremely important after a bone is cracked or broken.
secrete acids that dissolve the bony matrix and release amino acids and the stored calcium and phosphate. The process is called Osteolysis.

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