41 Cards in this Set
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systemic circuit
the branch of the circulatory system that supplies all body organs and then returns oxygen-poor blood to the right atrium
contraction phase
systemic circuit
goes to every tissue in the body (head, arms, legs, viscera)
pulmonary circuit
short circuit to lungs
location of heart (what cavity and what's that cavity in)
pericardial cavity, mediastinum
where is it in comparison to body's midline?
2/3 of heart's mass is to the left of the midline of the body
where is the heart in relationship to the vertebrae?
opposite the 5th-9th vertebrae
superior right border
3rd right costal cartilage, 2 cm from midline
Left superior border of heart
2nd left costal cartilage, 3 cm from midline
inferior right border
6th right costal cartilage, 2 cm from midline
inferior left border of heart
5th intercostal space at midclavicular line (apex)
if it's beyond this border, the heart is enlarged
left 5th intercostal space, at midclavicular line
layers that make up the pericardial sac
fibrous pericardium, parietal pericardium
Parietal Pericardium
The inner layer of the pericardium which secretes pericardial fluid to prevent friction.
Fibrous Pericardium
the most superficial layer of the heart, made up of dense connective tissue. Carries the majority of the weight of the heart.
Pericardial cavity
the space between the layers of the pericardium that contains fluid that lubricates the membrane surfaces and allows easy heart movement
epicardium- another name for it
visceral pericardium- synonym
epicardium (visceral pericardium)
outer surface of heart, simple squamous and loose CT
cardiac muscle tissue
smooth inner lining of the heart chambers and valves consists of endothelium and CT
Caused when there is any friction between pericardial sac and epicardium
What is myocarditis?
inflammation of the middle muscular layer of the heart wall
inflammation of the inner (lining) of the heart
inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart
cardiac temponade
acute compression of the heart due to the accumulation of fluid within the pericardial cavity
where is the pericardial cavity
between the pericardial sac and the heart (btwn visceral and parietal pericardium
coronary sulcus
deep groove. marks border between atria and ventricles
anterior surface of heart
sternocostal surface
posterior surface of heart
diaphragmatic surface
What did the fossa ovalis used to be?
foramen ovale in fetal circulation
Pectinate muscles
Organized, comb-like muscles found in the right atrial cavity
Coronary Sinus Opening
For blood returning from coronary circulation
patent ductus arteriosis
allows blood flow from aorta to pulmonary artery. is not good!
Patent Foramen Ovale
Foramen fails to close completely in the heart, resulting in a heart murmur; blue discoloration of lips, skin, nail beds (cyanosis)
mitral valve prolapse
valve doesn't close properly, can cause regurgitation and a heart murmur
do coronary arteries fill during systole or diastole?
diastole (relaxation)
atrial contraction at what part of EKG?
p wave
place where sa node fires
p wave
qrs complex
ventricles contract at this place in EKG
repolarization of the ventricles (ventricles return to resting state)
t wave
Repolarization of atria
obscured by the QRS complex