58 Cards in this Set
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s and op granularity
product family
mps granualirty
system integration
the priciple that well managed erp process linkages exsits between functions and process
how often does s& op teak place
how often MPS reviewd
components of s and op review
demand( demand plan)
capcity and fufillmen( production plan)
inventory( mts only)
backlog ( mto or ato only)
ship plan in MTS is equal to
the demand pland
the ship plan in MTO is equal to
the prduction plan
what is the planning horizon for s & op
intermediate, 12 month rolling minimum
what is the planning horizn for strategic
long range, 3-5 years
what is the planning horizon for CRP
short range, less than 2 months
process owner of s & op
president or ceo
process owner of demand plan
vp sales or markteing
process owner of production plan
vp of operations
mainfocus of s & op
manage risk in supply and demand for next 12 rolling months
do many companies have formal s 7 op process
who build spreadsheets for the s & op
master scheduler
what is done at pre s & op
prepare for final meeting
companies have more than one manufacoring sratedgy
mts, ato, mto, eto
four bsic prodution srategies
chase- match demand
level- same amount
kpi in s & op
ship promise accuracy( customer service)
production plan accuracy
demand plan accurary
target lead time adherence for each product family
determinign product families includes which areas
common constraints
commmon compoents
common manufactoring srategy
common product line or work cell
when does pre s & op happen and what is it for
plans scenrios for demand and supply
analyze risks
prepare for top management questions anticipated in s & op
reccomen pland to top managmenet at s & op
inputs to mps process
beginning inventory
production plan forcasted
customer orders already sold ( backlog)
mps delivers 3 thigns to mrp
requirement part number
required date
required quantity
indepent demand has to be ____
dependent demand is _____ from indepdent demand
projected on hand balance and and porojected on hand are the same thing
where is the theory of constraints well applied
materials requirements planning
enterprise resource planning
inputs into mrp process
inventory blances
cumulative lead time
how long is takes to produce product
customer lead time
from when customer orders to when they receive it
Product structure and bom are the same thing
the process of identifying the parent items that have generated a given set of material requirements of ran item
two basic Mrp systems
regenerative system
net change system
regenerative system
approach that mrp periodoically( one a day or weekly)
net change system
approach that updates MRP records continuously ( seeral times a day)
lot sizing rules or "order policy"
lot for lot
economic order qauntity
fixed period ordering
fixed quantity ordering
lot-for -lot ordering
the order or run size is eqaul to demand
minimizes investment in invenoty
variable order quantities
a new setup required for each run
economic order quantity
can lead to minimum costs if usage of item is fairly uniform
not appropirate for lumpy demand
fixed period ordering
provides coverage for some predetermined number of period
fixed quantity
for things like eggs where ther eis alwasy 12 in carton
integrated system conecting bus planndin with excustion of plans
most poplar are oracle and SAP
key aspects of desinging for sustainability
cradle to grave asseessment
end of life programs
3 RS
cradle to grave asessment
the assessment of the environemtal inpact of a product or service throughout its useful life
modular design
form of standardization in which components are grouped into modules that are easily replaced or interchanged
production plan forumla
demand plan +/- delta in inventory divded by number of periods
mto operations pland formula
demand plan +/- delta in backlog divded by the number of periods
MPs only covers
independent demand
master schdue outputs is for
independent demand only
master schdule deals with
end items and is major input into mrp process
primary mrp outputs
planned orders
firm planned orders
order realeases
component commonality
savings is desgin time
starndard training for assembly and installation
can be bought in bulk from supplier
comonality of parts for repair
fewer inventory items to be handeld
decoupling point
point at ehich the process flow stops without a demand signal immediately connected to the process
setup reduction
system process of reducing machine or process downtime between items or assemblies of different configurion
setup measuremeant
time form completion of last good peice to the completion of last good peice to ehe ocmpletion of the first good peice in new configuration