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two main sides to business
1.demand( sales and marketing)- responsible for forecasts and affecting customer behaviors and providing a forecast 2. fufflifment( operations) responsible for makig and delivering products and services. accounting in the fucntion that "keeps score" of the business through profit an…
the ____ process within the supply chain creates _____
transformative and wealth this includes the conversion of rawmaterials into saleable product
who owns the demand planning process
top management of sales and/or marketing ushualy at the vp level
ownerships of the operations or production planning belongs to
top management in operations, ushually vp of operations
careers in operation and supply chian management
jobs in quality, process, manufacturing engineering, purchasing, materials planning, scheduling, production
the professional group in the operations and supply chain management space
rule of volume and items
80% of volume is almost always 20% of the items offered in a firm
answers the question" "what are we in businesss for?" what's important to the business"
corporate sratedgy
long term direction defines the objectives for future growth
business imperatives
short list of goals for the nex t12 months
core competency
skills that define business nad unlikely to be sibcontracted
order qualifiers
what makes a consumer consider a prodcut or serice
order winners
what makes a customer choose this product or service,
what is the impact of demand variation on operation management
bufffer inventory buffer capacity flexibility to offset varaition if high cusotmer service to be offered
two most important operational performance
customer service cost
made to stock, finsihsed goods that are made prior to the recipt of an order such sas delel computer online
made to order- compents and raw materials are procured prior to the recipt of an order
all manufactoring is done after the recipt of the an order including the design configureation of the product
good process design deteriorates over times unless...
there are management systems( accountability infrastructures) in place to create process accountability
good management systems include
1good process design 2accountabilty to the process 3 metrics results
things used to mointor various processes int eh business
daily( daily schdule review) weekly( weekly perfomrance review) monthly( s & OP)
s & OP
a risk management pricess for demand,capacity and profit spreadsheet for review revenue operations inventory profit 12 month rolling plans
main trade offs in operations management
customer service and cost inventory buffer and cash capacaity cushion and cost leap frogging capacity needs in large increments versus small incremental growth
business have time based sratedgies but they also need to be ___
agile, most companies are asking suppliers for shorter lead time
balanced scorecard
for vision and sratedgy 1 finanical, 2 customer, 3 internal business processes 4. learning and growth
output divded by inputs
partial productivity measures
output/ single input output/labor ourput/capitol
mutifacotr productivty measures
output/ multiple inputs output/ labor + machine output/ labor + capital +energy
effciency of operations
standard hours earned/ hours paid actual output/effective capacity
why need for supply chain managmenet
problems with oscillinating inventory levels, inventory stockout, late deleiveries, quality problems
business imperatives
12 months or sooner and must have priority
what does effective sratedgy formulation take into account
core competencies environemntal scanning swot( strenghts weakness, opporutnites, threats)
methods and actions taken to accomplsih srtaediges how to part of process operations, acutal doing of the process
managment systems
documented method to increase discpline of standard practices 1. definition of good procudrues 2. accountabiity infastructure 3. results/measurements
likelyhood of partnerships
50 % of suppliers- no partnership 25% sharing some info 25% real partnership
delphi method
chose particpants obtain feedback summarize results give results back to partipants and ask again summerize again repeat 4 and 5
long term upword or downward movement in data population shifts, changes in income
short term, fairly regular variations restants, theaters,
simple moving average
just average
weight moving average
mutiply month by weight gives you forecast
expontential smoothing
uses less historical data asssumes most recent data is acurate except in seasonality forecast = last forecast + a ( last actual- last forcast)
customer data tends to be
overstated cause they are nervous suppliers wont have enough
srategic capacity planning
3-5 years plants products,global thinking top management
resource planning
12 rolling months plants equipment, hiring, top managment
rough-cut capacity planning
12 rolling months schduleing, material flow, manpower middle management
crp capacity reuirements planning
1-8 weeks attendence, breakdowns, reworks, overtime planning
design or thoerical capacity
calculated on paper
effective capacity
capacity calcualted with constraints
demonsrated capacity
actual output
build capacity in anticipation of future demand increases
build capacity when demand exceeds current capcity
similar to the following sratedgy, but adds capacity inrelatively small incraments to keep pace with increasing demand
what can be done to enhance capacity management
design flexability into system called scability business sratedgy determined or ajusted
resolve constraint
1. identify the most pressing constraint 2. change the opertation to acheive maximum benefit, 3. make sure other portions of the process are supportive of it 4. explore and evalute way to overcome it 5. repeat until all contraints fixed
how do you make sure other protions of the process are supportive of contraint
put buffer before first operation and before constaint and at finished goods

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