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What does RET stand for?
Rational Emotive Therapy
When can you use RET?
To combat irrational thinking patterns
What type of skill is time management?
What type of skill is procrastination?
"Self-worth=ability=performance: Explain the formula and its relationship to procrastination"
Self-worth depends on how much effort. Unequal side would go between ability and performance. Self-worth is based on ability, but ability is not equal to performance
What are the 4 sources of self-efficacy?
1. Various 2. Mastery 3. Social Persuasion 4. Physiological and emotional
Boredom is an internal and______________ aspect.
The difference between extrinsic and attainment value is that…
Achieving external rewards or avoid punishment/ internal and improves self-efficacy and worth
What is the difference between filtering and magnifying?
"Filtering- Hear positive things, but only listen to the negatives Magnifying- Making something bigger than it is"
What type of reinforcement schedule do pop quizzes use?
Variable interval
What type of reinforcement schedule do regularly scheduled quizzes use?
Fixed interval
Explain the relationship between stereotype threat andIPS
Buying into a stereotype and believing it once it enters working memory Information Processing System- 3 squares
How is being an over doer a self-worth protective strategy?
Takes on everything- highly motivated, but scared of failure (low self-worth)
The most detrimental motivational profile to have in college is that of a________.
Failure accepter
It is important to understand our attributions because______________.
When you fail due to ability, you feel shame. If you put in more effort you can increase your ability.
What is the difference betweenself-efficacy and self-worth?Very task specific, how well I will do (internal)Very task specific, how well I will do (internal)
"Self-efficacy- Very task specific, how well I will do (internal) Self-worth- General, an assessment of how you value yourself"
How is being a defier a self-worth protective strategy?
Never take accountability for them self, make excuses
Which type of motivation beings forth the highest levels of self-regulation?
Internal intrinsic–mastery
Self-handicapping is a________ strategy where a student__________.
Self-worth protection, does not take accountability
Value orientation consists of___________, _______________ and___________ value.
Internal, external, attainment
An example of an external and uncontrollable attribution for exam failure is…
Printer doesn’t work, etc.
The most powerful source of self-efficacy is...

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