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first law of thermodynamics
the principle of conservation of energy: energy can be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed.
second law of thermodynamics
the principle stating that every energy transfer or transformation increases the entropy of the universe. usable forms of energy are at least partly converted to heat.
Exergonic Reactions
Releases energy (– ΔG). Is spontaneous. Chemical reaction where there is more energy on the reactants side than the product side.
Endergonic Reactions
positive free energy change (+ ΔG) requires addition of free energy
ATP Hydrolysis (water break down)
-a cycle -releases energy and is exergonic delta G: -7.3 kcal/mole
energy coupling
The use of an exergonic process to drive an endergonic one
-something that causes or speeds up a process without changing itself.
How to overcome activation energy
-Large amounts of heat -Using enzymes to lower activation energy such as a catalyst.
Helps speed up chemical reactions. Different enzymes perform different functions Enzyme - substrate complex - induced fit
4 Ways Active Sites lower the Activation Energy
Orienting substrates correctly Straining substrate bonds Providing a favorable micro environment(ph, temp) Covalently bonding to the substrate(direct)
Reaction Rate vs. Substrate Concentration
Reaction rate increases as substrate is added until it reaches its Vmax. line. leveling off occurs because active sites become occupied and substrates have to wait for active sites to open.
Saturation Kinetics
at low substrate concentrations, increasing the concentration will increase the reaction rate but at high substrate concentrations, increasing the substrate has little or no effect on the reaction rate because it has reached Vmax.
Non-competitive Inhibitors
Effectively neutralize the enzyme making it inactive. Thus, Vmax is lowered. Km stays the same because the enzyme concentration is lowered. Substrate has same affinity. Adding more will not force out the inhibitors.
How does temperature and pH effect an enzymes function?
Enzymes can only function in a vary narrow range of temperature and pH. If an enzyme gets too hot or too far out of its narrow pH range it will start to denature (break down) and not function.
Benefits of Metabolism in cells
Versatility- many uses, moves easily/changeable.
anabolic pathway
consumes energy to build up complex molecules from simpler molecules.
catabolic pathways?
Pathways of enzymes that breakdown food molecules
. Between allostery and gene regulation, which is more related to long-term control of metabolism and whichto short-term control? Why?
short term = reversible phosphorylation long term = gene expression, because DNA is permanent and activity is not.
What is the difference in half-reactions between reduction and oxidation? *Emphasize on hydrogen*
- reduction is gaining - Oxidation is losing Hydrogen is being oxidized and oxygen is being reduced.
Role of NAD and FAD in cellular respiration
Transfer electrons to an electron transport chain Electron accepters

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