25 Cards in this Set
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Inchon Landing
1950. General MacArthur's attack behind enemy lines in Korea that succeeded in pushing the North Koreans back behind the 38th parallel. strategic move that was planned for taking back North Korea.
Tet Offensive
1968 military campaign where North Vietnam attacks on Tet holiday. Leads to
South Vietnamese and Americans win back the territory. A lot of the VietCong died (enemy) .
Gulf of Tonkin
LBJ decided to expand the war, hoping that US firepower would force Ho Chi Minhto the bargaining table, but the plan failed
north vietnamese parole boats reportedly clashed with tow US destroyers patrolling the Gulf of Tonkin
because of never admitting that the US had been aiding the so…
The _____ war was a proxy war on the Korean Peninsula in the early 1950s between Soviet backed North Korean and Chinese forces and a United Nations force led by the United States
Group of white liberals concerend with riots against blacks in Atlanta and Springfield, Illionois formed National Assocation for the Advancement of Colored People to advocate for civil rights for Afrian Americans. Inclued Jane Addams and Oswald Garrison Villard (grandson of william lloyd …
define Griswold v. Connecticut
established the constitutional amendments which protected the right to privacy (1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 14)
Betty Friedan
President of NOW who published Feminine Mystique. Wrote articles on discrimination against women and race in the workplace.
Robert Kennedy
US Attorney General
FBI surveillance of MLK, gives eulogy
NY Senator
Presidential candidate
Platform: economic and racial equality
malaise in the 70s
a psychological state of unhappiness associated with living conditions in particularly rural or urban areas
refers to the level of wealth, disposable income, and standard of living of the society
A political theory founded on the natural goodness of human beings and the autonomy of the individual, and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from the arbitrary authority.
Sexual Revolution
involved openness about sexuality and permitted intercourse outside the context of marriage. As well as the pill
Reagan Revolution
Shrinking Bureaucracy: bad economy of 1970s caused skepticism of government programs
Reagan elected in 1980: Republicans pushed for a rollback in budget and a reduction of government intrusion, but Democratic majority in House caused problems. Emphasized conservationism and decreased wel…
Women's Liberation
National Organization of Women (NOW) - 1966
Gave the women's movement a national voice
Betty Friedan, "The Feminine Mystique" 1963
Encouraged women to find fulfillment outside of home and family
Title IX - 1972 prevents discrimination on the basis of sex
Roe v. Wade - 1973 legalized …
Government safety net
If a bank fails, depositors wouldn't get there deposits without the net, and do a run.
Gov't safety net stops this - FDIC
Banks charged insurance premium
However, moral hazard, because despositors/creditors know they won't suffer losses, so they aren't strict with discipline on these …
The US will offer economic assistance to nations fighting communist insurgency groups
Truman Doctrine
Communist insurgency
War in Malaysia from 1968 - 1989. The Malaysian communist party tried to take over the country.
Domestic anti-communism
uproar that communism would come over to the US. Many people started to believe this once the Soviet Union began moving through Europe.
1968 Assassinations of MLK and RFK
MLK - at this time he was revered by both races
RFK - JFK's younger brother
- Running for President
- Just won the California primary
- Shot by an Arab nationalist at state campaign in LA, CA
Very traumatic events to the nation
Watergate Scandal
a political scandal during the 1970s in the United States resulting from the break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., and the Nixon administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement.
JFK’s New Frontier
· Promises American’s an increase in minimum wage, more educational federal aid, increase in social aid, and medical care for elderly
· Congress is stubborn against federal funds because of close election they didn’t want to upset general public
o Refuse medical insurance…
The Great Society
encompassed the policy iniatives enacted during President Lyndon Johnson's terms. It called for agressive govt action to help the poor and disadvantaged.
FDR 1950s
Harry Truman
Dwight Eisenhower
JFK 1960-63
Lydon B Johnson 1960s
Nixon 1970
Ford 1970
Reagan 1980
G H W Bush
Bill Clinton 1990
George Wallace
Resisted desegregation of University of Alabama.
3rd party candidate 1968 (American Independent Party)
Democrat candidate 1972.
Eugene McCarthy
Wanted a negotiated settlement for Vietnam War
"Be Clean for Gene"