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Black Codes
-laws passed on the state and local level mainly in the rural Southern states in the United States to limit the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans b/c Southern plantation owners feared that they would lose their land. Having convinced themselves that slavery was justifi…
freedman's bureau
- federal government agency that aided freed slaves post-civil war with food, housing, education, etc. initiated by lincoln and continued by johnson.johnson rejected a bill to extend the life of the bureau "racist against white" - one of the controversial aspects of reconstruction-An ag…
civil war amendments (13, 14, 15)
13 - officially abolished slavery 14 - outlined unalienable rights & citizenship of US 15 - granted suffrage to blacks
Ghost Dance
1890s - response to imperialism & disease Prophet Jack Wilson introduced a dance that integrated American Indian Society and Ritual. A religious revitalization campaign reminiscent of the pan-Indian movements led by earlier prophets. they would dance & pray for the white to dissapear fo…
thomas edison
- greatest enventor of the era. - aided to the economic success of the US after the civil war in private life, public education, economic activity by creating the phongraph lightbulb, motion picture, and system generating electric power. electricity led to the spread of industrial & u…
muller v. oregon
- 1908 - justifies sex discrimination and usage of labor laws - limited the number of hours women can work because they wanted to protect women's health - confined women to low paying and dead-end jobs later overturned when women gained suffrage, b/c they now deserved to have the same…
Knights of Labor
The first major national labor union that allowed both skilled and unskilled labor, women, blacks, whites, into the union in order to create a powerful group that could use collective bargaining to work for better working conditions for the working class. redefined freedom, health/safe…
american federation of labor
- as knights of labor faded away, afl gradually gained strength with more limited goals - worked to increase wages, shorten hours, and right to bargain collectively - used strikes to force corporations to use union workers supported the socialist party U the progressives war. wilson re…
sherman antitrust act 1890
banned cominbations & practices that restrained free trade. language not powerful enough to be effective. - weak - one of the first things govt did to try and regulate economy for public good. in Knight Co. vs US, act cannot be used to break up a sugar refining monopoly.
Jane Addams
She is the lady who establishes the nation’s first settlement house in Chicago in 1889 called the Hull House. Jane Addams and her workers helped the terrible, handicapped, and the delinquent while playing a role in the progressive movement. First American Woman to win nobel prize. hull ho…
plessy v ferguon
U.S. Supreme Court decision supporting the legality of Jim Crow laws that permitted or required separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites.- plessy refused to move to colored only railroad cart. but louisiana law uphe.d. upheld the rights of the states to segregate private busin…
Eugene V. Debs
an American union leader, one of the founding members of the International Labor Union and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and several times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States. arrested at the pullman strike (railrway union strike…
18th and 19th amendment
18 - established prohibition in the us 19 - gave full suffrage to women
booker t washington
- spoke on behalf of southern blacks, industrial education, economic self help - maintained credibility because of support from whites & blacks (adjust to segregaition, abandon civl & policial freedom) - wanted to accomodate with jim crow laws
14th Amendment
Made African Americans citizens
• 15th amendment
Gives african americans the right to vote; right to vote not denied by the United States on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
• 13th amendment
1865 declared and end to slavery and negated the There-Fifths Clause in the Constitution
21st Amendment
repealed prohibition but made it possible for states to create their own alcohol laws and be dry states should they want that
16th Amendment
Provided for the government to tax personal incomes
dominated south after civil war. Type of farm tenancy that developed after the Civil War in which landless workers often former slaves farmed land in exchange for farm supplies and a share of the crop on property owners. working w/o day to day supervision. little or no profit. economic in…
election of 1877
compromise gave Hayes presidency over Tilden the election if troops were brought back to the barracks. republicans agreed to recognie and respect demorcrats rule in the south. decomcrats promised to respect civl & political rights of blacks. = bargain of 1877
Civil service act of 1883
landmark U.S. legislation establishing the tradition and mechanism of permanent federal employment based on merit rather than on political party affiliation (the spoils system).
Zimmerman telegram
intercepted by the british. From the German foreign secretary to the German minister in Mexico, February 1917, instructing him to offer to recover Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona for Mexico if it would fight the United States to divert attention from Germany in the event that the United St…
14 points
President Woodrow Wilson�s 1918 plan for peace after World War I; at the Versailles peace conference, however, he failed to incorporate all of the points into the treaty. A) self determination of all nations B) freddom of the seas C) free trade D) no secret treaties general associati…
The Scopes Trial
Trial over the teaching of revolution in schools. "Monkey Trial." Persecuted by William Jennings Bryan.Trial of John Scopes, Tennessee teacher accused of violating state law prohibiting teaching of the theory of evolution; it became a nationally celebrated confrontation between religious …
17th Amendment
allowed directed election of senators (chosen by state legislative)
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
Designed to oversee railroads. Created in 1887 after Wabash v. IL (1886) denied states' right to regulate railroads prices and not favor. not too successful, could only take companies to court.
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
Designed to oversee railroads. Created in 1887 after Wabash v. IL (1886) denied states' right to regulate railroads prices and not favor. not too successful, could only take companies to court.
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
sought to organize those rejected by the afl. Radical union organized in Chicago in 1905 and nicknamed the Wobblies; its opposition to World War I led to its destruction by the federal government under the Espionage Act. usually called in to solidify strikes. during a wage/hour strike, th…
The Gilded Age
;late 1800s an age where underneath wealth, there was poverty Big name capitalists were making a fortune No government regulation Boss Tweed was leader corruption-monopolies, big coroporations
principles for mass production based on assembly-line techniques, scientific management, mass consumption based on higher wages, and sophisticated advertising techniques
Central Powers
WWI Alliance *Austria-Hungary *Germany *the Ottoman Empire (turkey) italy in for a little bit
due process
the right to legal protections against arbitrary deprivation of life, liberty, or property
-White men from N also served as Republican leaders in S = “carpetbaggers” -Image of penniless adventurers who arrived with all their possessions in carpetbag -However most were well-education people of middle-class origin -Most were veterans of Union army who looked on S as new fronti…
campaign slogan of Warren G. Harding were America was suppose to go back to prosperity and back to normal no war life. working for $
16 to 1
"heaven born ratio" main plank that the democratic party had appropriated, placing a dilemma on populists. It was a hard money McKinley victory that endorsed both fusion with the democrats and Bryan for president. The rate of silver to gold that silver would be worth according to advocate…
Radical Republicans
wanted blacks to vote, wanted to punish theSouth for their treason. Didn't like Andrew Johnson.... by 1866 they hada 4 to 1 majority in the Senate, and a 3-1 advantage in the House.
Platt Amendment
Rider appended to a U.S. Army appropriations bill stipulating conditions for withdrawing of U.S. troops remaining in Cuba after the Spanish-American War. The amendment, which was added to the Cuban constitution of 1901, affected Cuba's rights to negotiate treaties and permitted the U.S. t…

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