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Force applied to given area (causes strain) Force applied to deform a structure
Stress Equation
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internal change in tissue resulting in deformation
Strain equation
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Elastic Modulus (Stiffness)
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Safety factor
The working load of a component is 20-25% of the breaking strength. SF= 5-10 times the stress that would normally be placed on the structure
Stored Mechanical Energy (equation)
ME = ½σε
Elastic Material
A material that exhibits only elastic properties on a stress-strain curve
Elastic region of stress-strain relationship
strain is proportional to applied stress (linear relationship) when stress is removed, material returns to resting length
In elastic material the mechanical energy stored is?
fully recovered
a material whose deformation is affected by both the rate of loading and the length of time that it is subjected to a constant load
the loss of energy through the process of loading and then unloading
spaces within bone matrix; appear as dark spots between lamellae
Layers of bone matrix in compact bone tissue
- osteoblast has become surrounded in matrix - maintains bone matrix - resides in lacunae - helps in Ca2+ homeostasis
Produce organic fibers on which the calcium salts are deposited
break down bone and convert calcium salts into a soluble form that passes easily into the blood
Cortical Bone =
Compact bone
Cortical bone makes up about what percentage of the skeleton?
Cortical Bone Characteristics
Dense Porosity of less than 15%
Does cortical bone have passageways for BV and nerves?
Ratio of pore space to the total volume
When porosity increases bone mechanical strength _______?
Tensile materials
Resist being pulled on ex: silk, collagen ⇒tendons, skin, bone, muscle
Pliant materials
Must deform to function properly ex: rubber, elastin →skin, arterial wall
= mix of materials
Osteon/Haversion system function
provide strength and stiffness to the skeletal system
Osteons are oriented in what direction to the stresses placed on the bone?
Cortical bone can withstand high levels of stress in what direction?
irregular latticework of thin plates of spongy bone tissue
The roles of Short bones
Shock absorption and transmission of forces
Role of sesamoid bone
alter the angle of insertion and to diminish friction created by the muscle
Role of flat bones
protect internal structures and offer broad surfaces for muscular attachment
Roles of irregular bones
supporting weight, dissipating loads, protecting the spinal cord, contributing to movement, and providing sites for muscular attachment
The formation and development of bone connective tissue by the activity of the osteoblasts and osteoclasts

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