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Concrete operations
3rd stage of piagetian cognitive development; logical but not abstract thinking
Space and causality
cognitive advances in concrete operations -better understanding of spatial relations -ex. can give directions
-cognitive advance in concrete operations - includes seriation and transitive inference and class inclusion
ability to order items along a dimension -ex. smaller to big etc.
Transitive inference
understanding of the relationship between two objects by knowing the relationship of each to a third object ex bobby is shorter than tom, tom is shorter than phil etc.
class inclusion
understanding of the relationship between a whole and its parts
Inductive reasoning
moving from particular observation to a general conclusion - up-bottom -ex. assimilation
Deductive reasoning
moving from general premise to conclusion about a particular member(s) of the class -bottom up -ex. accomidation
Deductive reasoning
identity, reversibility, decenter
horizontal decalage
inability to transfer learning about one type of conservation to other types ex. mastering conservation of volume but not physical conservation
numbers and math
by age 6 or 7 many can count in their heads, concrete operational
count on
ability to add by counting
Moral reasoning
piagets predictions of stages of moral development
stages of moral reasoning
1st stage (2-7) -preoperational -rigid to authority, rules cannot be changed or bent 2nd stage (7-11) -Concrete operational stage -increasing flexibility, considers intent and beginning of equity -allocentric 3rd stage (11-12 yrs) formal op. -equity -takes specific circumsta…
wechsler intelligence scale for children ages 6-16 yrs
4 indices of the WISC
1) verbal comprehension 2) perceptual reasoning; no verbal; visual learning 3)Processing speed; speed at which the right answer is given 4) working memory; measure of short term memory
4 Basic standards for categorizing a psychological disorder
1) Statistical infrequency (rare) 2)Disability or Dysfunction: interfere with ability to function in own life and society 3) Personal Distress: ex cyberbullying 4) Violation of Norms: ex. biopolar
the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 4th edition
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorders
the inability to NOT disrupt; problems with impulse control problems with delayed gratification only small percentage of school aged children (3-5%) usually present before 7 yrs learning disabilities and ADHD or HD more problematic for boys
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorders
defiance; negative, disobedient, hostile towards others and authority resentful, spiteful, constantly testing limits and verbal/physical aggression
Conduct disorders (CD)
basic rights of others are violated more prevelant in urban than rural males: physically aggressive females: eating disorders, mutilation, lying, drug us, prostitution
use of psychological techniques to treat cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal problems
biomedical therapy
use of medications and other medical therapies to treat the symptoms associated with psychological disorders
biomedical therapy
individual or family psychotherapy -assumes problems are due to maladaptive patterns of thinking -focus is on recognition and alteration of unhealthy thinking patterns
play art therapy
allows the child to describe what is troubling them without feeling the need or pressure to put into words, avoid direct confrontaton
behavior therapy/modification
use conditioning principles (classical/operant) -goal = rid maladaptive behaviors and promote beneficial ones
token economy
based on operant conditioning giving children rewards for good behavior
Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
treats anxiety, depression, compulisive and disruptive disorders increase the amount of serotonin in the brain
Adulthood is a ____________ ___________ term
socially constructed
what is puberty?
social: a process that leads to sexual maturity physical: physical ability to reproduce psychosocial: transition period from child to adulthood

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