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Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
things that have value and are used to produce other goods
what people would buy if they had unlimited resources
Macroeconomics (from Greek prefix "macr(o)-" meaning "large" + "economics") is a branch of economics that deals with the performance, structure, behavior and decision-making of the entire economy, be that a national, regional, or the global economy.
An aggregate is a collection of items that are gathered together to form a total quantity.
rationality assumption
We assume that individuals do intentionally make decisions that would leave them worse off
simplified representations of the real world used as the basis for predictions and explanations
Ceteris Paribus
other things held constant, or other things held equal
relying on real world data in evaluating the usefulness of a model
Assumes people cannot examine or think through every possible choice they confront
Value free approach to inquiry, no value judgement are involved If A, then B.
Normative Economics
analysis involving value judgements about economic policies; relates to whether things are good or bad
We do not have enough of everything, including time, to satify our every desire
any activity that results in the conversion of resources into products that can be used in consumption

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