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Two year old Jason's big sister stuck a sticker on his head. Later he looks at himself on the mirror but does not try to retrieve the sticker off of his own head. Jason's self concept is limited to that of the
Present self
Which of these is a trait of collectivist societies
Self effacement
Low self esteem is most strongly associated with ___ in girls and ____ in boys
Failure to gain the approval of friends; lack of romantic competence
Robert white asserted that people of all ages are motivated intrinsically to
Master the environment and its challenges
When Leah successfully solves a difficult algebra problem, her teacher tells her "Leah you thought that problem through and came up with an excellent strategy for solving it." Based on mueller and dweck's study, this interchange will help foster Leah's interest in pursuing
Learning goals because the teacher gave process oriented praise
Among minority youth, gender identity formation conflicts tend to arise for
Mixed-identity adolescents and cross-ethnic adoptees; minority children living in primarily Caucasian neighborhood
As children mature through middle childhood, they become increasingly inclined to characterize others in terms of
Psychological constructs (traits)
Traditionally, girls are encouraged to adopt an ___ gender role standard
Sex differences in risk taking in the first year of life may stem, in part, from
Boys heightened activity levels
Adherence to gender role expectations
Is stronger in collectivistic cultures that emphasize the need to maintain social harmony
Genotypic influences on the child's self concept are
Stronger for boys than girls
Children are likely to encode and remember information that is consistent with their ideas about gender but they are likely to forget or distort information that is not consistent with their views. This is a tenant of the ___ theory
Gender-schema theory
Transsexuals' gender reassignment surgery contradicts the principle of
Gender stability
Which intervention is most effective for changing gender role attitudes
Cognitive interventions that attack stereotypes directly
Thugo, age 10, likes to beat up smaller kids just to hurt them and make them cry. Thugo performs
Hostile aggression
Snubbing or ignoring another person to make him or her feel bad is a type of
Relational aggression
The incompatible response technique involves
Reinforcing desirable behaviors while ignoring the undesirable whenever possible
During the preschool years, there is a shift in altruism from
Pretend play to real acts of helpfulness toward others
Compassionate toddlers tend to have parents who
Apple discipline via compassionate explanation
Self serving responses to moral dilemmas, emphasizing ones own needs or interests is especially common among
Which set of traits applies to the "principled idealistic" character dimension of moral maturity
Clear values, highly developed conscience, and law abiding
During Piaget's ___ stage, between the ages of five and ten, children show strong respect for rules issued by authority figure
Heteronomous morality
The moral person must accept attributes or standards as his or her own. This process is called
Situational compliance is promoted by parents who
Are typically insensitive and tend to ignore their children
Observing a rule following model is most effective in reducing a child's misbehavior when the model
Verbalizes that a rule is being followed and gives a rationale for doing it
Labeling a child with complimentary terms such as "good" or "honest"
Helps establish inhibitory controls
A child who attacks a victim in order to obtain possession of a ball engages in
Instrumental aggression
Research investigating aggressive behavior in popular children reveals that they
Largely use relational forms of aggression to enhance their popularity
On a particular day, dandelion, a single mom, interacts with her baby, her boss, a social worker and her prison parole officer. These multiple influences on her are best understood in terms of ___ theory
Bronfenbrenner's ecological system
According to ecologists, most direct influences on an infant will come from and be experienced in the
In which sort of culture is an extended family arrangement associated with better patterns of psychological adjustment in the children
Collectivist culture
___ parents have children with many positive trains such as a secure attachment, high self esteem, strong morality and prosocial actions
Warmly responsive
Parents who apply the ___ disciplinary style are especially likely to be involved with Vygotskian scaffolding with good results
Psychosocial theorist Erik Ericsson argued that the child's serious socialization begins during
Toddlerhood, between the ages of two and three years
Children whose parents apply the ___ disciplinary style becomes impulsive, aggressive, self centered and bossy
with which ethnic group has authoritarian parenting come to be quite effective, with children seeing strictness as a sign of caring
Asian American
Children who are rejected by peers in grade school will
Be at risk for anxiety and adjustment problems but less so if they are attached to a sibling
Playful interactions among siblings contribute to children's emergence of
Theory of mind
Scientific evidence on the impact of gay and lesbian couples rearing children suggests that
Lesbian and gay couples are as knowledgeable and effective parents as heterosexual couples
The most recent research on gender differences in reaction to divorce suggests that
Boys suffer more overt distress, while girls suffer more covert distrss
In teenage years adopted children tend to display ___ than their non-adopted peers
More learning difficulties
Who will experience the greatest visible distress in response to parental divorce
Latashia who is three years old
Developmentally the child's peers are
Social equals whose behavior complexity matches the child's
Which of these factors is known to be a good predictor of the child's later social competency with peers
Cognitive complexity of play
When age differences exist among older children tend to
Assert more power in relationships
It can be hard for an early teenage newcomer to make friends on first arrival because
Cliques have already been formed
Effective schools are those that
Achieve their goals regardless of students' ethnic or socioeconomic identities
Max is very worried about his son, who is about to move to middle school. What should he do to make this transition as smooth as possible for his son
Talk to his son about the ways the new school might be different
At what age is school effectiveness most likely to be related to extracurricular activities
Middle and high school
According to rutter and others, a factor that has been found to be highly predictive of "effective" schooling is
A clear focus on academic goals
There is ____ relationship between performance for violent TV and the viewers own violent actions
A positive
The most violent programs displayed on TV are
Children's cartoon shows
Amy is an eight year old girl who watches a lot of TV. She will probably be ___ with her body than girls who do not watch tv
Less satisfied
Which computer use will likely promote the use of metacognitive strategies in adolescent writing
Spreadsheet and other organizing tools
What processes explain why violent video games may have greater impact on aggression than violent TV
Active planning and reinforcement
One of the reasons adolescents enjoy online communication with peers over face to face in some circumstances is because online settings allow them to
Explore sexual identity in lower risk ways

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