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change of allele frequencies in population. Genetic change through time
darwin's observances
species located near each other often resembled each other, but sometimes had pronounced differences. Differences suited environment
theory of evolution by natural selection
populations change over time and this change happens by natural selection
inherited trait that enhances organism's ability to survive/reproduce in particular environment
artificial selection
plants/animals with preferable traits are encouraged to reproduce. traits are passed on through natural selection
change at the genetic level. change in the gene pool over time
change at the species level
group of individuals of the same species, living in the same space at the same time
gene pool
all the alleles of all the genes in a population
change in DNA . Only source of new alleles, is ultimate source of variation. mutation must be present in gametes if it is to contribute to next generation. must also affect chances of survival or reproduction
natural selection
not all genotypes are the same. some allow for individuals to better survive and reproduce. these genotypes are then passed along to next generation
genetic drift
change in gene pool due to chance events, such as disasters
genetic drift- bottleneck
severe reduction in population
genetic drift- founder effect
few individuals from population branch out and start new one
gene flow
change in gene pool due to immigration or emmegration of individuals in and out of population
one or more populations of individuals that can interbreed under natural conditions to produce fertile offspring
geographic isolation
little or no gene flow between populations
genetic divergence
two isolated populations will evolve independently through genetic drift and natural selection (microevolution)
reproductive isolation
genetic divergence that can result in reproductive barriers. leads to macroevolution
carolus linnaeus
laid foundation for bionomial system
order of species, most general to specific
kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
evolutionary trees
timeline of which ancestors of one species separated from ancestors of another. each branch represents line of descent, branch point is time of divergence
3 domain types
eubacteria, archeabacteria, eukariotes
Stanley miller
performed experiment in which he combined methane, hydrogen, water, and ammonia, and created amino acids
first cells
originated 3.8 billion years ago, were prokaryotic and anaerobic, relied on fermentation to survive as there was no oxygen
lack nucleus and many organelles, unicellular. Most bacteria and archaea
fungi, protists, plants, and animals. unicellular or multicellular. contain nucleus and many organelles
theory of endosymbiosis
mitochondrea and chloraplests are descendants of free living prokaryotic organisms. prokaryotes were engulfed by early eukaryotes and became organelles
eukaryotic, mostly unicellular, motile, structurally complex. found where 'wet' (plankton). extremely diverse
autotrophic or parasitic, one or more flagella, asexual reproduction. orients towards light
'backpacker's diarriah' infects 200 million people each year
african sleeping sickness. toxic metabolic waste, common in areas such as uganda
free living, move by pseudopodia. are anarobic and can carry a variety of diseases
slime molds
amoeboid. not really mold, just slime. are heterotrophic. amoeboids form 'super cell' with multiple nuclei. important decomposers in wet environment
multicellular eukaryote, creates food by using photosynthesis
absorbs blue violent and red light, green and yellow light pass through or are reflected. located in chloraplests
thylakoid membrane
contains pigments and performs photosynthesis
study and interpritation of distribution patterns of living organisms around the world
directional selection
selection that, for given trait, increases fitness at one extreme and reduces it in another
variety and variability among all genes, species, and ecosystems
membrane enclosed, small spherical unit containing self replicating molecule and carrying info but no genetic material
rna world hypothesis
hypothesis that the world may have been full of rna before it became filled with life based on dna
allopatric speculation
speculation that occurs as a result of a geographic barrier between groups of individuals that results in reproductive isolation
biological species concept
concept that defines species in terms of the possibilities of inbreeding
highest level of class. contains archaea bacteria and eukaria
inbreeding of closely related species
offspring of individuals of two different species
6 kingdoms bacteria, archaea, protists, plants, animals, and fungi
morphological species concept
concept that defines species on physical features such as body shape and size
doubling of sets of chromosomes in an individual

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