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systematic study of human society
the idea of individuals sharing geographic area and culture
knowledge, values, customs, material objects passed from one generation to the next ex: midwest culture, KU culture
A social problem is:
-a social condition -a behavior pattern
A social problem harms:
-certain individuals -all people in a society
A social problem causes:
-public concern -collective action for change
examples of social problems:
-war -poverty -substance abuse -global warming -crime
unemployment… means possibly moving into parents house, puts marriage back…ect..
sociological imagination
awareness of the relationship between individual experience and the wider society; put yourself in someone else's shoes
Sociological study of problems
1. measure objective conditions 2. measure subjective concerns 3. apply sociological imagination 4. identify possible social policies 5. likely consequences of social polices
explanations using numbers ex: how much money is being spent in the last year of life, how much money are women making compared to men
Field Research
Observing behavior in a natural setting ex: go in coffee shop, see how people behave
Survey Research
research using survey, asked a series of questions, makes a generalization of a large population of peopel
Secondary Analysis
using data that preexist, using the sensis, data has already been collected
Marcolevel analysis
broad process, view society as stable and orderly, think of a body, each part of the body makes it work (gov, family, ext =society)
Manifest Function
intended and recognized activity of a social process…make is more productive as a labor force
Latent Function
unintended, beneficial consequences of a social process ex: go out and meet people…match making
institutions fall to fulfill functions…then dysfunctions occur
Undesirable consequences of a social process, can lead to social disorganization…can mess up the rest of the system (like the body)
Conflict Perspective
Macrolevel analysis, assumes inherent power struggle…social body is not in an equilibrium, its unbalanced
Symbolic interactionist perspective
microlevel analysis, people become human through interactions (learn how to behave from mom and dad)
Social Mobility
upward or downward movement in a class system
class system
a system of social inequality based on ownership and control of resources

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