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systematic study of human society
individuals sharing geographic are and culture
knowledge, values, customs, material objects, passing from one generation to the next
social problems
social condition and behavior pattern. examples: war, crime, poverty, rasicm ---- non social problem: there are 1000 hunting deaths each year -----social problem: driving a motor vehicle results in 34000 deaths every year *its a social problem because it causes social conern and acts…
social problems: who does this harm; what do these problems cause?
certain individuals ; or all people of society: harmed causing public concern and act of change
is sociology a science?
its a systematic method of investigation; it requires research but cannot be modeled as a natural science *relies on interview and statistical approaches
theoretical thinking
data analysis- still have social imagination; logically assessments of our arguments
sociological imagination
"awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society" *ability to connect person troubles with public issues
civil wright mills (1959)
allows us to: change perspectives from one to another *ask yourself what are some of the economical forces that lead to certain kinds of social behavior
sociological theories
:gives frame work for society; allows us to decide, predict, and explain things
macrolevel of analysis ; looking at broad patterns in society Functionalist solutions: Strengthen social institutions (education, family) oHelp meet the needs of poor institutions § How we go about reach higher levels of education
social functions: manifest function
intended and recognize activity of a social process; develop of human capital *overtly recognized
social functions: latent function
unintended; beneficial consequences of a social process *not usually overtly recognized ------education:acts as a babysitter;allows parents to work;
symbolic interactionist
micro level analysis; ppl become humans thru our interacts ---mom & baby ---family & friends social probs:become socially constructed; behaviors our learned
conflict theory
society is based off of inherent power struggles'; macro analysis --- not benefiting everyone equally ; minorities & majorities -- diff groups working together to control scarce resources
sociological explanations of violence
Functionalist: Violence increases when social institutions are weakened --- Solution: strength social institutions (family, school) Conflict: Violence is a response to inequalities in society o Solution: reform political and economic institutions to change inequality · Symbol…
· explanations using number o How much money is women making compared to men o Use number to represent o This part of Lawrence--- poor
explanations using interpretive descriptions (words) o Used to get at subjective explanations o How does it influence your behaviors
research methods
Field analysis- going into the field to learn something in its natural setting to collect data o Survey analysis- research using surveys; Secondary analysis- using data that pre-exists.. analyze photos etc
social mobility
· Land of opportunity o Possibility of achieving “ the American dream” o Each generation can potentially have a higher standard of living than those that came before o Want to be happy in life.. and want a high standard of living.. want to make more money than our parents
possibilities of social mobility
o Upward or downward movement in a class system o A class system is a system of social inequality based on ownership and control of resources
effects of inequality
· Households o Spending more and more time at work o Leading to gaining higher income and getting more wants o Decline in social capital- social networks have value o Fewer people are engaging in outside organizations o No longer going to church, sporting clubs, etc ·…
measuring social class
Karl marx (1818-1883)- founding of sociology; Relationship to means of production in capitalist society; Bourgeoisie: own means of production;Proletariat: work for those who own means of production Assets to produce wealth Max weber (1864-1920) Wealth- value of our economic assets Po…
Poverty Explanations:Individual;Cultural Structural explanations: Changes in economy put people in poverty: Broader macro changes: Downsizing, layoffs, increase, in technology Solutions of poverty: No consensus on causes of poverty results in no consensus on solutions to poverty
· Important so people in lower classes have an opportunity to move up to middle or upper class… in the following generations
Segmented labor market · Primary labor market o What we all aspire too o Good jobs that we want to have o They demand high skills § With high skills comes high wages o Requires high levels of training and specialization

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