47 Cards in this Set
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Connect places of equal value
Contour Lines
Point of equal elevation
Points of equal precipitation
Points of equal barometric pressure
Points of equal temperature
6 miles x 6 miles
Congressional survey has townships ___ miles x ___ miles
Principle meridians and base lines
Congressional survey uses _______ and ____ ____ to form the survey framework
Planes, Cones, Poly-cones, and Cylinders
What are the surfaces for projections?
T/F A planimetric map is two dimensional
Vertical air photos do not have a scale
The ______ is the only line of latitude that is a great circle
Conformal Map
Shape of land map
symbolization used on a map
ration of the map to the area being mapped
Virginia Military District
Metes and bounds are found in___
Western Reserve
An example of a civil town is___
science and profession of map-making
Great Circle
An imaginary circle drawn in any direction around its surface and whose plane passes through the center
Every great circle divides earth into equal halves
Small circles
Circles whose planes do not pass through the center of the Earth
Geographic Grid
Lines that run east and west around the glove to mark latitude and lines that run north and south from pole to pole to indicate longitude
International Date Line
On the opposite side of earth from the prime meridian
Base lines
east-west lines
Principal Meridians
north-south lines
False color
Color infra-red film is also called...
Equal Area
a map projection on which any given areas of Earth's surface are shown in correct proportional sizes on the map
a map projection that maintains the true shape of the smaller areas on Earth's surface
a map projection that preserves the true direction from the map center to any other point on the map
Compromise Projection
not good for navigating
the science of location and finding one's way, position, or direction
Oblate Spheriod
Earth's shape is a slightly flatenned sphere
Coordinate system
a precise system of grid lines used to descrie location
North Pole
maximum north latitude (90 degrees N) at the point marking the axis of rotation
South Pole
maximum south latitude (90 degrees south) at the point marking the axis of rotation
great circle of Earth midway between the poles; the zero degree parallel of latitude that divides Earth into the Northern and Southern Hempispheres
angular distance north or south of the equator
navigation instrument used to determine latitude by star and sun positions
Prime Meridian
half of a great circle that connects the North and South poles and marks zero degrees longitude. By international agreement, passes through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England
one half oaf a great circle on the globe connecting all points of equal longitude, all meridians connnect the North and South Poles
solar noon
the time of day when the sun angle is at maximum above the horizon
uses satellites and computers to compute positions anywhere on Earth to within a few centimeters of their true location
mercator projection
mathematically produced, conformal map projection showing the compass bearings as straight lines
a property of some maps that depicts distances equally without scale variation
rhumb line
line of compass bearing
gnomonic projection
planar projection with greatly distorted land and water areas; valuable for navigation bcause all great circles on the projection appear as striaght lines
color composite image
a digital image that combines several wave-length bands- a common color composite that is used resembles a near-infrared color photo
side-looking airborne radar
a radar system that is used for making maps of terrain features