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Age of Grand Harmony
Opening phase of the Chou Dynasty. The best way of living.
Period of Warring States
How do we keep from destroying ourselves?
Devise laws that clearly establish what will and will not be tolerated and attach them with severe penalties to deter infractions. It could restrain misconduct, but would not change attitudes.
Mo Ti
Advocated the opposite of force, namely love..... But, Love needs the help of social structures and a collective ethos.
Kung Fu Tzu
Referred to as the First Teacher in China. Quietly taught and edited the classics of China’s past.
The Analects
The most important text in Confucianism
The ideal relationship between individuals. Diligence, courtesty, unselfishness, and empathy.
Chun Tzu
A fully realized human being. The ideal attitude towards others is repect and empathy.
Propriety (proper behavior) and Ritual (the way prescribed behavior orchestrates one's life).
5 Constant Relationships
A parent is to be loving, child obedient. An elder sibling is to be gentle, younger respectful Husbands are to be good/fair, wives understanding Older friends are to be considerate, younger reverential. Rulers should be benevolent, subjects loyal.
Respect for Age
Young tend to the old. A Chinese could look forward to being served more, and listened to more, with every passing year, and to some extent the terrors of aging would be offset
Rectification of Names
social roles should be defined
Doctrine of the Mean
a middle course between unworkable extremes, brings harmony and balance
the arts of peace. arts power to ennoble the human spirit. As knowledge grows so does the country.
__ Is the center of relationships
Mandate of Heaven
his right to rule - only insofar as he rules well
Concentric Circles
Self > family > community > nation > humanity > empathy for all things
Confucianism as a religion?
reverence toward Heaven (Tien) and the worship of ancestors.
Social emphasis
social effectiveness for getting things done on a large scale
Negotiation/Mediation vs Litigation
Against impersonal courts of law. Things should be worked out thru compromise.
Success of China
Scientific technology + social technology

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