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TR (amount a firm receives from output) - TC (market value of the inputs a firm uses in production
explicit costs
outlay of money ex: workers' wages
implicit costs
costs other than cash outlay ex: opportunity cost of owner's time
accounting profit
TR- total explicit costs
economic profit
TR- TC (explicit+implicit)
production function
shows relationship between quantity of inputs used to produce a good and the quantity of output of that good
marginal product
increase in output arising from an additional unit of input MPL (of labor)= Change in Q/ Change in L
Why does MPL diminish?
MP of an input declines as Q of input increases (avg worker has less land to work with, etc.)
Fixed Costs
do not vary with Q of output
Variable Costs
vary with the Q produced
Total Costs=
Marginal Cost=
Change in TC/ change in Q
Average fixed cost
Average variable cost
Average Total Cost
For competitive firm, P also =
Perfect Competition characteristics
many buyers/sellers goods for sale are largely the same firms can freely enter/exit market
Revenues of a competitive firm
TR=PQ AR= TR/Q =P MR= change in TR/ change in Q
MR=P only true for...
firms in competitive markets
Profit Maximization
the level of Q that makes distance between TR and TC the greatest
slope of TR and TC are the same at..
the profit maximizing Q
find profit maximizing Q when
slope of TR (MR)= slope of TC (MC) MR=MC [Price=MC]
What Q maximizes the firm's profit?
if MR>MC, increase Q to raise profit if MR<MC, reduce Q to raise profit
Competitive markets: MR is always
shut down if
Exit if...
Enter market if..
long-run equilibrium
the process of entry/exit complete- remaining firms earn zero economic profit
zero economic profit occurs when...
P=ATC [P=MR=MC=ATC] in the long run, P=minimum ATC
sole seller of a product without close substitutes
difference between monopoly and perfect competition
monopoly has market power: ability to influence market price of the product it sells
barriers to entry in monopolies
single firm owns a key resource government gives single firm the exclusive right to produce good natural monopoly- single firm can produce entire market Q at lower cost than could several firms
Demand Curves: Monopoly vs. Competition
Competition: indv. firms- horizontal at P=MR Monopoly: only seller, MR does not =P, faces market demand curve
Increasing Q has 2 effects on revenue:
Output effect- higher output raises revenue Price effect- lower price reduces revenue
market with few sellers
game theory
study of how people behave in strategic situations (oligopoly)
agreement among firms in a market about Q to produce or P to charge
group of firms acting in unison
nash equilibrium
a situation in which economic participants interacting with one another each choose their best strategy given the strategies that all others have chosen
oligopoly market P&Q comparisons
Q: monopoly<oligopoly<competitive P: competitive<oligopoly<monopoly
game theory
rests on players choosing dominant strategy for themselves

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