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How long has flight been around?
350 MYA
Define elytra
Hardened forewings
Define hemelytra
Half hard, half soft
Define halteres
Highly modified wings
Who has scaled wings?
___ provide strength to withstand ___ stress.
Wings Aerodynamics
How do insects move their wings in flight?
↓ power stroke ↑ recovery stroke
Direct flight muscles
Red muscles activated
Indirect flight muscles
Muscles not attached to wings Flight muscle action on thorax
Angle of attack is based on
Direction of airflow
Insect flight is not just about
Flapping wings
Fly landing on ceiling
Momentum to swing the rest of the body to land on the wall
Pests are a ___ concept
How do insects become pests?
New introduction Abundant concentration of resources
Attributes to crop monoculture
Human selected plants Nutrients and water added
Temperature Density
Competition Natural enemies Food
Natural enemies
Predators Pathogens Parasitoids
Plant nutrition Plant defense
Define life tables
Useful technique for understanding insect population dynamics

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