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Reality of Consent
concept that there is a defense to a contract unless the parties' consent is both real and voluntary
court-ordered cancellation of a contract
court-ordered revision of a contract to correct a mistake in reducing it to writing
Mutual Mistake
bilateral mistake of fact by both parties to the contract
Unilateral Mistake
mistake by one party to the contract
Innocent Misrepresentation
misrepresentation without fault
Negligent Misrepresentation
party makes a statement without exercising due care to ensure that the statement is true
Fraudulent Misrepresentation
false statement of fact, made with the intent to deceive, reasonably relied on and causing damages
Fraud in the Execution
lying about the nature of a document in order to obtain a person's signature
Fraud in the Inducement
misrepresentation as to the understood matter of the contract
Contract of Adhesion
contract in which the terms are dictated by the stronger party, with no real negotiation allowed
Reasonable Expectations Test
states that a performing party is released by complete performance when he meets the reasonable expectations of the other party in light of the entire contract
Substantial Performance
occurs where there is a breach of contract, but it is minor in light of entire contract (Partial Discharge)
Material Breach
failure to fulfill a contractual obligation which is important in light of the entire of the contract
Immaterial Breach
breach which is unimportant in light of the entire contract (substantial performance)
Satisfaction Clause
Requires one party to perform the contract to the satisfaction of the other party. In a contract which involves a matter of taste, a satisfaction clause means there must be personal satisfaction (subjective) Function (objective)
Time is of the Essence Clause
a clause in a contract that uses the words "time is of the essence" to indicate that time of performance is essential to the contract, so any time delays will be considered a material breach
Anticipatory Repudiation
material breach which occurs when, prior to the time performance is due, one party informs the other that it will not perform the contract
Condition Precedent
condition which must be fulfilled prior to a duty arising under the contract
Condition Subsequent
relieves a contractual duty after a certain event occurs.
Concurrent Condition
present in a contract when bother parties' performance is conditioned on the others' simultaneous performance
Voluntary Rescission
occurs when all parties to the contract agree to cancel it
occurs when the parties agree to cancel the old contract and enter into a new one
Accord and Satisfaction
occurs where there is an agreement by one party to accept a performance which is different from that required by the contract, followed by the completion of that performance by the other party
voluntary acceptance by one party of the inadequate performance of the other
Expectation Interest
interest of a party to a contract in getting the benefit of the bargain, that is, to be placed in the same situation the party would have been in if there had been no breach
Reliance Interest
nonbreaching party's interest in being repaid for the const of partial performance or preparation to perform
Restitution Interest
interest of one party in receiving the value of the benefit he or she supplied to the other party
Compensatory Damages
direct damages, which naturally flow from a breach of contract and which meet the typical expectation interest of the nonbreaching parties
Cover Price
cost of substitute goods or substitute performance
Consequential Damages
indirect damages which do not necessarily flow form the breach, but which are recoverable if two conditions are met
Incidental Damges
costs of finding substitute performance
Mitagation of Damages
requirement that a non breaching party use reasonable efforts to lessen or mitigate the damages of the breaching party
Punitive Damages
damages awarded to punish the defendant and to deter others form similar conduct
Nominal Damages
small amount of damages given to a party who wins but who can show no monetary injury
Liquidated Damages
damages in a fixed amount agreed upon by the parties prior to any breach of contract
Negotiable Instruments
class of documents which can be easily transferred from one person to another
act of transferring ownership of a negotiable instrument
signature of the older on the back of the instrument
person signing the indorsement
person whom instrument is endorsed to
person properly in possession of a properly transferred negotiable instrument
Order Paper
contains an order by one person for another to pay a sum of money
person signing order paper
person or entity ordered to pay (Bank for a check)
person to be paid
order issued by a drawer for a drawee to pay a payee
draft payable on demand in which a bank is the drawee
Promise Paper
Promise of one party to pay another
person who promises to pay
person to be paid
Promissory Note
promise by maker to pay a sum of money to payee at a future time
Certificate of Deposit
special type of promise pater, not of bank acknowledging a deposit and promising to repay at future time with interest
Conditional Indorsement
places a specific condition upon the right to the indorsee on the instrument
Trust Indorsement
indorses the instrument to a trustee

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