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activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, and delivering and exchanging offerings that have VALUE
customer values
form, time, possession, place, information, service
form value
utility provided by changing raw materials into a finished product
time value
product availability when customer needs it
possession value
enhancing customers' ability to acquire and use the product over time
place value
marketing product available where customer needs it
information value
providing relevant information about the product
service value
providing ongoing excellent service
product, promotion, price, place
Strategic planning steps
mission statement, setting company objectives, designing business portfolio, planning and implementing strategy
product oriented
what they sell
market oriented
focus on how to change people's lives
product life cycle
limited life, sales pass through distinct stages, products vary, require different life cycles
product life cycle stages
introduction, growth, maturity, decline
growth share matrix
assists firm in analyzing and designing businesses and products to achieve enhanced profits, sales , or share across various stages of PLC
tool that uses market share data and the growth of the market in which the business or product operates to develop a strategy for growth
market share
product unit sales/total market unit sales
growth share matrix stages
question mark, star, cash cow, dog
question mark
very new products and businesses, low sales
young but maturing, strong sales
cash cow
mature products, strong sales
product and business decline
marketing strategies
build, hold, harvest, divest
groups of customers based on their similarity to one another
unknown customer needs
solutions for customers that are so radical or revolutionary they cant be envisioned
political, economical, competitive, technological, social
insight that arises from a PECTS analysis that cant be explained solely on the facts from PECTS alone
political analysis
current and future laws, environment issues, political climate
economic analysis
economic growth, inflation rates, unemployment, exchange rates, customer confidence
competitive analysis
direct/indirect competitors, intensity of competition and trends, success
technological analysis
present & future state of tech, competing techs, innovation
social analysis
lifestyle needs, customer needs, buying trends, ethical issues
strategic groups
competitors can be defined by how they compete to serve the customer
3 groupings of strategic groups
pursue similar competitive strategies, have similar firm characteristics, have similar types & sizes of assets
customer choice
analysis based on how the customer defines competing solutions
marketing research
process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about customers, competitors, and the business environment in order to improve marketing effectiveness
process of marketing reserach
define research objectives, define data, collect data, analyze data, act on insights
research objectives
segmentation, products, pricing & promotion, distribution
depth of insight, focus groups
focused on numerical data that is representative of larger group, surveys
secondary data
data already collected but for another purpose
primary data
data collected to address a specific research question, get yourself
exploratory research
develop hypothesis, establish priorities for future, better formulate research purpose, clarify concepts, use qualitative
descriptive research
describe phenomena, characteristics, demographics, quantitative
causal research
test hypothesis, answer questions
3 requirements of causal research
co-variation, temporal sequence, nonsuperious assocation
two phenomena vary together
temporal sequence
appropriate causal order of events
nonspurious association
an absence of alternative plausible explanations
consumer behavior
process of individuals or groups selecting, purchasing, using, and disposing of goods, services, ideas, or experiences, to satisfy needs and desires
problem recognition
consumer perceives a difference between their current product outcomes and their desired outcomes
information search
consumers gather information from many sources to make a decision
alternative evaluation sets
evoked set, retrieved set, universal set
evoked set
small group being evaluated, smaller than total
retrieved set
brands stored in memory
universal set
all brands available to purchase
objective attributes
quantitative, rational, everything in brochure
subjective attributes
qualitative, what makes you feel, emotional
extended problem solving
purchase decision is important, spend much time, money, and effor
limited problem solving
purchase is somewhat important, spend moderate time, effort, and some money
routine decision making
frequently solve this need, little time, effort and no money
psychological influences
personality, motivation, risk, lifestyle, perception, learning
refers to consistent behaviors or responses to stimuli on consistent basis
how people see themselves and how they think others see them
force within the customer driving them to purchase or not purchase
5 motivation reasons
physical, safety, social, reflect success, better themselves
purchasing power often produces risk for consumer
5 risks
performance, financial, physical, social, time-loss
performance risk
product may not perform well, break down
financial risk
buyer may lose money, pay too much
physical risk
product may be harm to the user's health
social risk
friend, relatives, spouse may not approve
time-loss risk
maintenance time or time required to return the product to the place of purchase may be excessive
values, attitudes, and behaviors exhibited by customers helping predict buying patterns
3 types of lifestyles
achievers, strivers, thinkers
live buy goal directed lives and strong commitment to career and family, consume time-saving produts
trendy, fun-loving, less confident, consume safe
mature, reflective, and well-educated, consume durable
process by which the customer selects, organizes, and interprets info
affects customers purchasing; emotional vs rational
situation influences
physical environment, time, personal factors
physical environment
the atmosphere of the store
the amount of time you have available to make a decision
personal factors
your mood, amount of money you have in hand, companions
socio-cultural influences
culture and social class
societal group who share a distinctive set of beliefs, characteristics, or experiences; race
social class
refers to overall rank of people in society; income
reference group
can influence an individual's purchase behavior, share same attitudes, evaluations
opinion leader
provides valuable information to others

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