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Contain only C and H Only single bonds saturated compounds ex. butane
organic compounds possessing polar carbon-halogen bonds as their functional groups
Carbon atom bonded to the oxygen of a hydroxyl group (-OH)
Oxygen with two single bonds to carbon
Sulfur with one bond to hydrogen and one to carbon.
double bonded carbons
At least one triple bond CΞC CnH2n-2
aromatic compounds
contain a benzene ring of six carbons atoms
at end of carbon skeleton c double bonded to o and single bond to h
C double bonded to O and singly bonded to 2 carbon skeleton groups
Carboxylic Acid
C bonded with double bond with O bonded to an alchohol and another carbon group.
functional group is a two carbonyl groups bonded to the same oxygen RC=OOC=OR' to name drop "acid" and add word anhydride to parent C=O. example: acetic acid acetic anhydride
C double bonded to O and single bonded to another O
C double bonded to O and single bonded to a N
C triple bond with N
N bonded to 2 h and carbon group
substitution of hydrogen atoms of an organic compound by chlorine atoms
Substitution Reaction
Reaction in which an atom or group of atoms is replaced by another atom or group of atoms
Elimination reaction
A chemical reaction in which a double bond is formed when atoms in a molecule are removed
Hydrogen Atom
Contains one proton and one electron
Positive charge, H
A hydride ion is
a negative hydrogen with two electrons
ionization potential
the energy it takes to remove an electron from the atom
electron affinity
the energy released when a single electron is added to an isolated atom
carbon normally has ___ bonds
nitrogen normally has ___ bonds
oxygen normally has ___ bonds
Electronegativity increases ____ to _____, ______ to _________.
left, right, bottom, top
if they have the same electronegativity then they will form
perfectly covalent bonds
trigonal planar shape
sp2 = 3 bonds, bond angle 180 Bonding -3 nonbonding -0 120 degrees. E.g. BF3
Trigonal Pyramidal
3 bonds, 1 lone pair
formal charge calculation
=number valence electrons-bonding-number of lone pair
Guidelines for resonance contribution of canonical structures
Major contributors should: 1) Structures w/max octets 2) Charges on atoms should match relative EN 3) Structures w/less separation of opposite charge
Hybrid Orbital: sp
Involves 2 electron groups. A hybrid between one s and p orbital.
sp2 hybrid orbital
1/3 of an s orbital 2/3 of an p orbital 120 degrees trigonal planar
SP3 hybrid orbital
composition - 1 s and 3 p orbitals = 4 sp3 orbitals tetrahedral - 109.5o
π bonds are
sideway parallel overlap of pure p orbitals
The most stable form of an element according to MO theory
has a greater net bondiing
note "R" "S" and placement of dash wedge
HCl addition (carbocation intermediate)

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