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Phylum Porifera
Basal animals that lack true tissues Choanocytes (collar cells, flagellated cells that ingest bacteria and tiny food particles) Calcarea, Silicea (Sponges)
Phylum Cnidaria
(Hydras, jellies, sea anemones, corals) Radial symmetry, diploblastic tissue organization
A clade identified by molecular data, have the wildest range of animal body forms phylum platyhelminthes, rotifera, lophophorates, mollusca, annelida
Phylum Platyheliminthes
(Flatworms) Bilateral symmetry Triploblastic tissue
Phylum Rotifers
Wheel animals- rotifers organs systems present, including alimentary canal, asexual
Phlyum Lophophorate
Phronida, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda Coelomates w/ lophophores (feeding structures bearing ciliated tentacles)
Phylum Mollusca
(Clams, snails, squids) Coelomates w/ 3 main body parts (muscular foot, viscral mass, mantle) coelom reudced hard shell made of calcium carbonate
Body plans of mollusca
class polyplacophora (chitons) class gastropoda (snails, slugs & cowries) class bivalvia (scallops, clams and oysters) class cephalopoda (squid, nautilus, octopus)
Phylum Annelida
(segmented worms) Coelomates w/ segmented body wall and internal organs, except digestive tract

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