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Killing Us Softly (Film)
Kilbourne - uncovers a steady stream of sexist and misogynistic images and messages; showing a world of thin women in positions of passivity; restrictive code of femininity that undermines girls around the world
Women's' Right to Vote
1920, 19th amendment passed; Elizabeth Stanton, Susan B Anthony, and Lucy Stone were important figures; suffragettes were women who campaigned for the right to vote
Margaret Sanger
American birth control activist, sex educator, and nurse; opened first birth control clinic in US; criticized by opponents of birth control and for supporting eugenics
Nature vs. Nurture
is a homosexual orientation intimately intertwined with a persons true identity as a human being
the theory and practice of improving the genetic quality of the human population; advocating the improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of people with desired traits
a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women and men
first wave of feminism - moved to join the abolitionist movement
second wave of feminism
hatred, we vs. them, throwing up a shield between the faithful and the realities
unifying agents of social movements
glorification of the past, restoring honor, myths build up around "right thought", put up a shield
aspects of social mass movements
no men, no leaders, from personal to social issues
consciousness raising groups
divorce, abuse, periods, rape, work, pay
topics of conscious raising groups
eating disorders
food is ritual, food is nurturing; 8 million Americans have eating disorder; women associated with all parts of food except eating; eating disorders have highest mortality rate of any mental illness; barbie
3 billion people don't come close; disproportional; would die of chronic diarrhea and malabsorption and malnutrition; news cast
over 130 million women; types include clitorectomy, excision, infibulation; cultural but enforced by religion
empower daughters, ensure marriage, protect family name, show growth into womanhood, keep virginity
types of FMG
thin, white, tall, blond, big breasted
American beauty myth
scars, long neck, "hidden girls," "American eyes"
beauty myths around the world
social system where men hold power within the system (feminists want to fight the system not men)
male gaze
men watching from a standpoint of power and judgement; renders women silent; female gaze is of adoration; cinema
said only to be a bedroom issue; right to be who we are; sexual invisibility; suicide
homosexual identity to be viewed as viable and legitimate; combat lesbian baiting; stop accepting the norm; don't blame the victim
Pharr's suggestion for eliminating homophobia

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