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Key feature of MM security?
Hold less than a year
6 money market securities?
Treasury Bill Repurchase agreement (repo) Commercial Paper Federal Funds Certificate of Deposit Banker’s Acceptance
What are the 3 treasuries and their maturities?
1. T-bill <1 year T-note 1-10 years T-bond 10+ years
Treasuries have coupons?
No coupons bought at a discount
Coupons are paid (on all bonds)?
Cost for t-bill is called?
Par value (bought 995 to 1000 a year later)
What are unsecured notes also known as?
Commercial paper
Why are commercial paper 270 days or less?
Don’t have to register with the SEC
Why need for commercial paper?
keep up with cash flow
What firm went bankrupt and couldn’t pay its commercial paper?
Lehman brothers
What is the rate banks loan to each other?
Federal Funds rate
What is used for foreign trade transactions?
Banker’s acceptance
What is a repo (repurchase agreement) used for?
So the Fed (and participating companies) can add money to the money supply (when they buy back at a higher rate)
Which bank failed to pay repurchase agreement?
Bear Stearns
What are bonds?
Investment in debt
Who issues treasury bonds?
1. Federal government
1. Treasury bonds bought at (dutch) auction:
Competitive bidding-submit a bid(therefore interest rate makers) Non-competitive bidding-tell how much they want(therefore take the IR)
What are IO/PO strips from treasury bond?
1. IO-interest only PO- principal only
Municipal bonds
1. county government bonds TAX EXEMPT (yields less) They have more default risk b/c they must raise taxes (can’t print money)
Junk bond
lower-rated company or start-up (high risk higher yield)
4 types of bonds?
1. U.S. treasury, federal agency (mortgage fanny mae), municipalities, corporation
Corporate bond
unsecured-no asset Secured-backed by asset
Call provision?
IR goes down, they can recall bonds
Protective covenant?
Ex. Won’t issue extra stock, limit bonuses to management
Corporate bonds are ___ yield than treasury?
Fed agency bonds are?
Mortgages bought by fannie mae and Freddie mac
Bearer bond?
Coupon physically attached to bond so whoever holds bond is owner
What is a stock?
An investment in equity
How often are dividends paid?
Margin trading?
buying stock with borrow money (debt) why? Higher return
Margin call?
Put more cash in account for collateral because it’s gone down in value
Market order
current market price
Limit order
set own price, but might not get it bought at that price
Betting on price going down and selling others’ stock so must buy it back
Ask price?
sell at current price
Bid price?
buy at current price
First issue of stock
Secondary issue?
More stock issue = diluted so price goes down
Repurchase of stock?
Increase stock value
Buy asset and sell relatively quickly for profit
Flip after IPO?
Makes price go down
stops flipping IPO?
Lock-up provision
Preferred shareholders?
Get paid dividend first
Common shareholders?
Have voting rights
Circuit breakers?
Cease trading on whole industry
Trading halt?
Stoppage of trade on a particular stock
Mutual fund?
Invest money for you
Mutual funds are open ended?
Meaning can issue shares whenever
How often mut fund priced?
Once daily
What is name of price (mut fund)?
Why invest in mut fund?
Problems with mutual funds?
Load fee –front-end=pay upfront, back-end=pay after
traded between investors, less diversified, based on sectors (ex. Energy)
why etf
less fees
1. Real estate investment trust · Mortgage REIT-mortgages and MBS · Equity-property is asset · Hybrid REIT-prop and mort
Hedge fund?
Less transparent/regulation, need millions to enter, can’t exit at any time, management fee and 20% profit incentive
What are the 4 types of savings bonds?
1. EE-30,HH-20,I-inflation indexed, patriot-military spending
Which is more risky: stock or bond?
Bond b/c company can default on bond
1. raise=good for investor; lower=bad b/c cash flow receding; same= good b/c stable with no new cost
In 2004 DJIA(?) dropped:
1. dropped: Alcoa, Bank of America, Goldman-Sachs Added: Nike, Visa, Goldman-Sachs
ask bid
ask-sell bid-buy
Money market fund-
invest in short-term debt (ex. treasury bill or commercial paper)
What is money market’s risk?
1. Term-tie money up (no); liquidity-highly liquid(no) IR-no b/c year or less; default-yes
Short sell
1. selling stock hoping price drops
Mutual fund types
specialty-oil, transportation; index fund-s&p 500; multifund-invests in other mutual funds; tax-free-municipal bonds

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