MIT 6 006 - Quiz 2

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November 17 2010 6 006 Fall 2010 Quiz 2 Introduction to Algorithms Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professors Konstantinos Daskalakis and Patrick Jaillet Quiz 2 Do not open this quiz booklet until directed to do so Read all the instructions on this page When the quiz begins write your name on every page of this quiz booklet You have 120 minutes to earn 120 points Do not spend too much time on any one problem Read them all through first and attack them in the order that allows you to make the most progress 00 This quiz is closed book You may use two 8 21 1100 or A4 crib sheet both sides No calculators or programmable devices are permitted No cell phones or other communications devices are permitted Write your solutions in the space provided If you need more space write on the back of the sheet containing the problem Pages may be separated for grading Do not waste time and paper rederiving facts that we have studied It is sufficient to cite known results When writing an algorithm a clear description in English will suffice Pseudo code is not required When asked for an algorithm your algorithm should have the time complexity specified in the problem with a correct analysis If you cannot find such an algorithm you will generally receive partial credit for a slower algorithm if you analyze your algorithm correctly Show your work as partial credit will be given You will be graded not only on the correctness of your answer but also on the clarity with which you express it This quiz is shorter than the first so we expect you to take the time to write clear and thorough solutions Good luck Problem Parts Points Grade Grader 1 2 2 2 4 38 3 2 20 4 1 20 5 3 20 6 1 20 Total Name Friday Recitation Aleksander 11 AM 120 Arnab 12 PM Alina 3 PM Matthew 4 PM 6 006 Quiz 2 Name Problem 1 What is Your Name 2 points 2 parts a 1 point Flip back to the cover page Write your name there b 1 point Flip back to the cover page Circle your recitation section 2 6 006 Quiz 2 Name Problem 2 Short Answer 38 points 4 parts a 9 points Give an example of a graph such that running Dijkstra on it would give incorrect distances b 9 points Give an efficient algorithm to sort n dates represented as month day year and all from the 20th century and analyze the running time 3 6 006 Quiz 2 Name c 10 points Give an O V E time algorithm to remove all the cycles in a directed graph G V E Removing a cycle means removing an edge of the cycle If there are k cycles in G the algorithm should only remove O k edges d 10 points Let G V E be a weighted directed graph with exactly one negativeweight edge and no negative weight cycles Give an algorithm to find the shortest distance from s to all other vertices in V that has the same running time as Dijkstra 4 6 006 Quiz 2 Name 5 Problem 3 Path Problems 20 points 2 parts We are given a directed graph G V E and for each edge u v E we are given a probability f u v that the edge may fail These probabilities are independent The reliability p of a path p u1 u2 uk is the probability that no edge fails in the path i e p 1 f u1 u2 1 f u2 u3 1 f uk 1 uk Given a graph G the edge failure probabilities and two vertices s t V we are interested in finding a path from s to t of maximum reliability a 10 points Propose an efficient algorithm to solve this problem Analyze its running time b 10 points You tend to be risk averse and in addition to finding a most reliable simple path from s to t you also want to find a next most reliable simple path and output these two paths Propose an algorithm to solve the problem argue its correctness and give its asymptotic running time 6 006 Quiz 2 Name 6 Problem 4 Flight Plans 20 points When an airline is compiling flight plans to all destinations from an airport it serves the flight plans are plotted through the air over other airports in case the plane needs to make an emergency landing In other words flights can be taken only along pre defined edges between airports Two airports are adjacent if there is an edge between them The airline also likes to ensure that all the airports along a flight plan will be no more than three edges away from an airport that the airline regularly serves Given a graph with V vertices representing all the airports the subset W of V which are served by the airline the distance w u v for each pair of adjacent airports u v and a base airport s give an algorithm which finds the shortest distance from s to all other airports with the airports along the path never more than 3 edges from an airport in W 6 006 Quiz 2 Name 7 Problem 5 Tree Searches 20 points 3 parts In this problem we consider doing a depth first search of a perfect binary search tree B In a perfect binary search tree a node p can have either 2 or 0 children but not just one child with the usual requirement that any node in the left subtree of p is less than p and node in the right subtree is greater than p In addition all nodes with no children leaves must be at the same level of the tree To make B into a directed graph we consider the nodes of B to be the vertices of the graph For each node p we draw a directed edge from p to its left child and from p to its right child An example of a perfect binary search tree represented as a graph is shown in Figure 1 7 5 4 9 6 8 10 Figure 1 An example of a perfect binary search tree represented as a directed graph a 6 points We structure our adjacency function such that at a node p we first run DFS V ISIT on the left child of p and then on the right child When we have finished expanding a node i e just before we return from DFS V ISIT we print the node What is the first node printed What is the last node printed Give a short defense of your answer 6 006 Quiz 2 Name b 7 points Does DFS print out the nodes of the tree in increasing or decreasing order If yes give a proof If no give a small counter example where the algorithm fails to print out the nodes in increasing or decreasing order and show the output of DFS on your example c 7 points Recall that usually when doing depth first search we …

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MIT 6 006 - Quiz 2

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