Stacks and Queues 11 30 2007 1 Opening Discussion Let s look at solutions to the interclass problem Linked list code Do you have any questions about the assignment 2 Stack and Queue ADTs Today we are going to talk about two other ADTs that are far simpler than lists The stack and queue ADTs each require two methods and generally have four Stack Queue push add something to the stack pop remove from the stack enqueue add something to the queue dequeue remove something from the queue Both peak check next this to remove isEmpty tell if it is empty 3 LIFO vs FIFO The difference between the stack and the queue is what element is removed when an element is removed The stack is Last In First Out The queue is First In First Out Note you have no control over where things go or what you pull out The order is specified by the ADT 4 Array Based Stacks This is an easy data structure Just keep an array and an integer index for the top When the array fills up make a bigger one 5 Array Based Queues This is a bit harder You have to keep track of both a front and back of the queue The trick is making it circular so you don t take up too much memory Modulo is a very helpful operation for making the indexes wrap around 6 Linked List Based Stacks Just as easy as the array based stack Use a singly linked list and add and remove from the head 7 Linked List Based Queues Perhaps easier than the array based queue Use a singly linked list and make the head be the front while the tail is the end It has to go that way because you can t efficiently remove from the tail in a singly linked list 8 Code Let s code these up as time allows 9 Minute Essay Do the linked data structures make sense to you Interclass Problem Look up what a reverse Polish calculator is and write one using a stack that holds doubles 10
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