RELS 108 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 12 Lecture 1 Aug 27th What is spirituality vs religion Spirituality is very open concept can t be contained by a single definition It s non dogmatic very flexible non structured Religion is much more complex and structured Define emic and etic Emic sympathetically engaging with a religious tradition understanding through participation Etic formally disengaged so to observe objectively scientific approach Lecture 2 Aug 29th List 5 approaches to understanding religion Sacred Text interpret text as a literary object translate interpret Permanutically engaging by learning Historical Method seeks to discover origin of religious spiritual tradition Comparative compares traditions form other religions has origins in missionaries encountering natives in other lands Philosophical attempts to understand the sacred provides arguments for and against religions Sociohistoric traces development of religious ideas in institutions over time List 4 stages of understanding religion Gathering collecting religious data comes from certain behaviors of religious people Search for pattern what are they doing Intention of behavior analysis of the structure of patterns why are they doing this Generalization attempts to form a united theory about religious behavior What are the functions of religion Enables people to sustain hope in the midst of crisis Functionalist approach reduces religion down to a coping mechanism practiced by Sigmund Freud Karl Marx etc Lecture 3 Sep 3rd What are the 2 ways sacred can manifest Transcendent going beyond standing over experience refers to aspect of a God or its power Immanence philosophical doesn t stand above or go beyond ordinary Define monotheistic and pantheistic Monotheistic represents one god Pantheistic represents multiple gods 4 Noble Truths Dukha suffering pain discontent Trishnu thirst craving Cessation transforming our thirst dehydration Eightfold path marga cultivation of right view right intention right speech right action livelihood perform job or task and don t harm others effort mindfulness right concentration Lecture 4 Sep 5th 3 Hierophany Patterns Prophetic person prophet receives revelation that deals with the spiritual community Sacramental presence of the sacred in an through material reality immanent not transcendent Mystical being in a certain state of consciousness in search of enlightenment Define archetype Archetype primary pattern Define chromos and kairos Chronos linear and sequential beginning middle and end Kairos time feels right the right time moment of indeterminate time where something special occurs window of time for someone to participate in something open dimension Cosmology asks 4 questions Origin where did this universe come from Material what is it composed of Purpose does the universe have a reason for existing Teleology Consciousness why are thing conscious Does consciousness have a purpose o Epistemology study of knowing what does it mean to know How do we know Lecture 5 Sep 10th 3 Types of Language Paradoxical ex God is everything and nothing neti neti not this not that expresses sacred in a paradox Cataphatic attempt to express sacred in terms of positive terminology ex God is love connecting a positive attribute with god Apaphatic arrives at an understanding of the sacred by negotiation ex God is NOT via negative 4 Functions of Myth Metaphysical attempts to awaken a sense of awe before the mythical being Cosmological explanatory ex seasons life cycles brings physical and metaphysical together Pedagogical myth is an attempt to validate and support the social order Pedagogical myth served an educational purpose Define allegory and parable Allegory stories where various characters and instances represent real people events Parable illustration comparison analogy Lecture 6 Sep 12th 4 Functions of Written Scripture Yardstick function provides a framework Evoke the sacred whether sung or read aloud Defines a community allows them to become contempt with text Means of preservation cosmological view of the community What is theology The study of religions Tools of theology Exegesis art of interpretation History attempt to understand its meaning Systematic thought develops relationships Apologetics theological self defense Critical though current assessments and examine scientific topics from own perspective Ethics values religious behavior or belief theology has faith commitment to detached object Lecture 7 Sep 17th What is myth A foundation for ritual 4 Vedas Rig Veda collection of hymns and verses sukta chants yajur veda ritual guidebook samaveda songs chanted by priest atharva veda less connection concerned with spells List religions and their rituals Ritual in Judaism Passover ritual reenactment of exodus formal meal also called Seder central to Passover haggadah Ritual in Christianity Holy communion Eucharist to give thanks Ritual in Islam Muharran martyrdom of Husain ritual drama portraying good vs evil Lecture 8 Sep 19th Define church and sect Church partakes in mainstream culture dominant culture conveyor of truth Sect demands more conformity distances itself from dominant culture 3 Characteristics of a cult Charismatic leader New revelation Viewed with extreme suspicion by dominant culture 3 Phases of sacred canopy externalization objectification internalization Lecture 9 Sep 24th 4 ends or purposes of ritual Adoration acknowledges transcendence sovereignty of the sacred over against the individual Thanksgiving arises from our felt sense of bounty or abundance as opposed to the feeling of lack Petition asking or begging for favors found in Eastern and Western religions rooted in traditional societies Penance Purification signify the desire of a person to be worthy of approaching the sacred indicate the need for symmetry Lecture 10 Sep 26th 2 Major Theodicies Augustinian developed by St Augustine Evil does not exist except as a corruption of goodness In his view God did not create evil our nature is good due to the existence deriving from God Irenaean Evil is necessary for human development image potential for moral perfection likeness realization of our moral perfection free will necessary for moral perfection God as being at an epistemic distance divide between human knowing and ultimate questions Karma Action and consequence allows for good and evil 3 poisions Greed Hatred Delusion Lecture 11 Oct 1st Does the problem of evil have a definitive answer No Problem of evil
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