KU JOUR 460 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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JOUR 460 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 10 Lecture 1 September 4 In class interview with client not on test Lecture 2 September 6 Information on how the research project should be completed not on test Lecture 3 September 9 Chapter 2 marketing research and industry research ethics Consequences for not being ethical o Loss of participants o Credibility of the researcher o Credibility of the profession o Or worse ex Tuskegee syphilis studies 1932 1930s researchers wanted to know if treating syphilis in black men was different The doctors didn t treat the men suffering from syphilis Participants thought they were being treated but did not receive any penicillin Research Ethics Moral principles or values generally governing the conduct of an individual or group The Belmont report 1979 Started ethical conduct of participants in research Respect for participants autonomy o Respect participants rights values and decisions o Informed consent is needed and it is ok for that person to withdraw at any time for any reason without penalty o Protection specifically for participants who are Prisoners o Minors People under 18 cannot sign a consent form Their parent or guardian must give permission Pregnant women Beneficence Do no harm Remove existing harms and confer benefits on others Justice Equal treatment fairly administered of benefits and risk Department of health and human services HHS 1981 Syndicated research firms collect data of general interest and sell information to many clients firms o Nielsen since 1950 o WSJ video new type of tv rating o Twitter Nielsen tv type rating o Measuring a total audience Other than sweeps want to know what people are saying anout something via twitter Arbitron SRDs Mintel GFK MRI Lecture 4 Chapter 2 Continued September 11 IRB Institutional Review Board o promotes ethical treatment of participants Minors o must sign Assent form o parents must sign consent form ABC Audit Bureau of Circulators Other sources organizations individuals o Pew Research Center o Gallup o American National Election Studies o General Social Survey o American Association for Public Opinion Research AAPOR o Quinnipiac University Polling Institute o Many large ad PR agencies have their own research account planning departments but they still purchase information from research suppliers vendors Users of Research Information o External Clients o Internal Clients Top Challenges for researchers o Participation completion rates o Sampling o unethical practices o Research suppliers o Low ball pricing o abusing respondents o violating client confidentiality client o o obtaining free advice and methods making false promises o requesting proposals without authorization o field service o faking data Lecture 5 September 16 Chapter 3 Problem Definition Exploratory Research and the Research Process Defining Research Problem o why do we need to do research o can the problem be easily fixed without research o do we even need that piece of information o Why o Opportunity identification using marketing research to find and evaluate new opportunities ex yelp Situation analysis o the big questions in plans book o where are we o where do we want to go o how do we get there strategy o how do we know when we are there evaluation o Exploratory Research p 61 o Pilot studies when you decide to first come out with a program you may choose a group of people to test the product service program to see how everything goes o experience surveys interview with experts in the area professors experts professionals o secondary data analysis whether the information answer already exists Our Construct is a combination of concepts e g advertising effectiveness client sales awareness humor Concept is an abstract idea representing general observations e g super heroes Variable a measurable or manipulated concept provide accurate description of what it is like Research Question vs Hypothesis o Research question RQ formally states question intended to provide indications about something not limited to investigating relationships between variables ex are crime rates associated with ice cream sales o Hypothesis formal statement regarding relationships between variables and is tested directly ex ice cream sales are directly associated with crime rates or the relationship could be More Less will be supported or rejected Variables measurable concepts independent cause and dependent effect Lecture 6 September 18 The marketing research process p 76 o Problem o Research Design o Method o Sampling o Collect Data o Analyze o Write o Follow up o Important Concepts and Terms Descriptive Studies who when what A causal study whether the value of one variable causes or determines the value of another Temporal sequence timing Spurious association other variables are actually causing changes Methods quantitative numbers qualitative doesn t deal with numbers In depth interviews what people are saying Research Proposal major elements often written in response to an RFP p 83 Lecture 7 September 23 Chapter 4 Secondary Data and Databases Primary data new data selected Secondary data data that have been previously gathered o Limitations of Secondary Data lack of availability lack of relevance inaccuracy Insufficiency some but not enough info Internal Databases a collection of related information developed from data within the organization Micromarketing companies know your demographics and your shopping patterns Marketing that relies on the creation of a large file usually computerized of customers and potential customers profiles and purchase patterns to create a targeted marketing mix Data Mining the use of statistical and other advanced software to discover non obvious patterns hidden in the database neutral network A computer program that finds patterns in data o ex pandora amazon netflix etc Lecture 8 Septmber 25 Qualitative Research Research whose findings are not subject to quantification or quantitative analysis Differences Qualitativ Quantitative e Type of probing ltd probing question sample size small large amt of info substanti varies al requirement int w no sof admin special interviewer skills type of subjectiv statistical analysis e summation interpreti ve hardware recorders questionnai etc res etc replicability low high researcher training type of explorato descriptive research ry correlation meanings predictions each survey measures individual perception limitations o may not distinguish small differences in attitudes or

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