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Computer Graphics and the Game Industry Speaker Ted Bisson Computer Graphics and Games For today Who am I A brief introduction to OpenGL The Game Industry Who am I Ted Bisson USF class of 1998 Mathematics and Computer Science Senior Programmer Blizzard Entertainment Diablo II Diablo II Lord of Destruction OpenGL What is OpenGL OpenGL Application OpenGL 3D Hardware OpenGL OpenGL vs DirectX DirectX runs on Windows platforms OpenGL is relatively universal DirectX is better optimized for Windows platforms But it s ok they are more the same than different OpenGL 3D Engine Basics Viewports Matrices Vertex Lists Triangle Lists Lights Textures The Demo Program Structure of the Demo System WinMain Draw Utility COpenGL Primitives CVector CMatrix CColor CFile CLine CPath Containers CLineList CVertexList CTriangleList Draw Objects CDisc CModel Structure of the Demo WinMain Initialization Create a window Initialize OpenGL Message loop while not done if there is a message Pass to appropriate message handler else DrawProcess Structure of the Demo DrawProcess Render the current scene sRenderScene Synchronize to constant frame rate if time to update scene sUpdateScene Structure of the Demo sRenderScene Begin processing the scene this includes clearing the memory buffer Submit objects to be rendered End scene processing Present the rendered scene Structure of the Demo Submitting objects to the API Specify modes and begin submitting data glPolygonMode GL FRONT GL FILL glBegin GL TRIANGLES For each object submit vertex data glColor3f red green blue glNormal3f normal x normal y normal z glVertex3f position x position y position z Indicate the end of this object glEnd OpenGL Questions about OpenGL

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USF CS 686 - Computer Graphics and the Game Industry

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