RELS 108 1st Edition Lec ture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Language of the Sacred cont II Theology Current Lecture III Spirituality and ritual IV Rites of passage Current Lecture V Ritual relies on kairos open dimension right time VI Ritual is a ceremonial act ritualizes the myth VII Myth foundation for ritual VIII Allows participation in the power of the sacred a Ex Vedic rituals b Veda knowledge IX Fire element god connected to it Agni X Soma sacred juice XI Indra king of the gods soma XII 4 Vedas a Rig Veda collection of hymns and verses i sukta chants b yajur veda ritual guidebook c samaveda songs chanted by priest d atharva veda less connection concerned with spells i Incantations the idea of self was speculated on ii Vedic ritual axis mundi symbolized by tree iii Ritual all of reality iv Reality Brahman god in Hinduism highest permanent form v Arahyakas forest books vi Atman essential self vii Upanishads highest philosophical development viii Vedanta culmination of the vedas ix Maya illusion veil x Inner ritual soteriological purpose saves us from what xi Samsara wheel of life and death xii Psycho spiritual exercise yoga meditation XIII Ritual in Judaism a Passover ritual reenactment of exodus formal meal also called Seder central to Passover haggadah XIV XV XVI Ritual in Christianity a Holy communion Eucharist to give thanks Ritual in Islam a Muharran martyrdom of Husain ritual drama portraying good vs evil Rites of Passage a Transition rituals 3 phases i Separation ii Liminal pilgrimage itself iii Reintegration rebirth 3 types 1 Birth rituals baptism 2 Initiation adulthood fraternity 3 Rituals of mourning and death funeral rights wearing black or white
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