CS 1B Introduction to Programming Instructor Joan Tateyama E mail jtateyama saddleback edu Location SM301 Time Wednesday 6 9 PM Text C Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design Malik D S available in the bookstore Computer Science 1B Watkins P This is NOT available in the bookstore You will be able to print the sections in the lab from the Computer Science 1C link on the CS server http cs saddleback edu Additional class presentation material will be posted on my website at the address above Description This course will study of the concepts of structured programming using C We will cover the following topics Style Requirements Selection Repetition Input and Output Operators and Arithmetic Functions Arrays Text Files User Defined Data Types User Defined Text Files Searching and Sorting Structs C Records Pointers Resources Eclipse IDE for C C Developers will be made available in the lab Note that compiler variations will not be discussed in class Eclipse is a free open source open standards environment that can be downloaded from http www eclipse org downloads Additional Eclipse resource information can be found on the CS server Office Hours I do not have regularly scheduled office hours but will be available via email and will try to reply with 24 hours You should work in the CS Lab SM 348 as much as possible so take advantage of the lab assistants working there Evaluation Assignments Labs Quizzes Exams 2 Final 30 10 40 20 Notice to Students with Disabilities Students with a verified disability may be entitled to appropriate academic accommodations Please discuss with me as soon as possible and contact Special Services in SSC 113 All information will remain confidential Page 1 Attendance Students missing more that 6 hours of class 2 nights may be dropped No makeup exams or quizzes will be given Review the GRADING POLICY published in the schedule of courses and catalog It is YOUR responsibility if you desire to drop the class to do so by the 6th week of instruction otherwise an F grade may be awarded Note It is important to exchange phone numbers and or email addresses with someone in class so you may contact another student if you miss class Contact this person to determine what was covered or is due Homework Assignments Homework is due at the beginning of class on the assigned day Make a neat pile of that day s homework on the front desk when you first enter the class Homework is considered late if turned in on the due date but after class starts There is no advantage of working on an assignment or lab during class time when you should be in learning the next topic 10 will be deducted for assignments turned in one class meeting late 20 points will be deducted for assignments turned in two class meetings late NO assignments will be accepted after two class meetings NO points will be given for work that is copied from a blog forum wiki or any other source All work must be your own Collaboration of any kind EXCEPT for labs may result in an F for the course All assignments should be in the following format Assignment sheet on top with your name All sheets stapled in UPPER LEFT CORNER Listing of the fully documented code style as taught in 1A 1B and shown in shrink wrap Homework not in this format will lose points accordingly A program that runs and produces correct output is worth 40 of the total points The other 60 of the points are awarded based on clarity of design appearance of output documentation style indentation spacing and how well your solution conforms to the assigned problem Lab Assignments You are expected to work with one partner on lab assignments These should be completed during class time and turned in before leaving the lab that evening Quizzes Quizzes will be announced in advance and there will be no makeup quizzes given I will drop one quiz at the end of the semester Exams Final Exams will be announced at least one week in advance Makeup exams will be given only if I am notified prior to the exam with a valid reason and at my sole discretion The final will be given as posted in the Class Catalog Lab Partners It is important to exchange phone numbers email and or IM addresses with someone in class so you may contact another student if you miss class Contact this person to determine what was covered or is due Class Contact Name Contact s Phone Number Email IM Page 2 Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course the student will be able to Demonstrate an understanding of best practices in programming Break down a problem into the steps necessary for its solution using pseudo code and flowcharts Develop programs from pseudo code or flowcharts Demonstrate the appropriate use of selection and repetition constructs Implement programs using void and value returning functions appropriately Demonstrate an understanding of parameter passage by value and reference Demonstrate the ability to break programming tasks down through the appropriate use of functions Properly write the documentation necessary to provide a clear understanding to an implemented solution to a problem Write code that performs a sequential search on both an array and a linked list Demonstrate a clear understanding of pointers and linked lists Demonstrate an ability to properly structure a program and utilize the proper constructs within that program Demonstrate an understanding of commonly used constructs of a programming language including by not limited to file manipulation strings and user defined types Properly test and debug code Page 3
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