UMD GVPT 170 - Syllabus

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Government and Politics 170 American Government University of Maryland Spring 2012 Tue Thur 2 00 2 50 200 Skinner Building Professor Dr Kris Miler Email kmiler umd edu Office 3140Q Tydings Hall Office Hours Tuesday 3 5pm Teaching Assistants Jesse Kirkpatrick 0202 0203 0206 Email kirkpat1 umd edu Konrad Mugglestone 0201 0204 0205 Email kmuggles umd edu Course Description This course is designed to provide an introduction to the study of American government We will discuss the institutions that comprise the American political system as well as the way in which individuals and actors such as political parties interest groups and the media interact with these institutions We will approach the topics from a theoretical and analytical perspective In other words we will move beyond a mere description of American government to a discussion of why the American political system is organized as it is how the institutions have changed over time how the American system compares to other systems what role citizens play in the political system and the ways in which institutions and the political system might be improved Requirements You are expected to attend all lecture and section classes You are also expected to have completed the assigned readings before each class period and to come prepared to ask questions answer questions and discuss the topic at hand Participation is an important part of the course especially in discussion sections Sections are intended for you to have a chance to debate issues from lecture and the readings as well as to discuss recent developments in politics You are invited to engage in lively discussions but at no point will personal attacks or derogatory comments of any type be tolerated It is imperative that you respect each other s views In addition to completing the readings there are four major components of this course The first is an in class midterm exam on Thursday March 15th that will cover the material up to that day on the syllabus Second there will be a final exam at the end of the term The University has scheduled the final exam for our class to be Wednesday May 16th from 10 30AM 12 30PM The midterm and final exams will consist of both short answer and essay questions Third there will be two short writing assignments approximately 3 4 pages each during the course of the semester The first short paper will be due on Tuesday February 28th and the second short paper will be due on Tuesday April 24th These papers are due at the beginning of lecture More information about each short paper assignment will be distributed in class no less than 2 weeks before the due date Fourth as noted above your attendance and participation in discussion section are important components of this course Finally I reserve the right to make short assignments or quizzes during the semester 1 Assignments and Grading Midterm Exam Final Exam Writing Assignments Section 25 35 25 15 The and grading system is used for this course The T A s have primary responsibility for the grading of your exams and papers Should you wish to talk about an assignment or if you have a question about a particular grade please see your T A during their office hours If you are disputing a grade the course policy is that all grade inquiries must be made in writing no less than 24 hours and no more than 2 weeks after the exam or paper is returned to you In addition you must include the original exam or paper with your inquiry In the rare circumstance where a dispute is not resolved with the TA Dr Miler will review the disputed assignment or exam and will make the final decision in the resolution of the dispute Course Policies Academic Honesty I will not tolerate cheating or plagiarizing I expect you to work independently on your exams and to use proper citations in your written work The University standards for academic honesty apply in this class and academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to University policy Please consult the University of Maryland Code of Academic Integrity and the Student Honor Code to familiarize yourself with the University s policies http www president umd edu policies iii100a html Accommodation of Disabilities If you have any condition that requires accommodation in this course please contact the Disability Support Service office to obtain a letter of accommodation http www counseling umd edu DSS Late Assignments Exam Dates All exams must be taken on the designated day and all assignments must be turned in on time The only exceptions to this policy are serious illness and emergencies If you are in either of these situations please contact me before the exam or due date to discuss your situation Note that having other assignments exams on the same day or having computer trouble are not considered emergency situations There are no make up exams except in documented legitimate emergencies The date and time for the exams are listed in the syllabus and you should plan accordingly Please note that the new absence policy one sick absence without a health center note does not apply to days where we have scheduled exams or papers are due Professionalism Once class has begun please refrain from texting emailing talking on the phone and other similar activities until class is over In addition to being unprofessional and disrespectful these activities will result in a penalty in your grade Additionally computers are only allowed in class for note taking purposes I reserve the right to revoke permission for computers in the classroom if this policy is abused 2 Required Texts Bianco William and David Canon 2010 American Politics Today Full 2nd edition New York W W Norton Kollman Ken 2011 Readings in American Politics Analysis and Perspectives New York W W Norton Course Web Site The course web site can be found at https elms umd edu On the website you will find a copy of the syllabus links to certain readings related news articles and course announcements Please check the website at least twice a week Course Schedule Th 1 26 Welcome No readings Tu 1 31 Understanding American Politics Bianco and Canon Chapter 1 Th 2 2 The Constitution and the Founding Bianco and Canon Chapter 2 Tu 2 7 Federalism Bianco and Canon Chapter 3 Th 2 9 Public Opinion Political Socialization Bianco and Canon Chapter 5 Tu 2 14 Public Opinion Polling Bianco and Canon Chapter 5 cont Th 2 16 The Media Bianco and Canon Chapter 6 Tu 2 21 Political Parties Bianco and Canon Chapter 7 Th 2 23 Citizen Participation No

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UMD GVPT 170 - Syllabus

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