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APPENDIX 135Append : Emission Maix A sking (elmask.f) Fortran Program Code 12 wing six regions and the Gulf of TCAS, rest of texas, rest of domain. map file that delineates regions, fies masks for the following LE, PAR, TOL, XYL,FORM, ALD2, ETH, MEOH, , AERO. na McDonald-Buller and Beth Wittig date: 2/23/99 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 MREGIONS=7, MSOURCES=20000) names of texmap file, emissions input files, factor files, om USER.IN file ='eluserin.txt',status='OLD') (I,J),I=1,NUMICELL) ACTOR(FACTOR,NUMSPECIES,NUMREGIONS,REGFACT) C234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C Program: ELMASK.F m goal eads binary emissions files and C Progra : This program re folloC masks emissions in th, DFW, C Mexico:HGA, BPAC This program is used with a factor file that speciC and aC species: NO, NO2, OSO2, COC ETOH, ISOP, C age: Fortran C LanguC Programmers: Ele Last modificationC 2345678901234567890123456789C MAIN PROGRAM: C parameter (NUMICELL=95,NUMJCELL=83,NUMSPECIES=15,NU + NU real REGFACT(0:NUMREGIONS,NUMSPECIES) integer CELLREG(NUMICELL,NUMJCELL) character*75 INFILE,OUTFILE,FACTOR,DOMAINMAP Read total number of low-level files ot be processed, CC C and output files fr open(unit=10,file read(10,*) NUMFILES read(10,1000) DOMAINMAP open(unit=15,file=DOMAINMAP,status='OLD') do J=NUMJCELL,1,-1 read(15,500)(CELLREG 500 format(95I1) end do close(15) to read regional factors C Call subroutine READFACTOR C for each species. 000) FACTOR read(10,1DF CALL REA do I=1,NUMFILES read(10,1000) INFILE 00) OUTFILE read(10,10 136Appendix B: Sample CAMx Run Script AMx.in and run the model for the VICetc1 ysis: 1993 Episode odata/regional/input/commonin/1993" al/iodata/regional/input/met+bc/1993" al/iodata/regional/input/emiss/1993/93EI" L = "/fall/elliott/trading_cnobel/VICetc/emiss" all/elliott/trading_cnobel/VICetc/1993" 930905 ; set EPISODE = '930905-930911' ; set EI_YEAR = PE (VICc26r24 VICc27r24 VICc29r24 VICc30r23) (930905 930906 930907 930908 930909 930910 930911) options DD == $DAY_ONE) then START = "false" amv.930907.ptsrc.$RUN_TYPE" (job control file) D, Regional Domain /camx.$YYMMDD.$RUN_TYPE 1. #!/bin/csh # erate C# Script to genensitivity analsset verbose # # # Input/output parameters = "/usr/local/iset INPUTset INPUT_MET = "/usr/loc = "/usr/locset INPUT_EI NPUT_EI_Eset Iset OUTPUT = "/f ameters # Episode par_ONE = set DAY1993 TYforeach RUN_# # --- Loop through each modeling day # foreach YYMMDD @ YYMMDD0 = $YYMMDD - 1 echo $YYMMDD, $YYMMDD0 restart # Setif ($YYMM set RE set INIT = "$INPUT_MET/uamv_ic.$DAY_ONE.clean" set ELPO = "uamv.930905.ptsrc.$RUN_TYPE" else = "true" set RESTART set INIT "u set ELPO = ndif edate # --- Create the main input file## cat << -IEOF- > CAMx.in NLEV: $YYMMDCAMx TCAS 1993 Base Case -oot output name |$OUTPUTRStart time/date | 0. $YYMMDD YMMDD End time/date |2400. $YT:max,in,emis,out |0.5 1. 1.Dnx,ny,nz |95 83 8 140Appendix C: Create Ozone Productivity Database from CAMx se.f) Fortran Code Output (makedba C2345678901234567 Program: m8901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 akedbase.f put (.avrg) be used for ading optimization Language: Fortran McDonald-Buller and Carolyn Nobel 56789012 rameter (NCOL=95,NROW=83,NUMSPECIES=23,MAXFILES=11) al BEGT,ENDT,REFORX,REFORY,XLOC,YLOC ROW) DT, CONC(NCOL,NROW,24,MAXFILES) E .avrg file names serin.dbase.txt',status='OLD') E atabase file and name it as defined in the userin file through each .avrg file to read data for ozone CC Program goal: This program reads CAMx binary out creates an ascii data base that can C file(s) and emissions trCC C Programmers: ElenaC Last modification date: 10/7/99 C C234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 C MAIN PROGRAM: pa re real TEMP(NCOL,N real XSIZE,YSIZE,SHGT,MINSD,MIN integer FILETYPE(10),FILENAME(60),NAMESPE(10,NUMSPECIES) integer SPECIE(10), SPEC(NUMSPECIES) D,ENDD integer SEG,NUMSPE,BEG integer ZONE,NUMXCELL,NUMYCELL,NUMZCELL integer SD,DT,SEGX,SEGY,SCELLX, SCELLY integer FILENUM,IFLAG character*125 INFILE,OUTFIL C Unit 10: userin file C Unit 15: output database file Unit 25: CAMx .avrg file(s) C C Open and read userin file that contains total number of CAMx .avrg files to be processed, output file name and C open(10,file='u C read the number of CAMx .avrg files read(10,*) NUMFILES C read the name of the output database file TFIL read(10,500) OU500 format(a) n output dC Ope open(15,file=OUTFILE,type='UNKNOWN') C Loop 142and number of grids MAXGRIDS As Integer = 999, TOTGRIDS As s Integer = NDAYS * NHOURS idered high XPTS) As Double o MAXPTS) As Double, ptsrcID(1 To MAXPTS) As String * 9 (1 To NTIMES, 0 To MAXPTS) As Double , ngrids As Integer, gridID(1 To MAXGRIDS) As Integer S) As Date g m_d_yy" As Integer, iday As Integer Appendix D: NOx Trading Tool VBA Program Code'Author: Carolyn Nobel l" Const APPNAME = "TradingToo 'set data paths (for laptop) Const DATABASEPATH As String = "c:/database/" Const TEMPPATH As String = "c:/temp/" 'set maximum point sources Const MAXPTS As Integer = 55, Integer = 95 * 83 'set number of modeling days and hours Const NDAYS As Integer = 11, NHOURS = 24 Const NTIMES A el is cons'set threshold concentration at which ozone levConst Thres As Double = 85# 'Program outputs Dim NetDaily24(1 To NDAYS, 1 To MAXPTS) As Double Dim HighDaily24(1 To NDAYS, 1 To MAXPTS) As Double Dim NetDaily8(1 To NDAYS, 1 To MAXPTS) As Double Dim HighDaily8(1 To NDAYS, 1 To MAXPTS) As Double Dim NetChange(1 To NTIMES, 1 To MAXPTS) As Double Dim HighChange(1 To NTIMES, 1 To MAXPTS) As Double s 'Program input MADim NOx(1 Toim lable(1 TDDim Ozone Dim npts As Integer AYDim ModelDates(1 To NDDim Indices(1 To 4) As StrinDim ShName As String Dim wb As Workbook Const DateForm As String = " gTool() Public Sub Tradin 'Local Scratch Variables Integer, iChart Dim iTime As String, aa As String Dim a As 145156A r ptid.txt "Lable","NOx","Grid" 1, 44 c32,3,30.880310,LTMc41r54 4,18 12 2 5a,9 469 2 6,45 333 3 7,63 880 2 8,10 588 0 9,8. 374 r10,6 879 8 11,5 686 8 12,6 98 7 13a, 7 c 5014,1 2 2 0 15,3 8 2 4 16,3 3 3 5 17,4 0 3 3 18,5 4 9 19a, 95 c 3720,1 83 3 7 21,1 19 3 6 22a, 83 c 3523a, 76 1 0 24a, 05 c

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