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Math 230 Calculus and Vector Analysis Instructor Office Office Hours Phone Email Web Text Evaluation Dr Michelle Previte Benson 88 9 10am MWThF or by appointment Please note that I have very flexible Wednesdays and Thursdays So if you have class during the hours above please don t hesitate to talk with me about setting up another time when we can meet 898 6991 MichellePrevite psu edu http math bd psu edu faculty mprevite Calculus Early Transcendental Functions 5th Ed by Larson Hostetler and Edwards Course grades will be determined according to the following scale 93 100 90 92 9 87 89 9 83 86 9 80 82 9 77 79 9 70 76 9 60 69 9 below 60 A A B B B C C D F Your work will be weighted as follows Quizzes 10 Homework 10 Tests 3 tests worth 20 each 60 Final Exam 20 Quizzes Roughly three or four quizzes will be given Calculators A Texas Instruments graphing calculator which does not perform symbolic manipulations is required for this course eg Calculators such as the TI 89 and the TI 92 are not permitted Any other brand of graphing calculator which does not perform symbolic manipulations is also permissible but I may not be able to help you if you have trouble using it You will be allowed to use your calculator during the exams However be forewarned that I reset all of the calculators at the beginning of each exam So your favorite game or your Chem notes may be lost Plan accordingly Supplies There will be daily handouts in this class So it is essential that you keep them organized I suggest that you use a 2 binder to store all of your handouts exams and quizzes for this class Also please invest in a stapler I will not accept homework that is not stapled Make ups There will be no make up quizzes or exams In the case of a missed exam due to a documented University accepted excuse the final exam will weigh 40 and the tests will weigh 40 2 tests worth 20 each Tutoring Tutoring is available in the Math Lab located on the second floor of the Science Complex and in the Learning Resource Center which is located on the second floor of the library You can find more information about the Learning Resource Center s tutoring program at http pennstatebehrend psu edu academic lrc tutor htm Please use these services as well as my office hours at any time that you are having difficulty with a topic or a problem Don t Wait Conduct In order to maintain an excellent working environment students are expected to be respectful and courteous to each other and yours truly Please refer to the second page of the document http www pserie psu edu faculty council facultyrights pdf for a description of office and classroom etiquette Homework The main tool for you to make and evaluate your progress in this course will be your homework Therefore I encourage you to take it very seriously Homework will be regularly assigned from the book and selected problems will be submitted weekly for grading Although only a subset of the assigned homework will count towards your grade you are are expected to solve every problem correctly write up your solutions clearly and complete the assignment by the following class period If you are unsure of how to do a problem correctly you may come to my office or you may ask during the regular question time at the beginning of class 1 Homework will be due in class on Thursday It will cover material up through the previous Monday s lecture 2 Late homework will not be accepted In the event of a documented University accepted excuse the missed assignment will be dropped 3 I encourage you to work with other students on the homework assignments and talk about mathematics as much as possible Get a study group together now and meet often 4 Points for Homework a Each graded homework problem will be worth 10 points b Your score on each assignment will be the percentage of possible points that you earned So every assignment is worth 0 100 regardless of the total number of points possible for the assignment 5 Rules for Homework a Homework must be complete neatly written and clearly presented No spiral notebook paper b Rewrite or summarize each problem c The grader must be able to follow your work and have room to comment on each problem d Write in complete sentences which are geared towards your fellow student Do not rely on the expertise of the reader The grader will take everything you say literally e When computing indicate what your calculations are trying to accomplish f When proving a statement lead the reader carefully through the logical argument g Although I keep saying that you should be working together and you should what you hand in to be graded should be your own work I suggest that after discussing the homework with your study group you isolate yourself from them to write it up I absolutely will not tolerate any plagiarism If I even slightly suspect academic dishonesty I will hand over any evidence I have to the Academic Integrity Committee and let them deal with you This is not personal It is for your protection and mine If you are unsure about Penn State s academic integrity policy please see http www pserie psu edu faculty academics integrity htm If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism please see http tlt its psu edu suggestions cyberplag cyberplagstudent html

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PSU MATH 230 - Calculus and Vector Analysis

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