GVPT 170H Introduction to American Government for Honors Spring 2004 Tawes 2212 Tuesdays 2 00 4 45 PM J Celeste Lay Office 5127 Tydings Hall Office Phone 405 4983 Office Hours Thursday 10 12 and by appointment Email clay gvpt umd edu This course is an introduction to the principles and processes of American government We will look at the theories that are at the foundation of our system the institutions of government the governmental process and electoral system as well as trends in American politics The class is heavily tilted toward public policy issues and students will consistently be asked to share their informed opinions and ideas through writing assignments and class presentations Students are expected to come to class on time and fully prepared to participate I will lecture for the first part of each class and the second half of class will include student presentations and discussion of the assigned readings I agree to come to class prepared and on time and to be as clear as possible about the expectations for each assignment I will also be accessible to you outside of class to answer questions or to discuss the class materials Required Materials Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed On Not Getting By in America Owl Books 2002 John Howard Griffin Black Like Me Signet 1996 1962 William Hudson American Democracy in Peril Eight Challenges to America s Future Chatham House 2003 Compiled by J Celeste Lay Choices An American Government Reader Pearson Custom Publishing 2003 William L Riordon Plunkitt of Tammany Hall A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics Signet 1995 1963 In addition each student needs access to the web regular use of an email account and will need to read a national newspaper in order to discuss current events Attendance and Participation Class attendance is mandatory Given the class meets only once a week missing one class included missing a lot of material For every two unexcused absences your grade will be dropped by one letter grade I expect that you will come to class on time and fully prepared to participate in the day s discussion 1 Assignments and Exams Tests and Quizzes There is a midterm and a final The final is cumulative Both exams will be a combination of objective questions short answers and essays I will give a few pop quizzes throughout the semester Assignments Current Issue Paper and Presentation Rolling Due Dates Students will be assigned a role and a position on a current public policy issue in American politics see attached sheet You will write a 2 3 page memo in which you will represent your role and detail your position on the issue You do not need to agree with the position you are assigned you are merely representing a role Papers should be well written and concise and give persuasive details and facts that could be used in an official capacity as a press release or a campaign statement for example The memo MUST be original work but you should use outside references and you MUST cite them appropriately This includes material from the Internet cutting and pasting from the web is NOT acceptable Opposing students will debate in class and the entire class will discuss the issues as they relate to the class material for the day I will assign the dates of presentations Each student will give a short opening statement and will be given the opportunity to ask and answer questions of their opponent as well as give a closing statement Papers are due on the same day as your presentation and those due at the end of the semester will be graded more carefully as there is much more time to do your research Brown v Board of Education Events Due by May 4 at latest May 2004 marks the 50th anniversary of the Brown decision There are several on campus events surrounding this anniversary and students will be required to attend a minimum of 2 events and write short papers 2 3 pages about each I will give you a complete listing of the events Papers should summarize the details of the event who spoke what did he she say and your thoughts about the topic addressed You should turn in your papers as you complete them ideally just after you attend the event but all papers are due by May 4 at the latest Final Paper Due by May 11 The final paper is a research design Students will write a 6 8 page paper in which they will design a research project like the ones they will read about in the Griffin and Ehrenreich books In these books the authors conduct projects in which they become one of the subjects that they are studying You should choose a public policy issue or a group that you would like to study and then describe a why you chose this group or issue b what the public policy ramifications are or could be of your study and c how you would design the project By midterm March 16 you should email me or see me about your idea to make sure your chosen group or issue is appropriate although as long as there are significant policy implications of your research almost any group or issue is within bounds All papers should be typed double spaced in 12 pt Times New Roman font with 1 margins all around 2 Missed Exams Late Paper Policy If you miss a test or quiz you will need an official university excuse in order to make it up If you know ahead of time that you will miss something you must notify me before the assignment There are NO exceptions WARNING Make up exams are more difficult than the original and are given at my convenience Late papers will be accepted but will be penalized by one letter grade per day which begins immediately after class on the day the paper is due I will not accept e mailed papers Important Dates and Grade Calculation Class Begins January 26 Midterm March 16 20 Contact me about Final Paper Topic March 16 No Class Spring Break March 23 Brown papers due May 4 at the latest 10 Final Paper Due May 11 20 Issue Presentation and Paper 10 Final Exam Date TBA 30 Participation Quizzes 10 Special Circumstances If you have any kind of special circumstances such as a learning disability illness or handicap or if you are involved with a university activity that requires you to miss class regularly let me know as soon as possible All students attending the University of Maryland with documented disabilities are eligible and encouraged to register for services with Disability Support Services Academic Dishonesty If you are found to have cheated or plagiarized any portion of a paper or test you will fail the course and I will be forced to turn the
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