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EDHD 320 Human Development Through the Life Span Fall 2007 Section 0901 Tues Thurs 9 30 p m 10 45 p m in room EDU 0114 Instructor Angel HaYoung Kim Office 3304 Benjamin Building University of Maryland College Park Department of Human Development Phone 301 405 5194 Email angelkim umd edu Office Hours Tues Thurs 10 45 p m 11 45 p m or by appointment Course Orientation This course will cover central concepts related to parameters of human development individual and social which arise throughout the lifespan Continuity and change within the developing individual will be examined Course Objectives Through this course students will understand theories pertaining to human development demonstrate knowledge of the developmental domains including physical cognitive social and emotional and attain knowledge about how family peers environment and culture influence and are influenced by individual development Required Readings Berk L E 2007 Exploring lifespan development 1st ed Boston Pearson Education Inc ISBN 0 205 52268 8 In addition handouts will be distributed in class throughout the semester which students will be responsible for reading Course Requirements Four non cumulative exams including the final exam 40 points each Exams will consist of multiple choice and short answer questions Students will be tested on material from the assigned readings and material presented discussed during class While the exams are non cumulative the theories from Unit 1 may be continually applied and discussed throughout the entire semester Exams will be held on the following dates Exam 1 September 25 Exam 2 October 18 Exam 3 November 15 Exam 4 December 14 Four mini projects 20 points each Students will be required to complete four mini projects assigned to help integrate the knowledge attained in readings and class lectures discussions Specific requirements for these papers will be provided on a separate handout All writing should be typed 12 point font and double spaced ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Mini projects will be due on the following dates Mini Project 1 Mini Project 2 Mini Project 3 Mini Project 4 September 18 October 23 November 6 December 6 Participation Points 10 points total Students will be awarded points for in class activities and assignments These points cannot be made up and must be completed in class unless there is a Universityapproved excuse or written documentation where appropriate Extra Credit Opportunities Throughout the semester the instructor will give extra credit pop quizzes Quizzes will be based on class readings and discussions In order to perform well on these quizzes it is important that you read the assigned chapters handouts prior to the class in which we will be discussing them There will be no makeups allowed No points will be deducted from your grade for wrong answers these quizzes can only help you Make up Exams Late Work Policy Any written assignments will be collected at the beginning of class and will not be accepted late without proper documentation where appropriate Make up exams will also be given only for Universityapproved excused absences with written documentation where appropriate Academic Integrity The University of Maryland College Park Code of Academic Integrity is outlined on the web http www inform umd edu campusInfo Departments JPO It is assumed that all students are familiar with the University s definitions of cheating fabrication facilitation of academic dishonesty and plagiarism Any instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be brought the attention of the University Honor Council Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities will be arranged for students who provide written documentation of disability from the Disability Support Services Students are required to inform the instructor of any accommodations necessary during the first week of classes Policy on Religious Observances Students will not be penalized for missing exams or assignments due to religious observances To adhere with the UMD s policy arrangements will be made for students who provide advanced notice of absences due to religious observances Additional Guidelines Expectations 1 Please come to class prepared to learn Students are expected to keep an open mind and contribute in classroom activities and discussions 2 Please show up and be on time 3 Please be respectful of other s opinions and viewpoints Final Grades A 239 250 A 232 238 A 224 231 B 214 223 B 207 213 B 199 206 C 189 198 C 182 188 C 174 181 D 164 173 D 157 163 D 149 156 F 148 Course Syllabus Thursday August 30 Intro to Course Review of Syllabus Unit 1 Theory and Research in Human Development Tuesday September 4 Intro to Lifespan Development perspective Importance characteristics and basic theories Chapter 1 Thursday September 6 Research in Life Span Development Chapter 1 continued Unit 2 Foundations of Development Tuesday September 11 Biological Beginnings Chapter 2 Thursday September 13 Prenatal development and birth Chapter 3 Tuesday September 18 Mini Project 1 Due Childbirth video Thursday September 20 Review of Chapter 1 3 Tuesday September 25 EXAM 1 Unit 3 Infancy and Toddlerhood The First Two Years Thursday September 27 Physical Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood Chapter 4 Tuesday October 2 Cognitive Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood Chapter 5 Thursday October 4 Emotional and Social Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood Chapter 6 Unit 4 Early Childhood Two to Six Years Tuesday October 9 Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Chapter 7 Thursday October 11 Emotional and Social Development in Early Childhood Chapter 8 Tuesday October 16 Review of Chapters 4 8 Thursday October 18 EXAM 2 Unit 5 Middle Childhood Six to Eleven Years Tuesday October 23 Mini Project 2 Due Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Chapter 9 Thursday October 25 Emotional and Social Development in Middle Childhood Chapter 10 Unit 6 The Transition to Adulthood Tuesday October 30 Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence Chapter 11 Thursday November 1 Emotional and Social Development in Adolescence Chapter 12 Unit 7 Early Adulthood Tuesday November 6 Mini Project 3 Due Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Adulthood Chapter 13 Thursday November 8 Emotional and Social Development in Early Adulthood Chapter 14 Tuesday November 13 Review of Chapter 9 14 Thursday November 15 EXAM 3 Unit 8 Middle

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