UMD EDHD 320 - Syllabus

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EDHD 320 Human Development Through the Life Span Section 0601 Mon Wed 2 00 3 15pm Rm 3111 Cole Fall 2007 Instructor Allison Buskirk Cohen Email abuskirk gmail com Office 3304 Benjamin Bldg Phone 301 314 2670 Office Hours Mondays 1 00 2 00pm or by appointment Course Description This course will cover central concepts related to parameters of human development individual and social which arise throughout the lifespan Continuity and change within the developing individual will be examined Course Objectives Through this course students will 1 gain knowledge of the physical cognitive social and emotional developmental domains 2 express themselves effectively and appropriately using the language of the discipline and 3 link theory research and application of material to settings outside the classroom Required Text Berk L E 2008 Exploring Lifespan Development Boston Allyn Bacon ISBN 0 205 57223 5 In addition handouts will be distributed in class throughout the semester which students will be responsible for reading Read the assigned chapters handouts PRIOR to the class in which we will be discussing that information so that you can participate in class discussions and activities Course Requirements 1 Examinations There will be three non cumulative exams Exams will consist of multiple choice true false and short answer essay questions covering course material from lectures readings and class discussions The first exam will be worth 40 points and the second and third exams will be worth 50 points each 2 Discussion Papers There will be three discussion papers due throughout the semester Students will write a 2 3 page paper responding to a specified question using course material to support their position More detailed information regarding these assignments will be distributed in class prior to their due dates a Draft You are responsible for bringing a working version of your paper to class for peer editing This version should fulfill all the requirements of the specific assignment The instructor will swap papers so that each student edits another student s paper for content and style Completing this editing process is worth 5 points each b Final version The final version of your paper should incorporate changes your peer editor suggested Please be sure that the paper follows the guidelines below EDHD 320 Fall 2007 Buskirk Cohen and is appropriate to an upper level course Each final version is worth a total of 20 points 3 Class Activities Throughout the semester students will complete in class activities to enhance their learning experience Completion of these activities is worth a total of 35 points Format for Papers Papers must have 1 inch margins 12 point Times New Roman font and be doublespaced Points will be deducted if these instructions are not met When grading papers the instructor will look for integration of course information with your own original thoughts and ideas Grading will be based also on clarity and cohesiveness Papers should be proofread for spelling and grammatical errors or points will be deducted Take advantage of the Writing Center on campus to improve your writing skills You must cite all reference sources If a thought is not your own you must cite the source Grading System Exam 1 40 points Exam 2 50 points Exam 3 50 points Drafts of Papers 15 points Final Versions of Papers 60 points Class Activities 35 points TOTAL Possible Points 250 points Final grades will be assigned on the following accumulated point basis A 239 250 A 232 238 A 224 231 B 214 223 B 207 213 B 199 206 C 189 198 C 182 188 C 174 181 D 164 173 D 157 163 D 149 156 F 148 and below Class Policies Students with Disabilities Accommodations will be made for any student with a documented disability from UMD Disability Support Services A copy of the accommodation form from DSS must be given to the instructor by September 19th Religious Observation No exams or assignments are scheduled to be due on religious holidays that are recognized by the University Students who have religious obligations not recognized by the University must make arrangements to speak with the instructor well in advance of any conflict with the course Late Assignment Policy Papers will be collected at the beginning of class on the assigned due date With the exception of extreme documented circumstances that have been approved by the instructor late papers will not be accepted I do not accept email submissions unless previous arrangements have been made Make up exams will be considered by the instructor if the student contacts the instructor prior to the start of the exam with the reason for the absence and also provides some form of written documentation that serves as an excusable absence per the Undergraduate Catalog p 33 If granted a make up exam must be taken within one week of the original exam date Extreme EDHD 320 Fall 2007 Buskirk Cohen circumstances as defined in the Undergraduate Catalog e g death of a family member hospitalization etc will be considered on an individual basis Classroom Climate Mutual respect is expected from students and the instructor and will govern all classroom interactions Please refer to the Undergraduate Catalogue for a more detailed description of appropriate classroom climate Class Attendance Students are expected to attend and participate in all classes Any material presented in lecture in the text or in handouts may be on exams Any adjustments to the course schedule will be announced in class Academic Integrity The University of Maryland College Park has a nationally recognized Code of Academic Integrity administered by the Student Honor Council This Code sets standards for academic integrity at Maryland for all undergraduate and graduate students As a student you are responsible for upholding these standards for this course It is very important for you to be aware of the consequences of cheating fabrication facilitation and plagiarism For more information on the Code of Academic Integrity or the Student Honor Council please visit http www studenthonorcouncil umd edu whatis html If you miss a class you should ask a classmate for notes Only contact the instructor regarding questions about the notes Please use the following space to collect the names phone numbers and email addresses of two classmates Name Phone Email Name Phone Email EDHD 320 Fall 2007 Buskirk Cohen Class Schedule Fall 2007 This schedule is subject to modifications which will be announced in class Please check with the

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UMD EDHD 320 - Syllabus

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