UGA BCMB 8020 - 2003examIII

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BCMB 8020 Exam III Dr Schmidt Lectures 5 16 Name March 4 2003 1 Lipids can be classified into two broad groups List them 2 points 2 Draw the general structure i e a cartoon of a generic membrane phospholipid AND identify the key parts of the structure 4 points 3 Which molecule larger than an atom is used as a precursor in the synthesis of all lipids 1 point 4 Which nucleotide triphosphate NTP is required for glycerophospholipid synthesis AND which of the NTP phosphate groups is specifically incorporated into the lipid 2 points 5 List the lipid s that specifically incoporate phosphatidic acid 2 points 6 Identify the predicted membrane spans in the following Kyte and Doolittle hydropathy plot using shading and numerical identifiers I II etc AND depict the possible topology topologies for this protein 4 points 2 2 1 1 K D index 0 0 1 1 2 2 50 100 150 amino acid position 7 What are the features of the targeting signal that directs a protein to the general Secdependent secretion system in prokaryotic organisms Describe OR depict with descriptive labels 4 points BCMB 8020 Exam III Name 8 List the different types of protein lipidation AND indicate whether they are typically found on intracellular or extracellular molecules 5 points 9 List the amino acids that can be modified by phosphorylation 4 points 10 List factors as defined in lecture than can influence proteolytic mechanisms 3 points 11 Provide examples of TWO protein protein interaction domains AND define the motif that they interact with 3 points 12 List the four basic principles of signal transduction as defined in lecture 4 points 13 Describe the role s of the basic components modules of a GPCR signal transduction system 6 points 14 Draw Depict in cartoon fashion the general structural features of ABC proteins use descriptive labels 3 points 2 BCMB 8020 Exam III Name 15 Label each blank to indicate whether the term is typically indicative of a Channel C Active Transporter T or Both B 4 points Continuous pore Easily saturable Energetically uphill transport Energetically downhill transport ATP requiring Fast relative to passive diffusion Cargo specific Facilitated 16 Briefly compare AND contrast the properties of aquaporin and OmpF porin channels in terms of A secondary structure B quaternary structure C pore location and D pore selectivity 8 points 17 Briefly describe the biophysical properties that make fluorochromes a good FRET pair 6 points 18 What is the basis for the differential effects of TPCK and TLCK on Chymotrypsin and Trypsin 4 points 19 The farnesyltransferase FTase and geranylgeranyltransfersase I GGTaseI share a common subunit and have distinct subunits The FTase subunit can bind both farnesyl bisphosphate Fpp and geranygeranyl bisphosphate GGpp but only Fpp is efficiently utilized as a substrate Briefly describe why this is the case 3 points 3 BCMB 8020 Exam III Name 20 Vibrio cholerae is responsible for cholera a diarrheal type of disease The causative agent is a toxin that is produced by this organism The toxin exerts its effect on intestinal epithelial cells Briefly describe 10 points total A the mechanism used by cholera toxin for secretion from Vibrio cholerae 3 points B the mechanism used for uptake and dispersion of the toxin in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells 4 points C the target s of the toxin and the immediate cellular effect s 3 points 21 You have isolated a new compound that is an inhibitor of the HIV aspartyl protease You have obtained kinetic data on the inhibitory nature of your compound that is represented in the Lineweaver Burke plot shown Set A data was obtained by measuring the velocity rate of proteolytic activity in the presence of varying substrate concentrations Set B data was obtained as in A but included the antiviral compound in the reactions 5 points total 1 0 A What type of inhibition is occurring 1 point Set A B Your compound is likely a mimic of what 2 points C Your compound has a single hydroxyl group When your compound is synthesized as an ester derivative it is more effective on infected intact cells Why is this likely to be the case 2 points 1 Velocity 0 8 Set B 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 1 S 4 BCMB 8020 Exam III Name 22 You have a sample preparation containing both P and V type ATPases The combined activity of both ATPases contributes to the measured activity of the total sample as determined by a colorimetric assay that can detect Pi release How could you use the same type of assay to simply determine the relative contribution of each enzymatic activity 4 points 23 You obtained the following data from a protease protection experiment that was designed to determine the topology of a peroxisomal membrane protein that you are studying called unknown in the diagram Draw the simplest topology that is supported by the data 2 points Site of reporter TX 100 Prot K N term C term Unknown peroxisomal matrix protein 24 List the key events required for vesicular fusion as described in the lecture notes 5 points 25 List AND briefly describe TWO biochemical methods that could be used to evaluate whether a protein is part of an enzymatic complex 2 points 5 BCMB 8020 Exam III Name Extra Point Questions 5 points total Note that the maximum exam score is 100 1 What is the byproduct of the condensation reaction carried out by the fatty acid synthase 1 point 2 Relate one piece of experimental evidence that supports either the pore or proximity model for vesicular fusion 2 points 3 Describe the role of regulated intramembrane proteolysis in the maturation of a transcription factor 2 points 6

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UGA BCMB 8020 - 2003examIII

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