BCOM 3360 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 6 9 Lecture 6 September 29 Chapter 6 pg 163 164 revising for conciseness and long leadins Revising is improving content and sentence structure Proofreading is correcting grammar smelling ect Evaluating is analyzing message for meaning Concise messages easier to read and understand Eliminate flabby expressions ex as a general rule feel free to in the near future ect Limit long lead ins 166 fillers and redundancies Fillers are there are there was and it was ect Redundancies are absolutely essential big in size exactly identical true facts ect 167 purging words and revising for clarity In the case of the instance of of the fact that is successful which was ect 168 trite business phrases As per your request enclosed please find in receipt of thank you in advance with reference to ect 169 cliches and verbs Below the belt easier said than done fill the bill good to go ect 170 controlling exuberance Exuberant words are like very definitely quite completely extremely really actually and totally 170 171 readability Employ white space by using headings bullets lists and margins short sentences and fewer words Understand margins and text alignment Choose appropriate typefaces by using serif in the body sans serif for headings and other fonts for other feelings Capitalize of type fonts and sizes by using boldface for headings subheadings and important works or phrases don t use all caps for long sentences but instead use boldface italics or underline use generally 10 to 12 point font size for body test Numbering and bulleting lists for quick comprehension because numbered lists represent a sequence or numbering system bulleted lists highlights items with no real chronology capitalize first word on each line add end punctuation if listed items are complete sentences make all likes consistent like starting with a verb 172 proofreading 173 Watch for spelling grammar punctuation names and numbers and format 174 175 to plugin section Proofread by reading from a printed copy is safer Proofread complex documents by printing a copy and look after a day take your time to proofread expect to find errors read message at least twice reduce reading speed get a buddy to help use proofreading marks Plugin use spell checking grammar and style checking settings on the computer to help better proofread and write great messages 177 checklist Proofreading revising and evaluating eliminate flabby expressions avoid openin fillers and long lead ins shun redundancies tighten writing keep message simple avoid trite business phrases don t use clich s or slang unbury verbs control exuberance improve readability through document design proofread for correctness and evaluate your final product Lecture 7 October 8 Chapter 7 189 communicating with paper based messages Business letters is best channel when permanent record confidentiality sensitivity and formality are needed and when you need to be persuasive Interoffice memos are to convey confidential info emphasize ideas introduce long documents or lend importance to a message Memos can explain procedures or policies 189 electronic messages to 190 Electronic mail is channel of choice and best for short messages but bad for long sensitive or confidential info Instant messaging is more immediate and interactive usefull for online back and forth conversations creates permanent record Text messaging is for sending very short messages with phones Podcasts is a digital media file over the internet also called webcasts or netcasts and are good for improving customer relations marketing training product launches and viral marketing Wikis are websites that multiple users can collaborate information on and can change content Social networking is one of the most popular uses of the internet allows people to collaborate 191 analyzing email Generally has subject line opening body and closing Subject line is informative summarizes main idea and gives message identification for filing Opening by revealing the main idea quickly direct opening 192 body and closing Body is more information that explains and discusses subject Use lists headings and tables ect for data Closing is with action information dates deadlines or a summary of the message or a closing thought Diff in direct and indirect opening how to apply email formats 192 193 Direct opening is the mail idea in the beginning indirect is main idea in the middle Apply email formats using guidewords greetings a body and a complimentary closing and signature block 194 guffy applications Prewriting email to solicit feedback to a subordinate and for a direct approach with a positive professional tone Writing is for collecting secondary info begins with main idea following explanations and questions and ending with dates and preparing first draft Revising is rewriting questions to ensure readability decide on punctuation and evaluate intention of message Checklist 195 Professional email Subject line summarizes central idea includes labels if needed avoids empty or dangerous words Opening states purpose for writing highlights questions supplies information directly Body explains details enhances readability applies document designs and is cautious Closing requests actions provides a goodwill statement or a closing thought and avoids clich ending 196 197 email best practices Try composing offline get the address right avoid misleading subject lines apply the top of screen test be concise don t use email to avoid contact care about correctness care about tone resist humor and sarcasm limit any tendency to send blanket copies never send spam use capital letters only for emphasis don t forward without permission and beware of long threads use attachments sparingly scan all messages before replying print only when needed acknowledge receipt don t automatically return sender s message revise the subject line it topic changes give clear and complete first sentence never respond when angry don t use company computers for personal matters assume all emails are monitored design messages effectively consider cultural differences double check before sending 197 IM and texting IM is on the internet typically with email providers between two computers online Texting is between cell phones 203 professional blogs to 204 Blogs are websites with journal entries written by one or a few people Readers leave feedback Used to keep customers and employees informed and to interact with them Companies use blogs
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