MANA 2302 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 13 22 Week 5 September 24th October 1st Oral Presentations For direct plan presentations you should make sure Main point is right up front Your opening Should lead into the body of your presentation by previewing your content Your conclusion Summarize the main points of your presentation Memorizing the first or last section of a presentation is often Effective The first 90 seconds of a presentation are critical because The audience is looking for clues about you and your topic in your o Posture o Gestures o Voice qualities When choosing an organizational plan You must make sure the audience knows from the beginning where you are going and are able to follow you easily through the presentation Including video in a presentation is a good way to Engage the audience Illustrate a point Make an emotional appeal As a speaker you can Emphasize important points with periodic pauses Unless your presentation is complex or informal Save any questions and answer period until the end Multiple Choice Chapter 11 1 Which of the following are typical types of most business presentations Explaining Motivating Reporting Persuading 2 A presentation in which sales representatives receive up to date information on new products has the purpose of Reporting 3 When you plan an oral presentation you should do all of the following Understand you audience needs and knowledge define your purpose decide on the timing and decide on the delivery method 4 When planning the opening of your presentation your aim is to do all of the following Capture audience interest Build rapport with your listeners Make a good first impression Introduce the topic 5 A presentation that first mentions unsafe working conditions and how unsafe conditions contribute to High employee turnover followed by suggested remedies follows the cause effect solution 6 When you know that a proposal you re presenting has several negative aspects Should wait to discuss these points if questions about them arise 7 All of the following will help achieve coherence in a team presentation using a presentation template so visual aids look consistent deciding beforehand on the best tone format and organization deciding in advance how to refer to your visual aids as charts slides or overheads or with some other word planning how the team will handle questions from the audience 8 All of the following will help achieve coherence in a team presentation Deciding tone format organization and visuals What to wear how to handle questions transitions One person proof read it 9 When rehearsing a team presentation you should Practice with visuals as if you were doing it for real Coordinate introductions transitions and positioning Discuss how to handle questions 10 The goal of using visual aids is to Help the audience follow the presentation and stay interested 11 What guideline should you follow when preparing handouts for an audience Provided space for note taking Content and purpose of your handout determine when it should be distributed 12 While rehearsing your presentation practice Your tone Clarity Hand gestures Focus How you look when presenting to audience 13 One reason to know your presentation well before you face the audience is so that you can So you can build extemporaneous and rapport 14 A good way to minimize your anxiety about giving a presentation is to Practice Develop a positive attitude Concentrate on friendly faces 15 Online presentations may be challenging in what ways People may lose attention quicker Technological failures Summary Plan a presentation To plan a presentation determine the purpose analyze the audience and plan the delivery method Most business presentations are impromptu and extemporaneous rather than scripted or memorized Organize a presentation Organizing the presentation requires developing an effective opening developing each point logically in the middle and closing on a strong confident note Use your opening remarks to capture the interest of your audience and build rapport In the body choose a logical sequence and deal effectively with any negative information At the end summarize your main points and outline the next steps At any point in your presentation you may use humor if it is appropriate to the situation Plan a team and online presentation When making a team presentation allow enough time to prepare assign responsibili ties and rehearse sufficiently to ensure that the overall presentation has coherence and unity When giving an online presentation keep the audience engaged be proficient with the technology and have a backup plan in case the technology fails Develop effective visual support Visuals complement your presentation and help the audience understand your mes sage When creating presentation slides present your main points clearly make your presentation easy to follow choose an attractive design replace text with graphics and numbers with charts and write simply and clearly Practice using your visuals until you can deliver your presentation seamlessly Videos and handouts also can complement your presentation Use these supple ments to further enhance your oral delivery Practice and deliver a presentation Practice your presentation as much as necessary Use an extemporaneous delivery style an enhanced conversational tone Use appropriate hand and arm gestures but avoid annoying and distracting mannerisms and gestures When delivering your presentation dress appropriately speak in a clear and confident manner and maintain eye contact with the audience If needed follow the recommend ed techniques for dealing with speech anxiety Plan answers to possible questions and determine beforehand when you will take questions Week 6 October 3rd October 6th Revising your Writing When you write to someone higher in your organization You usually present your main idea in the first paragraph When communicating with subordinates You should encourage collaboration and corporate ownership of your proposal You should criticize the action not the person When writing a message to say something negative to a subordinate If your reader is likely to reject the proposal Provide external evidence and several examples to support your position When you personalize the content of a message You make the reader feel important People often delete or read email based on The subject line alone Every business communication contains An element of persuasion When preparing a rough draft you should
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