VCU ANTH 103 - art his

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Powerpoint to study Cycladic Figure of a Woman c 2500 2200 BCE marble mostly women simple abstract speculation of religious or political power Minoan Reconstruction of the palace complex at Knossos Crete c 1900 1375 BCE Minoan Bull Leaping from Knossos c 14501375 BCE fresco Unsure what the bull is Buon fresco fresco secco Bon Fresco Secco Painting on wet last longer Fressco seco Dry Plaster less secure Minoan Flotilla Fresco from Akrotiri Thera c 1650 fresco Image to celebrate the sea Mycenaean Lion Gate c 1250 BCE limestone relief Dolmen relieving arch Lions used with kings and royalty Mycenaean Tholos or the Treasury of Atreus Mycenae c 1300 1200 BCE Mycenaean Vapheio Cup c 1650 1450 gold probably made by Minoan artists Bulls symbol of power Trying to gain or maintain power Olive sacredness and divinity Geometric Period c 900 700 BCE Orientalizing Period c 700 600 BCE Geometric Man and Centaur c 750 BCE bronze Concerned with mind fighting body Funerary Vase Krator from the Dipylon Cemetery Athens c 750 700 BCE Geometric period terra cotta Slip libations Remember geometric shapes Archaic Period SLIGHT SMILES Less time painting shapes more paiting stories Archaic Temple of Hera I Paestrum Italy c 550 BCE Doric Style Remember Doric Because its Older Archaic Dying Warrior from the East pediment of the Temple of Aphaia c 490 BCE marble Remember the SLIGHT smile in Archaic Archaic Anavysos Kouros c 530 BCE Marble Krisios SLIGHT SMILE Archaic Early works towards naturalism Dieties but unknown purpose Attendance to dead Archaic Peplos Kore c 530 BCE marble Encaustic Standard of Human Beauty Attendace to gods Mixing Paint with melted wax Archaic Achilles and Ajax Playing a Game c 540 BCE black figure ware Ajax Kills Himself The Classical Period Early High and Late Ca 490 323 BCE The Early Classical Severe Style Ca 480 450 BCE Early Classical The Kritian Boy c 480 BCE marble Contrapposto Standing with one leg bent Early Classical Warrior A Riace Warrior c 460 450 BCE bronze Monument represents defeat of persians Review on Smarthistory org The High Classical Period Ca 450 400 BCE High Classical Polykleitos Doryphoros 450 40 BCE marble contrappasto Naturalistic perfection High Classical Kalikrates and Iktinos The Parthenon the Acropolis Athens Greece c 447 438 BCE entasis Athena Parthenos The Late Classical Period Ca 400 323 BCE Athens Sparta Late Classical Praxiteles Aphrodite of Knidos c 350 BCE marble Roman copy Venus pudica pose Alexander the Great Confronts Darius III at the Battle of Issos copy of wall painting from Ca 310 BCE Hellenistic original painted by Philoxenos of Eretria Dramatic take over of perisans Roman copy Macedonia The Hellenistic Period Ca 323 30 BCE Hellenistic Altar from Pergamon Reconstruction modern Turkey ca 166 159 BCE marble Pergamene Style Ionic colonnade Hellenistic Nike Victory of Samothrace c 190 BCE Marble Sea Breeze Blowing naturalistic but more vivid

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VCU ANTH 103 - art his

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